Team:Hong Kong UCCKE/Parts

Basic Parts

Clicking on the part ID leads to the part page.

Part ID Type Short Description Length
BBa_K2197302 Protein domain KRAB amplifies the repression effect of HucR repressor. Resulting repressor is chimeric mammalian urate-dependent transsilencer (mUTS). 915
BBa_K2197303 Regulatory Repressor operator site for mammalian urate-dependent transsilencer (mUTS). 32
BBa_K2197402 Protein domain Mammalian version of urate oxidase (UOX) 969
BBa_K2197501 Protein domain E.coli-originated uric acid transporter that absorbs surrounding uric acid into the cell and allow the urate oxidase to catalyse uric acid into allantoin. 1449
BBa_K2197511 Protein domain Uric acid and glucose transporter Glut 9b 1885

Composite Parts

Clicking on the part ID leads to the part page.

Part ID Short Description Length
BBa_K2197300 Expression of GFP under the control of a uric acid concentration-sensitive promoter device 2019
BBa_K2197301 GFP downstream a repressor operator site 928
BBa_K2197400 Expression of smUOX under the control of a uric acid concentration-sensitive promoter device 2214
BBa_K2197401 smUOX downstream a repressor operator site 1177
BBa_K2197500 Expression of YgFU under the control of a constitutive promoter 1647
BBa_K2197502 Expression of YgFU under the control of a uric acid concentration-sensitive promoter device 2748
BBa_K2197510 Expression of GLUT9 under the control of a constitutive promoter 2061
BBa_K2197600 Expression of Aprotinin under the control of a uric acid concentration-sensitive promoter device 1639