Poster printed, presentation...needs a bit more practicing
Numerous individuals and companies have shaped our project from start to finish, we have thanked each one of these on our attributions page.
Validated Part
We collaborated with both the Newcastle i-GEM team, where we obtained data for them using our FAC’S machine whilst in return of they repeated an experiment of ours, and Cardiff’s iGEM team who repeated and extended an experiment of us.
Human Practices
Throughout the project we implemented the AREA framework to ensure we were continuously conducting responsible research.
Building on our Human Practices we incorporated RRI into our engagements with various stakeholders. Communications with these stakeholders were influential for the inspiration, design and evolution our applied design and our model
Improve a previous part
Model your project
We created and designed a model to inform the future industrial implementation of our project which has been incorporated into a friendly user interface and showcased on our wiki, click here.