

      We'd like to appreciate all those who helped us over the summer for making project and joining the competition.

a. Laboratory and equipment support

      Our instructor Professor Qi Wu Ph. D provided us with the project laboratory and related experimental materials. Another instructor Xiaogang Du Ph. D provided us with the experimental device for measuring fluorescence and so on.

b. Project support

      We share our ideas with the teachers who gave us many great suggestions. And in the southwest union, the Participating teachers and classmates also gave us considerable great suggestions. They gave us great inspiration to improve the project and experiment.

c. Human practice support

      Ya'an City Food and Drug Administration helped us finish the investigation of Antibiotic Detection. Sichuan Agricultural University farm taught us the use of antibiotics in modern animal breeding industry and the means to deal with antibiotic residues.

d. Financial support

      We raise part of the money through initiating all the chips. Thanks for everyone who helped us.