Team:Shenzhen SFLS/HP/Interview about Dermatophytosis in Peking University Shenzhen Hospital

Team:Shenzhen SFLS/Demonstrate -

Team:Shenzhen SFLS/Experiment -

Interview about Dermatophytosis in Peking University Shenzhen Hospital

On March 24th 2017, we interviewed a doctor(a dermatologist of Peking University Shenzhen Hospital) to do a survey about ringworm (dermatophytosis). Firstly,the doctor introduced the characteristics of dermatophytosis: 1. ringworm is easy to grow in moist and sweaty environment. 2. people with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to ringworm. 3.The main route of transmission is contact.

Secondly, the doctor told us about the importance of precaution, people should strengthen their immune system and improve the living environment. As for treatment, different types of ringworm have different therapies. People usually choose topical agents to treat dermatophytosis, oral medicine may also be given. However, present treatment requires a long-term process so that most patients can’t adhere to their medication. In addition, drug resistance is now a serious problem.We also obtained the information about public issues, such as, most patients don’t attach importance to ringworm.When patients are on the treatment, most of the patients discontinued their treatments, reducing the effectiveness of the medicine.

In the end, the doctor told us that most of the present researches on the therapy of ringworm was the development of medicine for deep infection of ringworm (deep dermatophytosis).

With the professional help from the doctor, we realized that the public awareness of ringworm was very low and people had many misunderstandings. We wanted to increase the the public awareness of ringworm so that people can get better treatment.