The main objective of our project is to eliminate ammonia odor from public washrooms. But first, we needed to determine the ammonia levels present in public washrooms around us. For this purpose, we decided to sample air from sources that are potentially rich in ammonia. We sampled air from two locations; public washrooms situated in our campus and chemical laboratories, and analyzed them for ammonia using the indophenol blue assay (Ref). We wished to understand whether other countries and regions face similar issues when it comes to the state of their public washrooms, and therefore, decided to contact other teams which could help us in quantifying the concentrations of ammonia present in their washrooms..
This is where we benifitted from our collaboration with UCAS China. This year, UCAS China are trying to address the issue of excessive ammonia present in aquaculture. Given that both our teams were trying to eliminate ammonia, determination of ammonia levels from environment samples would be of relevance to both teams. We shared our protocol for quantification of ammonia (can be accessed here).The UCAS team sampled ammonia-rich air,and has assayed it using Nessler's reagent for determination of ammonia concentrations present in their public washrooms. The UCAS team has collected air samples for us and will be carrying out ammonia assay as per their conventional method.
The collaboration with UCAS will certainly help us widen our knowledge regarding the problem we are trying to address. We too have helped them out by collecting water sample from Bandra talao, a nearby lake and we will be reporting our readings to them.
Bandra talao
Team Heidelberg 2013 had worked on indigoidene synthesis which forms an integral part of our project. Ever since our skype session, Team Heidelberg has been extensively involved in helping us out with indigoidene synthesis. They shipped two plasmids pRB1 and pRB5, of which pRB5 is a composite part containing bpsA, responsible for production of indigoidene. They also sent out relevant plasmid maps which helped us carry out successful transformation of E. coli cells with pRB5 plasmid.
We participated in All India iGEM meet-up hosted by IISER Pune. It was indeed an enriching experience, presenting our project to an intelligent audience as well as listening to innovative projects of other teams. Our presentation was followed by an interactive question answer session wherein many interesting points about our project came up, which helped us in chalking out our future plan.