Team:IISER-Pune-India/Basic Part

  • G13 Promoter;BBa_K228002G13 is a constitutively expressed mycobacterial promoter obtained from Mycobacterium marinum.
    Ref: The complex architecture of mycobacterial promoters Mae Newton-Foot, Nicolaas C. Gey van Pittius
  • pL-pLeft promoter;BBa_K228000Hybrid promoter designed by Yash Jawale, which acts as a shuttle promoter between E.coli and Mycobacterium. pL initiates transcription in E.coli, whereas pLeft initiates transcription in Mycobacterium.
    Ref: #PL Expression System : A Prokaryotic Expression System, Invitrogen manual #Transcriptional regulation of repressor synthesis in mycobacteriophage L5, Chadd E. Nesbit, Margaret E. Levin, Mary K. Donnelly-Wu and Graham F. HatfuU
  • pLeft Promoter;Constitutive promoter for mycobacterium isolated from mycobacteriophage L5.
    Ref: Transcriptional regulation of repressor synthesis in mycobacteriophage L5, Chadd E. Nesbit, Margaret E. Levin, Mary K. Donnelly-Wu and Graham F. HatfuU