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The Javascript part is still blank. And the static part is ugly. But don't be worried, this would definately be completed in foreseeable future.暑假刚刚开始,刚刚结束实习,没有整块的时间,很惭愧,只能做一些微小的工作。网页看上去很丑,我也不想的,排版加图之类的很花时间,有些代码也还不是很熟悉,希望您能够谅解被教学实习暑期实践暑期课程占去了所有白天的孩子,谢谢。

Human Practice

Water pollution is going to be a noticeable threat in human society.In the problem of halo phenols degradation,we visited two researchers of Institute of Hydrobiology(IHB), Chinese Academy of Science(CAS) on May 5th.Researcher Dongru Qiu,and researcher Feng He, both of whom work on environmental microbiology and environmental engineering respectively, met our HP team in IHB. HP teammates introduced our project to the two researchers, including our aim of degrading halo phenols, engineering bacteria and project progression. In later talking, HP teammates presented some questions, such as how to fix bacteria onto the column sustainingly. In this question, Qiu introduced the common usage of activated sludge in sewage disposal. In sewage there are tons of microorganisms which secrete EPS(Extracellular Polymeric Substances) to form zoogloea granules. These granules can absorb and degrade organic molecules in high efficiency. So he suggested us consider using zoogloea as column stuffing, which could help binding engineering bacteria in long period and reduce material consuming. Additionally, he suggested us using traditional stuffing such as silica gel or sandy soil, which could be found as good absorbents in natural environment. Next Qiu gave us some suggestions such as to test the degrading activity of dehalogenase first, which could be examined by halo phenol auxotroph mutation. And also, if the degradation requires a whole pathway, maybe more genes and expression conditions should be added artificially. He suggested us building an activity detecting system, which could help detect the extracellular stability and ability of degradation quickly.
