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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/83/T--Queens_Canada--CircularLogos1.jpg" style="width:100%">
<h1> Click to Find Out More</h1></center>
    <div id="Logos" style="width:1024px;background-color:#d2e9fd;padding:10px;margin:0 auto">
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/83/T--Queens_Canada--CircularLogos1.jpg" style="width:100%" usemap="#LogoMap" />
        <map name="LogoMap">
            <area href="#MeettheTeam" shape="circle" coords="35,130,70,180" alt="YifeiWang" />
            <area href="#NolanNeville" shape="rect" coords="225,100,260,160" alt="NolanNeville" />
            <area href="#MadyThompson" shape="rect" coords="300,80,360,150" alt="MadyThompson" />
            <area href="#SarahBabbitt" shape="rect" coords="480,140,532,180" alt="SarahBabbitt" />
      <p>CLick to find out more about our project.</p>
        <div id="MeettheTeam" class="member">
            <img src="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Queens_Canada/Meet_the_Team" style="margin-top:-180px" />
            <div class="popover right" style="margin-top:80px">
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                <h3 class="popover-title">Yifei Wang (Director)</h3>
                <div class="popover-content">
                    <p>Yifei is in his fourth year of Life Sciences. Yifei is the new QGEM Dictator after overthrowing Dragos in a peaceful coup and enjoys bossing the QGEM team around from his SynBio throne. His favourite class at Queen’s was molecular biology, and he hopes to pursue a career that combines SynBio and medicine. Yifei has a burning passion for Metro prepared meals, but hopes to have enough money one day after becoming the CEO of his own biotech startup that he can hire Chef Dee #anotherone. His favourite sports team is the Toronto Raptors, and he hopes that his amateur career as a Roots model will one day allow him to replace Drake as their new courtside celebrity.</p>
        <div id="NolanNeville" class="member">
            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5b/T--Queens_Canada--NolanSquare.jpg" style="margin-top:-230px" />
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                <h3 class="popover-title">Nolan Neville (Wet Lab Co-Lead)</h3>
                <div class="popover-content">
                    <p>Nolan is in his fourth year of Biochemistry. He is particularly interested in bacteria and the rise of antibiotic resistance, so this year’s biofilm project was right up his alley. When he isn’t running around in the lab or admiring crystal structures, he can be found listening to old Dire Straits records and learning classic rock riffs on his Les Paul. In the future, Nolan hopes to pursue a career in research working to create novel antibiotics.</p>
        <div id="MadyThompson" class="member memberight">
            <div class="popover left" style="margin-top:20px">
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                <h3 class="popover-title">Mady Thompson (Wet Lab Co-Lead)</h3>
                <div class="popover-content">
                    <p>Mady is in her fourth year of Biochemistry. She is particularly interested in biomaterials, and hopes to pursue a Master’s degree in engineering in this field. She hails from Sunnyvale Trailer Park; ask her how the mosquitos are tonight for a guaranteed laugh. When she isn’t in the lab characterizing kinesin proteins, she can be found scouting the halls of Botterell for cute firefighters. Mady also moonlights as a professional basketball player in the lab, so be sure to wear your goggles to protect your eyes from her stray 3-pointers. Mady hopes to one day use her biomaterials engineering skills to make toothpaste less spicy.</p>
            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/78/T--Queens_Canada--MadySquare.jpg" style="margin-top:-140px" />
        <div id="SarahBabbitt" class="member memberight">
            <div class="popover left" style="margin-top:20px">
                <div class="arrow"></div>
                <h3 class="popover-title">Sarah Babbitt (Dry Lab Lead)</h3>
                <div class="popover-content">
                    <p>Sarah is in her third year of Apple Math. She enjoys long walks on the beach, and harassing Dragos for dry-lab trouble shooting. Sarah loves to drive stick, schedule meetings at 8am on Monday mornings, and make ordinary differential equations for QGEM. Sarah's Mom still makes her lunch, but she hopes to one day write a code to do it for her.</p>
            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c9/T--Queens_Canada--SarahSquare.jpg" style="margin-top:-150px" />

Revision as of 17:13, 8 August 2017

Welcome to QGEM 2017!

With an average of two oil spills per day, Earth's water is being contaminated at an alarming rate.
Watch the video below to find out how QGEM plans to tackle this real world issue.

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YifeiWang NolanNeville MadyThompson SarahBabbitt

CLick to find out more about our project.

Yifei Wang (Director)

Yifei is in his fourth year of Life Sciences. Yifei is the new QGEM Dictator after overthrowing Dragos in a peaceful coup and enjoys bossing the QGEM team around from his SynBio throne. His favourite class at Queen’s was molecular biology, and he hopes to pursue a career that combines SynBio and medicine. Yifei has a burning passion for Metro prepared meals, but hopes to have enough money one day after becoming the CEO of his own biotech startup that he can hire Chef Dee #anotherone. His favourite sports team is the Toronto Raptors, and he hopes that his amateur career as a Roots model will one day allow him to replace Drake as their new courtside celebrity.

Nolan Neville (Wet Lab Co-Lead)

Nolan is in his fourth year of Biochemistry. He is particularly interested in bacteria and the rise of antibiotic resistance, so this year’s biofilm project was right up his alley. When he isn’t running around in the lab or admiring crystal structures, he can be found listening to old Dire Straits records and learning classic rock riffs on his Les Paul. In the future, Nolan hopes to pursue a career in research working to create novel antibiotics.

Mady Thompson (Wet Lab Co-Lead)

Mady is in her fourth year of Biochemistry. She is particularly interested in biomaterials, and hopes to pursue a Master’s degree in engineering in this field. She hails from Sunnyvale Trailer Park; ask her how the mosquitos are tonight for a guaranteed laugh. When she isn’t in the lab characterizing kinesin proteins, she can be found scouting the halls of Botterell for cute firefighters. Mady also moonlights as a professional basketball player in the lab, so be sure to wear your goggles to protect your eyes from her stray 3-pointers. Mady hopes to one day use her biomaterials engineering skills to make toothpaste less spicy.

Sarah Babbitt (Dry Lab Lead)

Sarah is in her third year of Apple Math. She enjoys long walks on the beach, and harassing Dragos for dry-lab trouble shooting. Sarah loves to drive stick, schedule meetings at 8am on Monday mornings, and make ordinary differential equations for QGEM. Sarah's Mom still makes her lunch, but she hopes to one day write a code to do it for her.