In the course of our project we were able to conduct experiments never done before. However, in order to do so a base of knowledge and resources is required. Fortunately we encountered many ambitious people who supported us. We want to thank them all for kindly helping us during our project.
- • Diethart Mattanovich, Michael Sauer and Hans Marx: organization of the iGEM project
- • Gabi Wilt: ordered Materials for our Team
- • Corinna Rebnegger: helped us doing flow cytometric experiments for characterization of our pGAL syn
- • Tom Gaßler: advice on setting up our CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene integration in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by supporting us with primers for assembling the specific sgRNAs.
- • Martin Altvater: provided us with different plasmids for Saccharomyces cerevisiae ready for our Golden Gate system
- • Jürgen Zanghelini: supported us with modeling
- • Florian Strobl: advice and lab material
- • Gerald Striedner and Esther Egger provided us with the pSIM 5 and pSIM 9 plasmids
- • Franziska Doleschal: organized our bank account and managed all our invoices
- • Anna Gindl: designed our Logo
- • Nikolaus Huber: helped us setting up the core code of our wiki page
- • Sauer group: Provided us BB1_01 – BB1_08
- • Mattanovich/ Gasser group: provided us material, all empty BBs for the Golden GATE system and many protocols:
- • Bernd Albrecht: helped us doing the RT screenings on the Flow cytometer, by setting up the right parameters.
Furthermore we want to thank Matthias Steiger, Stefanie Wiesauer,