Team:CSMU NCHU Taiwan/Notebook/Medal Criteria

Medal Criteria

This year iGEM CSMU_NCHU debuts the iGEM competition, completing all the requirements of the iGEM medal criteria, as listed below.

  • Registered for iGEM, planned to attend the Giant Jamboree
  • Documented our project
  • Attributed our work correctly See more
  • Created and documented Parts page on the Registry
  • Submitted DNA samples to the Registry
  • Completed safety forms about our lab, about our project and our final safety form
  • Completed the judging form
  • Complete interlab study
  • Integrated Human Practices See more
  • Improve previous part or project
  • Model our project and document on our wiki the assumptions, relevant data and results
  • Demonstrate; Be able to convince the judges our project actually works, comply with IGEM safety rules and regulations