We have developed a lightweight, user-friendly MatLab tool that is able to extract relative quantitative data from microscopy images. Current systems include software such as ImageJ which although more comprehensive, require further training for effective use. Specifically, most software suites only focus on cell segmentation in phase contrast images, with very little support for differential interference contrast (DIC) images. We have developed a MATLAB tool that can quickly and automatically pick out cells in a DIC image. We have tested this system with our microscopy data, and has saved us a large amount of time in data analysis.
imgname = ''; %input image name between quotes(e.g. 'img_name.tif')
A = imread(imgname);
fprintf('------ Image: %s ------\n', imgname);
x_size = size(A,2);
y_size = size(A,1);
A = A * 30;
phase = A(:,:,3);
data = A(:,:,2);
s_test = 0.52:0.005:0.575;
results = zeros(1,length(s_test));
for n = -1%[1:length(s_test) -1]
if n ~= -1
s = s_test(n);
s = 0.55;%input('Enter best sensitivity: ');
a_thresh = adaptthresh(phase,s);
cells = imbinarize(phase, a_thresh);
cells = imerode(cells, strel('disk',2,4));
cells = imdilate(cells, strel('disk',6,8));
nw_line = zeros(5,5);
nw_line(3,3) = 1;
nw_line(4,4) = 1;
cells = conv2(cells,
Remove extremely bright spots
cells(data > 3000) = 0;
Remove small "cells"
cells = bwareaopen(cells,500);
cells_red = zeros(y_size,x_size,3);
cells_red(:,:,1) = cells;
[gx, gy] = gradient(single(phase));
gmax = max(max(gx(:)),max(gy(:)));
gmag = sqrt(gx.^2 + gy.^2);
gmask = (gmag/gmax) > 0.05;
gmask = bwareaopen(gmask, 800);
gmask = imclose(gmask,strel('disk',5));
gmask = imerode(gmask,strel('disk',5));
gmask = imdilate(gmask,strel('disk',3));
gmask = imerode(gmask,strel('disk',10));
gmask = imdilate(gmask,strel('disk',10));
gmask = bwareaopen(gmask, 1000);
gmask(data > 3000) = 0;
gmask_green = zeros(y_size,x_size,3);
gmask_green(:,:,2) = gmask;
if n ~= -1
hold on;
image('CData', cells_red, 'AlphaData', cells*0.3);
axis ij;
axis tight;
title(sprintf('s = %5.3f', s));
colormap gray;
Auto-alignment didn't really work
combined = logical(cells);
crr_full = xcorr2(single(data), single(combined));
crr = crr_full(((1:y_size) + floor(y_size/2)), ((1:x_size) + floor(x_size/2)));
[max_crr, max_crr_i] = max(crr(:));
[max_crr_y, max_crr_x] = ind2sub(size(crr),max_crr_i);
x_offset = (max_crr_x) - (x_size/2);
y_offset = (max_crr_y) - (y_size/2);
x_sclip = (x_offset > 0) * abs(x_offset) + (x_offset <= 0);
x_eclip = (x_offset < 0) * abs(x_offset) + (x_offset >= 0);
y_sclip = (y_offset > 0) * abs(y_offset) + (y_offset <= 0);
y_eclip = (y_offset < 0) * abs(y_offset) + (y_offset >= 0);
mask_offset = zeros(y_size,x_size);
mask_offset(y_sclip:(y_size-y_eclip),x_sclip:(x_size-x_eclip)) = ...
mask_offset = combined;
cells_green = zeros(y_size,x_size,3);
cells_green(:,:,2) = cells_offset;
cell_flr = mean(data(mask_offset == 1));
cell_flr_std = std(single(data(mask_offset == 1)));
bg_flr = mean(data(mask_offset == 0));
bg_flr_std = std(single(data(mask_offset == 0)));
fprintf('Cell Detection Sensitivity : %7.2f\n', s);
fprintf('Automatic Mask Offset : (%+3d, %+3d)\n', x_offset, y_offset);
fprintf('Cell Fluoresence : %7.2f +/- %7.2f\n', cell_flr, cell_flr_std);
fprintf('Background Fluorescence : %7.2f +/- %7.2f\n', bg_flr, bg_flr_std);
fprintf('Blank Adjusted Fluoresence : %7.2f +/- %7.2f\n', cell_flr - bg_flr, sqrt(cell_flr_std^2 + bg_flr_std^2));
hold on;
subplot(3,2,[1 3]);
image('CData', cells_red, 'AlphaData', cells*0.2);
image('CData', gmask_green, 'AlphaData', gmask*0.2);
axis ij;
axis tight;
title('Cells Image');
colormap gray;
[cells_label, total_cells] = bwlabeln(cells);
cell_area = zeros(1,total_cells);
for c = 1:total_cells
cell_area(c) = bwarea(cells_label == c);
title('"Cell" Size Histogram');
subplot(3,2,[2 4]);
hold on;
image('CData', cells_red, 'AlphaData', cells*0.2);
image('CData', gmask_green, 'AlphaData', gmask*0.2);
axis ij;
axis tight;
title('Data Image');
set(gca, 'CLim', [800 1400]);
colormap gray;
hold on;
histogram(data(logical((cells == 0) .* (gmask == 0))),50,'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor','k','Normalization','probability','BinLimits',[0 2000]);
histogram(data(cells == 1),50,'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor','r','Normalization','probability','BinLimits',[0 2000]);
histogram(data(gmask == 1),50,'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor','g','Normalization','probability','BinLimits',[0 2000]);
histogram(data(logical((cells == 1) + (gmask == 1))),50,'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor','y','Normalization','probability','BinLimits',[0 2000]);
title('Data Image Histogram');
colormap gray;
subplot(3,3,[2 5]);
hold on;
plot([x_size/2 max_crr_x], [y_size/2 max_crr_y], 'r-');
axis ij;
axis tight;
title('2D Cross Correlation of Data with Cells Position');
colormap gray;