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<h1>Gut Inflammation Detector</h1>
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<p> Thiosulfate and tetrathionate are two kinds of chemical compound which can be produced in the gut while gut inflammation. Nowadays, people are able to detect gut inflammation using utilized two-system detector gained from marine Shewanella species and at the same time present the result by producing GFP (expressing the gene sfGFP) which would produce green light if exposed to ultraviolet light. Considering this method can be further improved, SHSBNU_China team contributed to change some parts of the two-system detector in order to let the results to be presented more clearly and visibly in normal condition (without specially-produced ultraviolet light). Furthermore, based on the idea of making the detecting system more practical and usable, we focused on developing a kind of pill with a similar thinking of molecule-targeted drugs, where the whole system is stored in a container which can be easily collect and analyzed when it has finished the trip in the digestive system. One more thing is that this system also has a great potential for future research that it could be further modified to do some treatment to the inflammation (once it’s detected). </p>
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            <p style = "font-family:arial;color:#000;font-size:32px; text-align: center"> Gut Inflammation Dectors </p>
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                <p style = "font-family:arial;color:#5C5C5C;font-size:32px; text-align: center"> Abstract </p>
                <p> Thiosulfate and tetrathionate are two kinds of chemical compound which can be produced in the gut while gut inflammation. Nowadays, people are able to detect gut inflammation using utilized two-system detector gained from marine Shewanella species and at the same time present the result by producing GFP (expressing the gene sfGFP) which would produce green light if exposed to ultraviolet light. Considering this method can be further improved, SHSBNU_China team contributed to change some parts of the two-system detector in order to let the results to be presented more clearly and visibly in normal condition (without specially-produced ultraviolet light). Furthermore, based on the idea of making the detecting system more practical and usable, we focused on developing a kind of pill with a similar thinking of molecule-targeted drugs, where the whole system is stored in a container which can be easily collect and analyzed when it has finished the trip in the digestive system. One more thing is that this system also has a great potential for future research that it could be further modified to do some treatment to the inflammation (once it’s detected). </p>
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                <P style = "font-family:arial;color:#5C5C5C;font-size:10px; text-align: center">iGEM 2017</P>
                <P style = "font-family:arial;color:#5C5C5C;font-size:10px; text-align: center">Made by Azir.</P>
                <p style = "font-family:arial;color:#5C5C5C;font-size:10px; text-align: center">The Second High School Attached Beijing Normal University International Division </p>
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Latest revision as of 06:26, 17 October 2017

SHSBNU-China iGEM 2017 Home Page


Thiosulfate and tetrathionate are two kinds of chemical compound which can be produced in the gut while gut inflammation. Nowadays, people are able to detect gut inflammation using utilized two-system detector gained from marine Shewanella species and at the same time present the result by producing GFP (expressing the gene sfGFP) which would produce green light if exposed to ultraviolet light. Considering this method can be further improved, SHSBNU_China team contributed to change some parts of the two-system detector in order to let the results to be presented more clearly and visibly in normal condition (without specially-produced ultraviolet light). Furthermore, based on the idea of making the detecting system more practical and usable, we focused on developing a kind of pill with a similar thinking of molecule-targeted drugs, where the whole system is stored in a container which can be easily collect and analyzed when it has finished the trip in the digestive system. One more thing is that this system also has a great potential for future research that it could be further modified to do some treatment to the inflammation (once it’s detected).