


team hfut-china

we are invited to test the front end of the project of the team hfut-china for finding bugs and fix them. we found six bugs and design flaws.

  1. we found that the wrong email domain name is passed while registering, and we were unable to log out after login. besides, the error message is not obvious.
  2. the page is unable to save the login cookies. when we logged in and open a new window, however, still showed no login.
  3. search algorithms need to be optimized. for instance, when we search the team ustc, xmu is on the top list, and there was even no ustc-software.
  4. the brand button on the search page didn’t work.
  5. there is no search engine in the gene relationship page.
  6. in the gene info interface, gene relationship button should be active (green), but it's actually red.

team ustc

ustc has been one of our traditional collaborators.

focusing on the establishment and improvement of a online synthetic biology community this year, ustc, as potential users of our bio-hub, offered us opinions and needs in application design and homepage design. for example, they suggested adding an online forum named "igemers' notebook" in which igemers can exchange important information and ideas concerning this competition .they also helped them with biological problems they came across, such as the biological background of comparative sequence analysis.

in return, we share them with some useful tricks. and we also help them in website making and modeling, which speed their work greatly. besides, we held the annual science and technology week and science and technology exhibition, which spread the synthetic knowledge to the public.

team sjtu-software

sjtu is one igem team which concentrated on developing useful software for bio-brick researchers. having met at asia-pacific conference in taiwan, we worked together for our target. during the collaboration, we help them removed some inaccurate parts inn bio-brick database. in return, they test our software biohub 2.0 and offered some useful suggestions on safety and design. the cooperate between us made a win-win situation which we were both delight to see.