

Dr. Richard Anthony guided us through the entire project. He helped us generating ideas, trained us for lab and especially gave us advice on lab and helped us improving our understanding of the project.
Dr. Irene Reizman guided us through the project and especially gave us advice on lab and strategy of modeling.
Dr. Mark Brandt helped us improving our understanding of the project.
Dr. Allen Holder helped us constructing the math model and gave us advice on improving the code.
Dr. David Goulet helped us improving the math model.
Dr. Daniel Morris allowed us to use the Isothermal Titration Calorimetry instrument and advised us on the use of it.
Alexander LaCrampe and the Rose-Hulman Synthetic Biology Club helped us generating ideas and gave us formatting advice.
Jaimee Goodman from Terre Haute Union Hospital helped us better understanding our design constrains.