Judging Criteria
Register and attend.
Deliverables: meet all deliverables on the Competition Deliverables page.
Attribution: create wki with clear attribution.
Characterization: participate in the interlab measurement sutdy.
Validated Part: at least one new BioBrick part of our design works as expected.
Collaboration: we work with another registered iGEM team in a meaningful way.
Human Practices: think carefully whether our work is safe, responsible and good for world.
integrated Human Practices: expend on silver medal activities.
Improve a previous part or project: Improve the function of an existing BioBrick Part.
Model our project: our project's design is based on insight we have gained from modeling. Mol Microbiol. 2012 Aug;85(3):418-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.08109.x. Epub 2012 Jun 20. A Bacillus subtilis sensor kinase involved in triggering.
Demonstrate our Work: our project work.