Team:DTU-Denmark/Biobrick Tutorial

BioBrick Tutorial 2017

On Friday of the second weekend of March (9th-11th of March) the DTU BioBuilders stood in anticipation for the first arrival of the invited Nordic iGEM teams.

The following teams marked their presence:
  - Norway: Universitetet i Oslo (UiO)
  - Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology
  - Denmark: University of Copenhagen (KU) and University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Counting 44 people in total made this year’s BioBrick tutorial the most attended to date.

Photo of participants

The purpose of the BioBrick tutorial is to demonstrate the modularity and versatility of the BioBricks beyond a theoretical level, to socialize and initiate a foundation for further collaboration and to lower the distance between the registry and the members of the respective teams - from teams to start exploring the registry. And to get a clearer idea of the concepts of “Digestion”, “Ligation”, “transformation” and “plate spreading” keeping in mind that the members of the teams have different academic backgrounds and are enrolled in various programs.

Thus, the bulk of the weekend (Saturday) was spent getting hand-on experience with the 3A assembly. This was achieved in the form of a laboratory exercise, where different genetical parts were combined by small teams of four. We achieved this by combining the BioBrick plasmid backbone (pSB1C3) with a purple-blue chromoproteins (RBS-amilCP) under control of a constitutive promoter.
To view the protocol, click here.

Plate example

Small lectures was interspersed in between incubation times. Lectures were prepared by us, the team form KU and by invited speakers. These lectures covered technical topics such as cloning techniques: Golden gate and USER cloning, a lecture contributed the supervisors of the iGEM-Copenhagen team - a runthrough of the registry and interactive sessions on communicating science effectively to an audience of peers. A full overview of the interesting events can be found on the bottom of this page.

On Sunday, we arranged for a panel of iGEM alumni and our supervisor Chris Workman to take and answer questions that the teams had. Questions covered topics on funding- and PR activities, judging criterias and team dynamics. This was followed by an activity encouraging ideation in the form of an exercise, where the teams built a bridge between a gap of the tables after brief deliberation among themselves on the design features and load requirements.

We had fun doing this and are handing the baton to the next year’s DTU BioBuilders team to make the Biobrick tutorial 2018, at least as successful as it was this year.

Overview of the Tutorial

Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning - Lecture 2: "3A assembly"
Lab: Digestion of Biobricks
Lab: Evaluating results
Noon - Lunch
Lab: Heat activation & ligation
Panel discussion
Afternoon Arrival of teams Lecture 3: "Golden Gate and USER Cloning"
Lab: Transformation
Lecture 4: "Anatomy of the elevator pitch"
Pitching exercise
Lecture 6: "Prototyping"
Bridgebuilding: Build your own prototype
Wrap up and evaluation
Evening Introduction and safety tour of the laboratories
Lecture 1: "What is a BioBrick and the Registry"
Dinner and socializing
Lecture 5: "Communicate your message"
Lab: Inoculation and plating
Dinner & socializing
Lab picture
Concentrated work in the laboratory

Focused listening during lecture on Golden Gate and USER cloning techniques
Panel discussion
Panel Discussion with iGEM alumni and DTU Biobuuilders' supervisor Chris Workman

Prototype Lecture
You can have fun while working seriously in the laboratory!


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