Wei-Shin Chuang
Provide us administrative help and deal with fundraising.
Chun-Chi Huang
Accompany us to the US to attend the Giant Jamboree.
Hui-Chun Li
Help us deal with our English problems, and edit our wiki.
Yung-Jen Kung
Provide us valuable suggestions with our experiments, biobrick concept, and help us take care of our difficulties.
Wen-Liang Chen
Give us many ideas about the project, and help us with our collaboration.
Lei Wan
Help us with our experiments, lends us his laboratory.
Cheng-Ming Chang
Give us valuable information about temperature monitoring stickers that already exist and help us understand how low-temperature transport is carried out.
Chien-Chih Yu
Tell us how medicines are transported.
Help us understand the iGEM competition, help with our experiments and teache us how to design a wiki page.
VEDAN corporation
Give us many data and directions for us to go, introduce food challenge test and help us to add a bio-sensor to UV.
Mitsui O.S.K
Give us some transporting information, and filled up the questionnaire for us.
Polysciences INC
Tell us how chemicals are delivered.