
iGEM Tübingen 2017



This year’s team was led by PD Dr. Bertolt Gust and PD Dr. Elisabeth Fuss. They provided the needed laboratory support and managed main communication within the university. The student team was coordinated and organized by Brian Weidensee and Nikolas Layer as student leaders; the original project idea was designed by PD Dr. Bertolt Gust and Nikolas Layer. All student members participated in the project development with the special contribution in gene block and part design by Lukas Fuhs and Nikolas Layer.
For laboratory execution, we divided the project into three parts: The chemical synthesis was done by Alexandra Haake, Marcel Conrady, Madeleine Heep, and Michael Krummhaar. Lisa Dussling contributed the in-silico analysis and the bioinformatics model while Marcel Conrady, Lukas Fuhs, Madeleine Heep, Mirjam Gneiting, Milena Krach, and Michael Krummhaar were involved in cloning, biochemical analysis, and compound production. Milena Krach, Brian Weidensee, and our intern Fan Zhang were responsible for procedure and data submission of the iGEM 2017 interlab study. For our this year’s YouTube collaboration project we want to thank all participating iGEM teams and Hannah Brasse for the realization and organization. Hannah Brasse, Lukas Fuhs, Mirjam Gneiting, Madeleine Heep and Milena Krach produced our own video for the channel. All educational projects embedded in our Human Practice project were mainly organized by Vic-Fabienne Schumann and Brian Weidensee with the engagement of the whole student team with special thanks to Marcel Conrady, Madeleine Heep, Milena Krach and Brian Weidensee for supervision of our internship student Fan Zhang. Our wiki’s structure was mainly designed by Mirjam Gneiting and Alexander Recktenwald; a working code was created and implemented by Alexander Recktenwald. All wiki content was created and uploaded by Hannah Brasse, Marcel Conrady, Lisa Dussling, Mirjam Gneiting, Alexandra Haake, Madeleine Heep, Milena Krach, Michael Krummhaar, Nikolas Layer, Vic-Fabienne Schumann, and Brian Weidensee. Without a lot of fundraising, none of our work would have been possible: Hannah Brasse, Alexandra Haake, Madeleine Heep, Milena Krach, Michael Krummhaar, Nikolas Layer, Vic-Fabienne Schumann and Brian Weidensee contributed to this area. We want to especially thank Dr. H. Kalbacher for MALDI-TOF Analysis and crystallization experiments of our chemical compounds.


AG Prof. Dr. O. Kohlbacher - Hardware and in silico support
Prof. Dr. L.Heide - Clorobiocin Cluster and bacterial strains
AG Prof. Dr. D.Schwarzer - chemical synthesis laboratory and support
AG Prof. Dr. S. Grond - Laboratory material support
AG Pr. Dr. Schulze-Osthoff - Laboratory material support
AG Pr. Dr. A. Weber - Laboratory material support for interlab study
Jakob Wendt - Wiki coding support

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