



The Waterloo team is carpooling with the Toronto team in order to save costs. We also developed a continuous integration server in collaboration with the Toronto team that allows teams to push to the Wiki using solely GitHub. For more information, check out our Software Page


The Dalhousie team had come to Waterloo to get trained and make a cosmid library in the Charles lab, one of the waterloo advisors. Throughout the year we also both helped each other out by troubleshooting various problems that occurred through the year with the wet lab experiments.


We met with the Guelph team in the beginning of the season and gave them some expertise and knowledge on how our team is run to help get them started. The Guelph also provided some candidate enzymes that are used in their project that would be good for the future applications of our project.


The Waterloo team also planned and hosted the ontario iGEM (oGEM) meetup. During this meetup, teams that attended presented their project and also were able to gain feedback from their presentations and also a stepping stone for forming collaborations.

Teams that attended:

  1. Guelph
  2. Queens
  3. Toronto
  4. Ottawa
  5. McMaster