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Our team consisted of one biologist, two biochemists, one natural scientist, one computer scientist, two mathematicians and three physicists. Therefore our interdisciplinary team combines the different knowledge and skill sets of our members. We had a week of 'bootcamp' training in the Easter holidays where individuals were taught the basics of lab work and concepts we could employ in our project. Our project idea was decided during within the first few weeks of July after a lot of brainstorming and discussions with academics. The project lab work started following the completion of the interlab study in July. Unless otherwise stated, all the content documented on our Wiki was done by us.
- Laura Simpson
- Rachel Jones
- Anna Macklin
- Kinga Zielińska
- Karolina Kostrzyńska
- Rahan Nazeer
- Louis Philipp Lukas
- Jacob Binsley
- Jake Eager
- Sean Large
Our team would like to acknowledge the following people for the help and advice they provided along the course of our project
Supervisors and Advisors
- Dr Chloe Singleton
- Dr Paul James
- Prof John Love
- Jamie Gilman
- Dan Barber
- Dr Richard Tennant
- Dr Sara Burton
- Christian Hacker - Throughout the summer Christian took numerous images our bacteria to provided us with microscopic evidence of our work.
- Charlotte Gurr - Charlotte joined the team as our graphic designer. She the created and improved all the images for wiki, presentation, graphics for the app poster and banner.
- Dr Sarah Hartley – Introduced the concepts of RRI and assisted with the development of our human practices. Regularly meet with us to offer guidance and her expertise to help improve our approach to Human Practices.
- Dr Mark Hewlett - Help with dialysis and demonstrated simple biological protocols in boot camp week
- Dr Joana Zaragoza-Castells - Helped with sample prep of the ICP-OES
- Dr Chris Brunt-instructed use of SEM with XFAS
- Angela Elliott - Helped with sample prep of the ICP-OES and ran the metal ion composition analysis
- Katy Jones - Gave us data on metal ion and microbe species composition of the soils at wheal maid and put us in touch with Tomasa Sbaffi for wheal maid site sampling
- Dr Ann Power - Helped prepare equipment to sample water, helped write protocols for on-site filtering and performing metal ion analysis on the water samples
- Tomasa Sbaffi - Helped navigate the Wheal Maid site, choose the lagoons to be sampled and helped with sampling / sample filtration
- Ross Bray - Site Operation Supervisor at Veolia UK who passed on our information request to the Coal Authority and organised for us to tour the Wheal Jane treatment plant.
- Chris Nappin - Technical Process Electrician who gave us a guided tour of Treatment Plant at Wheal Jane and answered any questions we had.
- Alice Redgate
- Monica Lamici Ayine
- Andy Wild
- Dr Mark Hewlett
- Prof. John Bryant - Gave a talk on the concept of Bioethics
- Dr Sabina Leonelli - Led a discussion on how to extend our human practices and realise our project
- Dr Robert Smith - Advisor to Imperial 2016 iGEM team, Rob gave us helpful tips on how to conduct our human practices
- Dr George Petkov
- Andy Wild
- Daniel Herring
- Dr Ozgur Akman
- Dr Jens Benninghoff
- Katy Jones
- Dr Sara Burton
- Prof Peter Winlove
- Ryan Edgington
- Dr Chris Brunt
- Harvard's 2015 iGEM project
Technical Support
Veolia Treatment Plant
Further Guidance
Thanks and acknowledgements to all other individuals involved in the design and progression of our project: