Why Mars?
When asked of the prospect of human colonization on Mars, Stephen Hawking stated that, “if the human race is to continue for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no one has gone before.” While most would imagine that billions of dollars that are gone into space exploration would be best used fighting world hunger, or finding a solution for poverty - a never ending problem that we must resolve as members of a society - it is also important to think long-term, and what would be of the human population 100 years, maybe even a thousand years from now. The only home that we as humans have ever known has been Earth. However, as our population increases at an exponential rate, and surviving as a species on a tiny blue planet in the vacuum of space is no longer a guarantee, it is vital to start thinking of the alternatives, the possibilities of colonization within the cosmos.
A classic example would be the extinction of the dinosaurs, who roamed the Earth for over 165 million years prior to us, only for them to remain as nothing but fossilized remnants of what used to be: all because of one colossal asteroid. There are no longer traces of said dinosaurs walking the planet, so what if this happens to the human species? This is similar to the risk of monoculturing crops, where having only one species is dangerous, on the off chance of that a pathogen wipes out the entire population. If the human species is only limited to thriving on Earth, what will happen if Earth was not there? What if one colossal asteroid, or perhaps a natural disaster wipes out the entire human existence? Whatever it may be, one thing is for sure: placing humans on more than one planet will allow for our existence to exist for thousands, if not millions, more years from now.
How Did We Get Here?
With the rapid rate of technological advancements over the past few decades, the idea of space colonization has been brought closer and has become a more tangible goal than ever before. Mars, our interstellar neighbor, a planet with the same heat-range as that of Earth, has become the prime target for human expansion in the cosmos. However, before we can even think to achieve this vision, there are a number of considerations that must be accounted for. Of those include a problem that must be solved, and is essential in order to allow for life to thrive on the Red Planet - perchlorate contamination on Martian soil.
In 2008, NASA’s Phoenix lander identified traces of perchlorate salts in Martian soil, ranging from concentrations of 0.5% to 1%. What does this mean? Well, perchlorate is a highly toxic substance that, at high concentrations, imposes negative health effects.
Perchlorate Health Effects and Locations
The main exposure pathway of perchlorate for humans is through the ingestion of contaminated drinking water sources. After ingestion of high doses of perchlorate, perchlorate ions inhibits the thyroid gland’s uptake of iodine which disrupts the functions of the thyroid gland (Srinivasan and Viraraghavan 1426). Consequently, this leads to a decreased production of thyroid hormones, this is recognized as hypothyroidism. As the thyroid plays an important role in metabolism and growth, both neurologically and physically, disruption of its function can lead to adverse health effects for a human being in all stages of growth. For fetuses and infants, thyroid hormones are essential for the development of the central nervous system (Patel et al. 1). In children and adults, thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.
Ultimately, perchlorate is a chemical that must be addressed before considering to colonize Mars. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh confirmed that certain conditions of mars, especially in the presence of perchlorate, which enhances the bactericidal effects of UV lights, makes it nearly impossible for microorganisms to survive on the surface of Mars (Wadsworth and Cockell 1). Utilizing engineered E-coli. in a regulated bioreactor system is our proposed method of remediating martian soil for perchlorate. We believe that developing a system to remediate the toxic martian soil brings us a step closer to developing an environment on Mars that is comparable to earth, ensuring that mars can eventually sustain life.
Research into biological methods to remove and remediate perchlorate contaminants here on earth may prove equally as useful. On earth, perchlorate is a chemical substance that is found both naturally and in manufactured products. Generally, perchlorate contamination is a result of utilizing products containing perchlorate. Acting as a strong oxidizer, perchlorate is commonly used in solid propellants for rockets, missiles, fireworks and other pyrotechnics (Backus et al. 334). Perchlorate deposits on soil surfaces initially as a result of utilizing pyrotechnics, such as fireworks during a festival. The particulate matter containing perchlorate consequently disperses into remote areas by wind (Ye et al. 2495). Furthermore, sufficient precipitation may transport the perchlorate contaminants away from the area through surface runoffs (Kumarathilaka et al. 671). Although disruption of the thyroid gland’s functions requires large doses of perchlorate, perchlorate is a chemical that is found in various locations on Earth and can lead to various adverse effects that must be carefully considered.
Works Cited
Backus, S.M., et al. “Determination of perchlorate in selected surface waters in the Great Lakes Basin by HPLC/MS/MS”, Chemosphere, vol. 61, Nov. 2005, pp 834-843
Kumarathilaka, Prasanna, et al. “Perchlorate as an emerging contaminant in soil, water, and food.” Chemosphere, vol. 150, May 2016, pp. 667-677.
Patel, Jatin, et al. “Thyroid hormones and fetal neurological development” Journal of Endocrinology, vol 209, January 6, pp1-8. doi: 10.1530/JOE-10-0444
Srinivasan, Asha, and Thiruvenkatachari Viraraghavan. “Perchlorate: Health Effects and Technologies for Its Removal from Water Resources.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 6.4 (2009): 1418–1442. PMC. Web. 14 April 2009
Wadsworth, Jennifer, and Charles S. Cockell. “Perchlorates on Mars Enhance the Bacteriocidal Effects of UV Light.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, July 2017 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04910-3
Ye, Long, et al. “Seasonal variations and factors influencing perchlorate in water, snow, soil, and corns in Northeastern China.” Chemosphere, vol. 90, Mar. 2013, pp 2493-2498