Team:USNA Annapolis/HP/Silver

Human Practices

Going Beyond the Lab

Outreach Topics


Description here about what we did for the podcast, talked with active duty military members about the thing we're making..

Survey Description

I'm still thinking of keeping the little quote thing around since it adds a little bit to the paragraph, so maybe we can get a person from the crowd to comment on what they think of the project, or just talk about how it is nice to go out and spread our message. Nothing crazy.

An inspirational message about how we love to tell people about the wonderful things we are doing down in D.C!

Wrap up sentence of the interaction, talk about how it impacted our work.



This is a paragraph.


This is going to be a graph



This is a picture.


This is a paragraph.

In this section it would be nice to have a close up picture of someone from the group talking to a bunch of students or something, or maybe pointing to a volunteer who is asking questions.

person pointing

Event Photos

some nice pictures
Nice kids or something
some nice pictures
Park being happy
some nice pictures
bunch of people smiling
some nice pictures
People taking the survey
some nice pictures
Cassie or someone demonstrating something