
No Sidebar - Escape Velocity by HTML5 UP


For our project, we needed a lot of money. We asked many of big companies to sponsor us; we even sold handmade burgers in front of the cafeteria. Still, in the beginning of our project we could not convince many sponsors to support us, so we decided to start a crowdfunding campaign that we even produced a video for, a video about our roughly sketched project idea. Big thanks to Max, a student of the Film University Babelsberg, whose help eventually lead to this fantastic result:

Recording the video was quite difficult (for 2 minutes we needed a whole day) but also fun and great for team building. Everyone played a part in it. We also wrote the texts and propagated our campaign. In the end, we collected an unbelievable total of 1.820€.

The Fast Forward Science video competition is conducted annually since 2013. It is a project from science in dialogue and the association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany, where people from scientist to artist can send in their videos to current research topics with the condition to be entertaining, scientifically established and most of all coherent.

Our team participated in the Fast Forward Science 2017 competition by submitting our crowdfounding video. The winner of the competition was determined by people voting and the votes of the judging panel.