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This year, as was done the past two years, we have formed a multidisciplinary team made of 20 members from different IONIS schools (EPITA, E-artpup and Sup'Biotech). We have had many adventures working together and we have especially discovered our group skills under rush moments. Our advisors, instructors and followers have guided and helped us when we needed it. We would like to thank our iGEM mentor Mr Selvarajah for his pieces of advice and for helping us understanding the iGEM submissions. The team PARIS IONIS was responsible for most of the iGEM adventure functioning: fundraising, ordering supplies, laboratory experiments, background and applied research, designing the project, finding sponsors and partnerships, organizing events, team organization and project communication among the society. The help of our advisors, instructors and mentors was very appreciated and acknowledged below.

Our instructors

Dr. Alexandre ISMAIL

For guiding us since the beginning of the adventure and for your help and support in the lab protocols and the model.

Dr. Frank YATES

For being for the third year our first instructor, for helping us with the iGEM team registry and for supervising the safety part.

Mr. Gilles DEFREL

For helping us with the interactive map and giving us advice regarding the construction of the surveys.

Mr. Nicolas CORNILLE

Thank you for all your pieces of advice and support in laboratory experiments. You taught us how to use Geneious, how to design primers and gave us few classes of synthetic biology to have a good start in the lab.


You showed us how to organise the work to avoid last year technical problems especially with GATC sequencing. You gave us advice about our abstract and some tips about how we should present the results at the Jamboree.

Dr. Annabelle PLANQUES

Thank you for all your pieces of advice for the protocols.

Our advisor

Mr. Clement LAPIERRE

For his experience as a team leader in 2016, and for helping us defining our project.

Our mentors

Dr. Vanessa PROUX Entrepreneurship

We want to thank our director from the school Sup’Biotech for supporting us. She provided us a place at the biology lab of “La Paillasse” from May 1st to October 31st to develop our project SofterShock.

Dr. Pierre OUGEN Entrepreneurship

Provided us the ability to be formed as entrepreneurs and sell the project. He gave us advice about how to write a good pitch and how to attract the buyer’s attention.

Mr. Anthony RENODON Entrepreneurship

For his experience in Marketing/Communication as a marketing team member in 2016. He allowed us to start working efficiently and to feel confident in our objectives.

Dr. Estelle MOGENSEN Laboratory

Responsible for the school's lab, she guided us in the choice of the project depending on the time we had and our resources. She offered us some materials to start our lab experiments.

Ms. Célia CHENEBAULT Laboratory

Thanks to her experience in R&D as a team member in 2016, she helped us define our project and guided us during the first month of manipulations in the lab.

Dr. Fabien MILANOVIC - Human Practices

He helped us for the Human Practice project. We thank him for accepting being interviewed about GMOs controversy in the french society and its advice for the survey realization.

Ms. Sophie PICAVET - Human Practices

She helped us with the survey propagation worldwide.

Our contributors

Dr. Cléa BAUVAIS Laboratory

For her help and support at la Paillasse. She explained us how to use the lab and La Paillasse facilities, and gave us some reagents for our labs’ manipulations.

Mr. Marc FOURNIER Laboratory

For your help. He explained us how to use La Paillasse facilities.

Dr. Irène ERDELMEIER Laboratory

For her benevolence and her kindness, which contributed to a pleasant cohabitation at the lab.

Dr. Frédéric JAISSER, INSERM U1138 Laboratory

Thank you for generously providing us material for the sequencing of our Biobricks. This was very useful to us.

Dr. Nicolas MONIAUX, UMR U785 Paul Brousse Laboratory

Thank you for providing us dry ice for the transport of our material to La Paillasse.

Dr. Françoise ROURE Human Practices

Director of the section “Security and safety” at the ministry of the economy and finances. Helped us at the beginning of the project’s development to place our project in the best direction, depending on how the society behaves regarding GMOs. She put us in contact with Mr. Pujol. See the interview here.

Mrs. Eugénia POMMARET Human Practices

Director at the UIPP (Union pour la protection des plantes). She succeeded to Mr. Bocquet. She explained us how phytosanitary products are regulated in France, what are all the measures the UIPP uses regarding safety and risks for consumers and buyers. She explained us how regulation works for phytosanitary products and she gave us some companies’ contacts that will be more useful to place our product “SofterShock” in a regulatory context. See the interview here.

WINEMAKERS Human Practices

We warmly thank all French, Mexican, Brazilian and Greek winemakers, for having answered our survey, sent us photos about their vineyards, and sharing your passion and preoccupation with us while believing in SofterShock.

Dr. Basile PAUTHIER Human Practices

We warmly thank Mr Basile Pauthier, Terroir Project Manager at Comité de Champagne for having answered our questions concerning the climate changes and the techniques used to mitigate the impact of frost and drought on vineyards. See the interview here.

Mrs. Sylviane LEPLATRE Human Practices

We warmly thank Mrs Sylviane Leplatre engineer in agronomy, and oenologist giving advice to the winemakers in the region of Paris. She helped us by answering our questions regarding the climate changes and the techniques used to mitigate the impact of frost and drought on vineyard. See the interview here.

Mrs. Marie-Cécile LEBAS, Dr. Michel PETIT & Mr. Xavier THÉVENOT Human Practices

We warmly thanks the Public Affairs Director, the R&D Head France and the Director Communication Corporate & Affaires Publiques of the group Syngenta for their help and support in the Project SofterShock. They invited us for a meeting at the company Syngenta where we presented the project. They gave us many pieces of advice about how we should present the project in Boston, how we should structure the summary, and some techniques that agro-environmental companies used to avoid serious regulation problems. They also gave us 1500€ for the project’s development and to promote scientific vulgarization ( in schools, conferences, activities for the youngers etc ..). See the interview here.

Mr. William Tarnowski Human Practices

We warmly thank Mr Tarnowski the CEO of Swiper. He helped us a lot for the interactive map and give us some advices to continue this project. See the interview here.

Dr. Camille LENOIR

All the PARIS-IONIS team thanks you for your time in answering a few questions about our Human practice project, the possibility of producing “biofilms” and about Anti-Freeze-Proteins (AFP). Your responses helped us to solve a few practical problems. See the interview here.

Dr. Christian HUYGHE

Deputy Scientific Director of Agriculture at the Inra (French National Institute for Agricultural Research). Guided us about the possibility of forming a white biofilm in the upper layer of the leave and what will be its impact for the photosynthesis and which molecules could be used to make biofilms. We also thank you for your opinion about SofterShock. See the interview here.

Dr. Corinne VACHER

Researcher specialized in biocontrol and pathogen regulation, INRA - France. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions in an interview about the plant microbiota. Thank you for sharing with us your enthusiasm about our project and helping us see the value of the phyllosphere. Your intervention helped us into the orientation of the strategy we want to use to select our chassis. See the interview here.

Dr. Herman OJEDA

Researcher for the project Laccave at the INRA France. We thank you for your advice about our cold and heat shock parts and for the time you took to answer our questions and give your opinion.

Dr. Guillaume CHARRIER

Post-doctorate in vegetal ecophysiology at the INRA: Thank you for taking the time to explore the mechanisms of plant stress to temperatures with us and answering our questions in an interview. You opinion on our project was also very welcome, as well as your advice on how we could manage to do a proof of concept on grapevines. See the interview here.


Director at Inter-Faculty Biotechnology Program at HUJI, Israël: Thank you for answering kindly our questions about ice-binding proteins and for your proposition of partnership concerning AFPs. See the interview here.


PhD at Institute of Biochemistry Food Sciences and Nutrition, Israël:Thank you for you numerous answers and pieces of advice about our strategy for the frost protection. Thank you for giving us the time to provide your opinion on our project. See the interview here.


Post-doctorate at Institut Curie: Thank you for your very interesting advice about how we could use the efficiency of our Anti-Freeze Proteins. Your knowledge about physics was very useful and provided us many new techniques and way of thinking that we didn’t have. See the interview here.


Winemaker in Champagne – France. Thank you very much for inviting us at your place, to show us the champagne chain production, for your opinion and interest about SofterShock and for explaining us what is already been done to solve extreme climate changes.


PhD in food processing at AgroParisTech - Paris. Thank you very much for having taken the time to discuss with us about our bioreactor idea. Your precious advice and expertise guided us to develop this theoretical alternative, which brought a whole new aspect to the project. See the interview here.

Mr. Nicolas AVELINE

Engineer at ResaQ Vitibio. Thank you for answering all of our questions and giving us your time in an interview. Your opinion about SofterShock and the information provided about how you treat wines nowadays helped us to understand biocontrol and think about our product with a similar logic as yours. See the interview here.

Dr. Camille PROFIZI, Mr. Ronan KEMPF & Mrs. Christelle GARRIGUES

We warmly thank Mrs. PROFIZI CAMILLE Mr. RONAN KEMPF Mrs.GARRIGUES CHRISTELLE for inviting us to their company Agrauxine at Angers. They listened to our project, they gave us advice about the safety part regarding GMOs and they suggested us to be careful about the leave phyllosphere because it is very complex and it will be difficult for us to choose a specific chassis to work with. They advised us to quantify the dead vines each year due to frosts and compare to the number of surviving vines in order to have a better estimation of what our product can bring. We thank Mr. Kempf for the marketing advice about how to position our solution Softer Shock in the market and Mrs Garrigues for her clear opinion about Softer Shock “very clear strategic side, but we must work hardly on the environmental GMOs’ controversy". See the interview here

Igem ionis

Is an association created by Sup’Biotech student in 2015. Since this first participation, two teams (2015 and 2016) won the gold medal and several nominations: « Best presentation », « Best applied design », and « Best environmental project ».
The strength of the IGEM IONIS comes from its multidisciplinarity and its complementarity.

This year we are 20 members from different schools:
18 students from Sup’Biotech
1 student from e-artsup
1 student from Epita
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Location: 66 Rue Guy Môquet
94800 Villejuif, France
