Team:Jilin China/HP 01

We started to discuss the topic of our project in March 1st. During this period, we held up many brainstorm meetings to find the best project to work on. We read a lot of paper to validate the feasibility of the projects proposed. Though it took us much time, we felt the progress of us along the process and we proposed more than ten projects that we could choose to work on.

Huadong Xing and Zihan Lu put forward proposals about pet dogs in heat period and dystocia.

Nina Ma came up with an idea of fixing enamel and odontolith.

Zhongqiao Gan proposed lots of projects, INV, blood brain barrier, helicobacter pylori, Organic phosphorus and TA system.

Shan Wang assumed projected related to mitochondrial disease.

Letian Bao tried to establish method on tumor targeting, dispose of phenol and chlorophenol.

Zihao Wang put forwards proposals about Arthritis and Cytokine repair.

Xiaolin Dong came up with a project related to gh12 antibacterial peptide.

Ming Han attempted to establish a method of solving problem in Scar repair.

Ying Wei assumed to deal with degradation plastic.

Hongmin Yu tried to apply QS system and Second messengers.