
Fluorescence Results

Dronpa is a photoswitchable fluorescent protein that loses fluorescence under 500-nm light and restores fluorescence under 400-nm light. In our fluorescence assays, we wanted to assess if our constructs are expressing Dronpa.

Plate Reader Fluorescence Assay

Since Dronpa fluoresces similarly to (in the range of) GFP, we looked at the fluorescence of each of our strains using the GFP settings of our plate reader. The Dronpa containing constructs fluoresced more than their non-Dronpa counterparts, which confirms expression.

Microscopy Results

First we looked at controls and non-dronpa constructs to establish a baseline to compare with dronpa. The CheY knockout strain from the Keio collection displayed no swimming regardless of light stimulation, as expected. The CheY overexpression strain displayed tumbling regardless of light.

Now we could compare the behavior of chey dronpa with our wild type strain. For chey dronpa, we recorded 7 swimmers in the first trial. This is in accordance with the default dimerized state of Dronpa. After 500-nm light, CheY should be reactivated, which agrees with the decrease in swimming we observed in the second trial. In the final trial, we didn't see a resurgence in swimming as we would expect, and we are exploring the possibility that 400-nm light is toxic to E. coli.

Here we have a table summarizing all of our microscopy results. As you can see, we actually observed many of the behaviors we expected, including critically our Dronpa constructs This indicates that we were successful in controlling E. coli motility using Dronpa.


In order: 1. Pre-illumination 2. After 2 minutes 500nm light 3. After 3 seconds 400nm light

CheY Knockout

CheY Wild-type

CheY Wild-type Dronpa Fusion

CheY Mutant

CheY Mutant Dronpa Fusion