Team:HFUT-China/GGold Integrated


Human  Practice


The name of this game is VR Shooting - Gene War. Players are supposed to control a biobrick container in hands to store gene chains, then shoot bullets to attack the enemy in front of them, at the meantime they should avoid being shot by bullets from enemies. In the fifth section, there is a “Final BOSS” which is quite hard to deal with. A tool which aims at supplying blood for players is set in this game. A large number of biobricks are randomly generated around the player. When the biobricks are touched by the handle, the skill system will start. The system will automatically select a suitable gene chain according to the gene blocks being touched. To start the game and acquire special skills, player must touch the virtual promoter and terminator, respectively. If players touch the wrong gene, the gene chains will be overloaded, which means they are cleared and regenerated. Players are provided with four special skills: explosion (reduce the blood volume for all enemies), blood supplement (return to full-blood status), no-enemy status and accelerated speed in shooting.

After completing the game, their duration time and scores acquired will be ranked on the leaderboard in the main UI interface. What’s more, to make the game more interesting, the game also has a rewarding mechanism. A searching “magnifier” is randomly generated in the game, and by touching it, the gene chains will be instantly filled and players can release the current skills. Actually, the reward is designed this way is due to the main function of our system, which is searching, and we hope players can benefit not only from our game but also from other parts of our system.

We hope to let players learn about synthetic biology through playing games. They can learn a lot of things about genes from the game, such as the most basic knowledge that genes consist of promoter, RBS, coding area and terminator. Players, even people who haven’t stepped into synthetic biology ever before, can remember the composition about gene chains by collecting and assembling biobricks repetitively.

This game contains the fundamental concept of iGEM—creating new biobricks using existing ones. Our game provides a simple and easy way for players who stay far away from synthetic biology for its complexity and difficulty. Only with more and more people’s engagement can synthetic biology develop fast.

VR is a cutting-edge technology of visualization which is an interactive 3-D dynamic vision and behavior simulation system that combines heterogeneous information. It is a low-cost and impressing tool when regarded as a teaching tool. Outsiders can get to know basic knowledge of synthetic biology.

Furthermore, VR itself is a simulation system essentially, and thus it is updatable. As the development of biology and VR technology, the game can keep up with the times, and maintain its freshness. We deeply hope VR can be a new way for other teams to popularize synthetic biology as well as iGEM.

1. What advantages do you think VR has over general ways of science popularization?
2. How do you think of the design of this game?
3. Have you known how to assemble a gene chain now?
4. What advice can you give to us?