

Lorenzo: Team leader and coordinator, administration of integrated human practices, project design.
Nicola: Wiki builder, assistant Team coordinator, supervisor of human practices outside Florence.
Teresa: Laboratory chief and project design.
Gabriele: Laboratory assistant and wiki designer assistant.
Chiara: Administration of secondary schools human practices and documentation of molecular principles.
Emilia: Administration of secondary schools human practices and documentation of biological principles.
Sophie: Art designer.
Valentina: Delft travel organizer, team and city documentations.
Tommaso: Survery organizer.
Severo: Schools encounter organizer.
Alice: Laboratory helper and labjournal writer.
Deborah: Social carer and documentation of physical principles.
Martina: Journal writer

A special thanks to:

General supports: Alessio Mengoni, Elena Perrin and Simone Chiesi.

We would like to thank the University of Florence and the Faculty of Human health sciences for co-financing and supporting our initiative.

Human practices helper:
Samuele del Panta: planned how to convert data in music.
Professors Pietro Ruffo, Patrizio Nuti and Francesco Guglielmi: allowed us to present our work in their classes in the da Vinci Institute.
Professor Maurizio Casu: allowed us to present our work in his class in the Tullio Buzzi Institute.
Professor Erika Cusano: allowed us to present our work in her class in the Castelnuovo Institute.
Assistant principal Nives Moreno: allowed us to present our work in her Institute, Filippo Mazzei.
All the students who welcomed us with warmful interest.

Team Unifi