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== Safety ==
This is very much a work in progress page and will be updated later!
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=== Wetlab ===
We are using a strain of E. coli, which like most strains of E. coli is does not present a risk to healthy humans. Our bacteria is in [[Safety/Risk_Groups|safety risk group 1]], the lowest risk level.
<h1> Safety </h1>
We didn’t use real bodily fluids in our experiements - in fact, we didn’t even use simulated bodily fluids, as we just used miRNA. This reduced the risk of contracting any diseases when testing our prototype.
<p>Please visit <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Safety">the main Safety page</a> to find this year's safety requirements & deadlines, and to learn about safe & responsible research in iGEM.</p>
<p>On this page of your wiki, you should write about how you are addressing any safety issues in your project. The wiki is a place where you can <strong>go beyond the questions on the safety forms</strong>, and write about whatever safety topics are most interesting in your project. (You do not need to copy your safety forms onto this wiki page.)</p>
As a UK high school we were limited by our lab and strict UK regulations and therefore didn’t do anything near the boundaries of health and safety rules. Our PI enjoyed filling out lots of forms to apply for the right to carry out GMO work, which was granted (this is a legal requirement in the UK). Furthermore, Sara White, a Senior Biology Technician supported our project with her expertise in microbiology procedures and general lab safety.
Before anyone took part in wet lab work, they received safety training from our PI. This training reinforced what we had already learned as part of our Pre-U Biology course. In our safety training we learnt about:
;Sterilisation techniques.
:We learned about sterilising our equipment using a bunsen burner flame and 70% concentrated ethanol, and the safe preparation of an agar plate without contamination.
;Lab safety rules
:All students at school must comply with our general lab safety rules, which includes not running or eating the lab and wearing safety goggles. Here is a pdf of our lab’s general safety rules
;Chemical Safety
:We learnt about the safe use of chemicals in the lab,how to deal with any spillages and were taught that if any glass smashes we should immediately report it to a teacher, as well as the location of the glass disposal bin with dustpan and brush. Several members also were also equipped with first aid knowledge in the case there were any accidents (although luckily none of there skills were employed).
;Practical technique
:We were taught about other practical techniques such as micropipetting and minipreps, and how to use the lab equipment safely and in a way that avoided contamination.
When transporting potentially hazardous biological materials we made sure they were stored safely in a securely closed box, as well as were clearly labelled as to what they had in them. We certainly got some strange looks on the tube carrying a box marked ‘Hazardous biological materials’ around!
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=== Hardware ===
<h5>Safe Project Design</h5>
Our homemade spectrofluorometer is an essential part of our project as we are using it to measure the fluorescence of our cell-free system. When designing the fluorometer we ensured electronics were safely isolated from power before we carried out any soldering or modifying of components, as well as appropriately masking any conductive areas. We had a safety assemement on soldering in the lab as well as training prior to beginning the hardware project. Furthermore as we were developing off an Arduino and a USB-based Digispark the highest voltage output is only 5V which is unlikely to present a significant risk.
<p>Does your project include any safety features? Have you made certain decisions about the design to reduce risks? Write about them here! For example:</p>
=== Of our test ===
As our genetic circuits are implemented in a cell free system, the biosensor can be used outside the laboratory as the system is sterile and abiotic (however, we did not take it out of the lab in line with iGEM’s ‘Do Not Release’ policy). Thoracic doctors all over the world could benefit from our biosensor as it provides a safer alternative to using screening techniques such as CT and PET scans, and does not present health risk to patients. Both PET and CT scans subject patients to ionising radiation and therefore increasing the risk of developing cancer slightly. The radioactive tracer used in PET scans may also cause an allergic reaction. However, our system is completely radiation free; only a blood sample is required which presents a much lower risk to patients. Taking a blood sample can be done in minutes, and all nurses and doctors can safely take a blood sample. In ideal circumstances, we would like to be able to work with saliva, making our system completely non-intrusive and hence presenting no risk to patients.
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<li>Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis</li>
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<li>Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants</li>
<li>Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment</li>
<li>Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device</li>
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<h5>Safe Lab Work</h5>
<p>What safety procedures do you use every day in the lab? Did you perform any unusual experiments, or face any unusual safety issues? Write about them here!</p>
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<h5>Safe Shipment</h5>
<p>Did you face any safety problems in sending your DNA parts to the Registry? How did you solve those problems?</p>

Revision as of 17:33, 22 September 2017


This is very much a work in progress page and will be updated later!


We are using a strain of E. coli, which like most strains of E. coli is does not present a risk to healthy humans. Our bacteria is in safety risk group 1, the lowest risk level.

We didn’t use real bodily fluids in our experiements - in fact, we didn’t even use simulated bodily fluids, as we just used miRNA. This reduced the risk of contracting any diseases when testing our prototype.

As a UK high school we were limited by our lab and strict UK regulations and therefore didn’t do anything near the boundaries of health and safety rules. Our PI enjoyed filling out lots of forms to apply for the right to carry out GMO work, which was granted (this is a legal requirement in the UK). Furthermore, Sara White, a Senior Biology Technician supported our project with her expertise in microbiology procedures and general lab safety.

Before anyone took part in wet lab work, they received safety training from our PI. This training reinforced what we had already learned as part of our Pre-U Biology course. In our safety training we learnt about:

Sterilisation techniques.
We learned about sterilising our equipment using a bunsen burner flame and 70% concentrated ethanol, and the safe preparation of an agar plate without contamination.
Lab safety rules
All students at school must comply with our general lab safety rules, which includes not running or eating the lab and wearing safety goggles. Here is a pdf of our lab’s general safety rules
Chemical Safety
We learnt about the safe use of chemicals in the lab,how to deal with any spillages and were taught that if any glass smashes we should immediately report it to a teacher, as well as the location of the glass disposal bin with dustpan and brush. Several members also were also equipped with first aid knowledge in the case there were any accidents (although luckily none of there skills were employed).
Practical technique
We were taught about other practical techniques such as micropipetting and minipreps, and how to use the lab equipment safely and in a way that avoided contamination.

When transporting potentially hazardous biological materials we made sure they were stored safely in a securely closed box, as well as were clearly labelled as to what they had in them. We certainly got some strange looks on the tube carrying a box marked ‘Hazardous biological materials’ around!


Our homemade spectrofluorometer is an essential part of our project as we are using it to measure the fluorescence of our cell-free system. When designing the fluorometer we ensured electronics were safely isolated from power before we carried out any soldering or modifying of components, as well as appropriately masking any conductive areas. We had a safety assemement on soldering in the lab as well as training prior to beginning the hardware project. Furthermore as we were developing off an Arduino and a USB-based Digispark the highest voltage output is only 5V which is unlikely to present a significant risk.

Of our test

As our genetic circuits are implemented in a cell free system, the biosensor can be used outside the laboratory as the system is sterile and abiotic (however, we did not take it out of the lab in line with iGEM’s ‘Do Not Release’ policy). Thoracic doctors all over the world could benefit from our biosensor as it provides a safer alternative to using screening techniques such as CT and PET scans, and does not present health risk to patients. Both PET and CT scans subject patients to ionising radiation and therefore increasing the risk of developing cancer slightly. The radioactive tracer used in PET scans may also cause an allergic reaction. However, our system is completely radiation free; only a blood sample is required which presents a much lower risk to patients. Taking a blood sample can be done in minutes, and all nurses and doctors can safely take a blood sample. In ideal circumstances, we would like to be able to work with saliva, making our system completely non-intrusive and hence presenting no risk to patients.