Team:Szeged SA RMG


About Us

We are a group of students from Miklos Radnoti Experimental High School in Szeged, Hungary. We are developing a methane biosensor by using genetically modified bacteria, thus providing an alternative method, more efficient than current methane detection technologies. Currently we are 10 students and a Mentor working on the project. We are planning to participate at the iGEM competition at MIT. Methane Sensor:Methane is the second most emitted greenhouse gas with its 10% part in the whole greenhouse gas emission. Our product would serve as an alternative to the existing infrared Methane Biosensors mostly in: industrial production (e.g. to help prevent accidents caused by mine explosions); indoor air quality supervision mainly in developing countries where households are heated by biogas plants; the exploration of yet unknown natural methane sources (e.g. in swamps). In our project we would like to develope a Methane Biosensor. The sensor itself would be a transformed Bacteria. Our system is quite basic: if there is methane (or any it's aldehyde) in the bacteria's immediate enviroment, the borth of the bacteria is going to manifast a basic color change.


tel: 62-548-937


Our Mentor

Sándor Bán:
"As a teacher of Biology my main purpose is to ensure an appropriately planned and organized Biology knowledge for every pupil. As a Head of Science Laboratory or Science Department my most important goal is to enhance the cooperative work of science teachers in order to carry out a well prepared Science Education for every pupil of the school / school district. I have chosen iGEM HS competition for my students because they can do science as a team work and because through this project they can have impression on how cutting edge science works nowadays"


Our Members

Márk Tarján:IT:Im responsible for this beauty Máté Török:Designer:My task is t give a look to our project. Vincent Varga:Public Relations:My main task is to advertise it in social networks and to gain reputation by them.
Ákos Sükösd:Scientific Team Leader:In our group I'm responsible for the bioinformatics database. Péter Ótott:Researcher::In this project I am involved in planning and carrying out the scientific experiments. Lilla Máthé:Researcher:In this project I’m the curator of the scientific article’s data base.
Endre Kocsis:Public Relations:I am figuring out the possible ways of the usage of our final product in different fields Ákos Harangozó:Researcher:The basis of our Biomethane Sensor project originates from me. Ádám Halkó:Researcher:I am responsible for creating the biosafety part in our project.
Máté Duda:Business:In this project I am responsible for fundraising in our team.

Hungary's only official igem team!
