
SJTU Software BiobrickAssist Technology


Database Part:

As we know, there are more than 20,000 biobricks in iGEM official standard database and the number of biobrick keeps increasing every year. with the explosive increase of biobricks, it will be harder for synthetic biologists to manually find good biobricks which meets the requirements when they are trying to create new devices with existing parts. This issue will inevitably lead to the birth of softwares and databases especially related to synthetic biology and these intelligent tools will further promote the rapid development of synthetic biology. So we integrated biobricks data from the iGEM official standard database and then created a visual online device-designing system for synthetic biology researchers.

Q/A part:

It is inspired by our experience on the 5th iGEM Asia Pacific Conference, National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. At the communication meeting, we met members of USCT-Software, who also concentrated on developing useful software for biobricks researchers. Through communication and discussion, we realized that some data in biobricks database was inaccurate and these parts should be removed. If not removed, they may cause wrong search results. We doped out a solution to the problem. We planned to build a forum for users to manually select best biobricks.

After interviewing co-founder of Yanyanshe, Mr.Xie, this idea became mature. Yaoyanshe App focus on Pharmaceutical research and developing industry. It is an exclusive internet platform that combines information of drug research and development, clinical database, development tools and industry communication. As its function is similar with our software, we hoped to get effective suggestions from it. Mr.Xie suggested that we could build a platform for users to communicate, thus we added this useful Q/A forum for users. Users can score biobricks on our site and leave a short comment, which enabled researchers to communicate and learn from each other.