Team:Cardiff Wales/Teampractice


The Cardiff iGEM 2017 Team Members

Niall Coates

Niall Coates was part of Team_PlantP, with the job to isolate different plant promoter elements and test them to create gene constructs with different transcriptional expression levels!

Jade Hughes

Jade Hughes was part of Team_Luc, with the job to create transformed E. coli containing the luciferase gene construct.

Ryan Coates

Ryan Coates was also part of Team_PlantP, and certainly the brains behind this team.

Helen Davies

Helen gets strangely excited by failed transformations... and her nutrients is TV?

Emily Ann Heath

Emily gets strangely frustrated and disheartened by failed transformations. Sad times.

Sarah Clinton

The forced public outreach girl.

Tom Sage

The Van der Waal chemist


So hot. Keep him away from your proteins.