



Math modeling with our results

We did a real time PCR, that demonstrates the mRNA expression vs the amounts of siRNA. The theoretical values are demonstrated as T-Xm and the values obtained in the experiment are represented as Xm. The d and θ were adjusted, .005 and 29.1 respectively, the obtained results prove that the transfection efficiency is of 42.9%. The maximum degradation rate observed as d resulted to be even lower than expected, the first value was .001.

The following table shows the values for each point using the equation.

X Xm T-Xm
0 1 1
20 0.9 0.97992
40 0.6 0.632184
60 0.57 0.285714
100 0.25 0.177328

The following graph shows that the mRNA degradation does exist, but it doesn’t have the same behavior it is not as reduced as the mode, this means that at a bigger concentration the greater the degradation induced by the siRNA.

siRNA confirmation

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