

Basically, we build two models generated by MATLAB in order to analyze and evaluate our synthetic biology system, and estimate concentrations of multiple inducers.

Sigenal Pathway Model

We constructed our signal pathway model and associated it with inducers, RNAs and proteins. We also modeled STAR and antiSTAR behavior in circuit.

We developed our circuit model in Simbiology (a toolkit in MATLAB) which allowed us to create real time simulations of how our circuit would behave, thus giving useful information for wet lab to optimize our assembly process. And by sensitivity analyses, we found important issues that could help us improve biosensor’s performance.

Color Chart Model

We also developed a tool which could create a inducer-color matching chart.

This color chart could be either stored in our mobile APP or printed as a convenient inducer-color matching tool, by which we could easily quantify two kinds of inducers at the same time. This tool was developed in MATLAB by utilizing image processing methods.