
UConn IGEM 2017 - Interlab Study


At UConn iGEM, we make safety a very high priority. Our goals for safety can be summarized into three main points:

1. Protect our samples from contamination
2. Protect our members from hazards
3. Protect the environment and the public from any potentially devastating exposure.

We take these factors into consideration before performing any part of our experiment and arranging our space. For example, this year, we had to move to a new lab and we had to arrange our space. We thus took the liberty of designing a new space while keeping safety as a priority [the figure on the right shows our old lab bench (top) and new lab bench (bottom)] . There was great care taken to separate the bench and desk area of our space in order to fulfill our main goals.

We made sure that every team member that worked in the laboratory took a safety course and certification by the Environmental Health and Safety at UConn.

We also organize all of our inventory in safe, secure locations using an online database. We supplement this organizational system with labels and periodic checks to make sure that we maintain a safe and secure environment. In addition, we also use an organizational system to determine which tasks people have to do, so they can make sure that they are following procedures which ultimately helps us fulfill our three goals.