

As mentioned previously, our goal was to actively engage the scientific community and the general public to assure that our project is safe, responsible and good for the world. This was among other things made possible through public presentations and active dialogues at events & conferences. A big applause to everyone that made these events possible!

You can find a more detailed overview over all the events or conferences that we have organised and participated in below:

Nordic iGEM Conference

The Nordic iGEM Conference (NiC) is an annual meetup for all nordic teams from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

The 9 -11th of June Incell hosted the conference at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, in which enriching workshops were held along with a mini-Jamboree to gather feedback on each other’s projects.

On the last night, a gala dinner was organised as a final opportunity for the different Nordic iGEM teams to bond.

Image 1 Will Wright at Nordic iGEM Conference (June, 2017).

Lecture Session: Synthetic Biology

Synapse - Life Science Connect is a non-profit student organization based in Copenhagen. with focus on bridging the gap between student and the life science industry.

On the 27th of September, in collaboration with Synapse, inCell hosted a lecture session on synthetic biology at The Maersk Tower in Copenhagen with the attendance of Associate Professors Rasmus John Normand Frandsen and Christopher Workman from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), co-founder and CSO of Biosyntia Hans Gene and DTU BioBuilders 2017.

The event introduced the participants to the area of synthetic biology from both an academic and industrial perspective. Moreover, a presentation of the framework of the iGEM competition, its past and future was given, as an introduction to the project presentations of DTU BioBuilders 2017 and Incell.

Image 2 Synapse evening with Incell and other students..

Vartovs Videnskab - Ethics and Future of Synthetic Biology

Vartovs Videnskab (VV) is a small organization driven by Jamila Lilja and Anna Øhlenschlæger, that arranges evening events on scientific topics for a diverse group of young, old, science nerds, curious minds and entrepreneurs.

The 21th of September inCell and Vartovs Videnskab hosted an evening in the sign of synthetic biology for more than 130 individuals.. First, a presentation to Incell’s project was given by team members Jon and Sissel. Subsequently, an insight into synthetic biology’s “green” future was given by Postdoc in plant biochemistry at the University of Copenhagen Thomas Laursen. Thereafter, associate Professor in Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen Sune Holm shared his thoughts on the ethical considerations related to synthetic biology and addressed the need of public discussion of the future of synthetic biology.

A panel discussion gave the participants the opportunity to directly raise questions on the future of synthetic biology in regards to, among other things,artificial intelligence, robotics, IP rights and the public GMO debate in Denmark.

Image 3 Incell at Vartovs Videnskab with Postdoc Thomas Laursen and Sune Holm.

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