East Chapel Hill High School iGEM Team
This year, our iGEM team collaborated with the East Chapel Hill High School iGEM team to hold a conference geared towards other teams across the Southeastern United States. While we had a small start, three teams participated in the event. During our conference, we discussed our individual projects, and offered each other advice and criticisms and suggestions for improvement. We also invited a few guest speakers to participate, and they told us more about careers, ethics, and advancements in the field of synthetic biology.
Reddit Page
Later on during the conference, we chose to create a page on Reddit geared towards discussion of synthetic biology and ethics. Teams and individual iGEM members from around the world would be encouraged to research and take a stance on different topics, such as morally questionable experiments within the field and how science fiction influences the public’s opinions on synthetic biology, among others. Our teams also created a discussion-based game, influenced by the “Building with Biology” forum kit. Instead of discussing the malaria, however, our teams decided the Zika virus was more relevant.
Northeastern Conference
Gaston Day School iGEM team participated in Northeastern Conference actively.