Chamber Design
Since oscillations are a phenomena that require observation at a small scale (level of very few cells or even single cells), we designed microfluidic chambers in order to load our cells and observe oscillations.
We used standard soft lithography techniques to generate microfluidic channels. In brief, SU8 photoresist was spin coated on a silicon wafer to the height of 50μm. The desired pattern was generated using maskless lithography. A silicone elastomer was added with its curing agent in 10:1 volume ratio and poured over the micro-mold. After 4 hours of incubation at 65oC, PDMS was peeled off the silicon wafer and inlet and outlet holes were punched. The surface of PDMS and a cover slip were modified using a plasma cleaner and microfluidic channels were created by bonding the two together.
Flow Rate