Meet our team!
Get to know our team of 10 undergraduate students from the University of Exeter and their supervisors.
Laura Simpson BSc Mathematics
Laura is well known for pioneering the "iGEM lunch", characterised by its start time of 11am.
Rachel Jones MPhys Physics
Rachel's perfect day: Morning - Make a couple dozen litres of LB Afternoon - Count colonies on agar plates Evening - run some water through the MBR.
Anna Macklin BSc Biological Sciences
Rumour has it that Anna writes her diary in spider-diagram form.
Kinga Zielińska BSc Natural Sciences
We had to insist that she flew with us to Boston rather than cycle just so she didn't get there before us.
Karolina Kostrzyńska BSc Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Karolina suffers no fools as Jake B well knows.
Rahan Nazeer BSc Biochemistry
Rahan and his nutmeg pros have embarrassed many, once respected, people over the course of the summer.
Louis Philipp Lukas BSc Computer Science with Economics
Louis has eaten ~375 carrots since the start of iGEM.
Jacob Binsley BSc Physics
Jake's browser home page is a royalty free sounds website.
Jake Eager MPhys Physics
Jake spends his weekends at home working as a cheesemonger. I wish I was joking.
Sean Large MMath Mathematics
Sean types 3000 word LaTeX documents in his sleep.
John Love PI
John is Professor for Synthetic Biology at the University of Exeter and director of the Exeter Microbial Biofuels Group.
Paul James PI
Paul is a Research Fellow working under Professor Love in the Exeter Microbial Biofuels group. He has been involved with iGEM since 2013 and continues to be amazed by the range and depth of projects that students produce year in year out and is looking forward to another fantastic year.
Chloe Singleton PI
Chloe is a Research Fellow in the Exeter Microbial Biofuels group under the direction of John Love. It is only her second year as an official member of the Exeter iGEM team, but she has watched previous teams develop and test their ideas in the lab. Their enjoyment and enthusiasm for their projects has been an inspiration and she is looking forward to being an active adviser for the second time.
Jamie Gilman Supervisor
Jamie is a fourth year PhD student, working in the Exeter Microbial Biofuels Group. It is his second year being involved with iGEM. Again, he has enjoyed working with the team and is looking forward to being a judge in Boston.
Dan Barber Supervisor
Dan took part in iGEM2016 and is an intern with Shell spending his year in industry with the Exeter Microbial Biofuels Group at the University of Exeter.