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PART I Degradation
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1. Cloning of Horseradish Peroxidase
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To make sure the plasmid is cloned into E.coli BL-21 strain, we extracted the plasmid from transformed E.coli.(figure 1) We validated the gene by PCR with specific primers and then we examined the result with Agarose gel electrophoresis. A successful cloning was verified from the results of a PCR performed with designed specific primers according to the theoretically expected length of horseradish peroxidase(927bp).
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Figure 1.
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Figure 1.
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Figure 2. Primers for VR backbone:1,3,5 ;primers for monobody:2,4,6
2. Expression and purification of apo-HRP and refolded-HRP
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To obtain functional horseradish peroxidase we need to purify the protein from E.coli, but this kind of protein does not have any function and it is called apoprotein. After the first time purification, we refolded the protein to construct the correct structure and then we activated the apo-HRP with hemin to produce the functional HRP. We examined the existence of this protein by SDS-PAGE after purification. (figure 3)
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Figure 3. SDS-PAGE for purification of HRP
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3. Functional test of Horseradish Peroxidase
To prove the degradation ability of HRP, we mixed 25 µg of HRP with 1 mM H2O2 and BPA or NP in the 1 mL water. The environment of degradation is suitable for HRP to degrade the phenolic compounds(40℃ and pH=6-7). After degradation for 24 hours, we denatured HRP by briefly heating up to 80℃ and use LC-PDA (Liquid Chromatography - Photodiode Array detector) to analysis the result of degradation.(figure 4 and 5)
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Figure 4. The result of LC-PDA (BPA sample)
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Figure 5. The result of LC-PDA (NP sample)
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From the result of LC-PDA, we found that there are two extra peaks showing after degradation and these extra peaks represent the by-products from degradation.
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Unfortunately, we can’t know how much EDCs is degraded by HRP because:
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(1) The peak of the by-products overlap the peak of EDCs and we can’t get the information of remained EDCs. (There is a by-product have a broad peak from 2.2 min to 3.5min and its intensity also much higher than the peak of EDCs)
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(2) The quality of the column from LC isn’t good enough to separate the by-products from EDCs due to their similar molecular properties. (This LC can’t distinguish between BPA and NP so we estimated that it can’t distinguish the degraded by-product from BPA or NP as well.)
Moreover, we use the mass spectrum to prove HRP can degrade BPA and NP by the signals of the large molecular weight of by-products.(figure 6-9) We found that there are lots of additional peaks show up after degraded by HRP, and this result can prove our HRP can degrade BPA and NP.
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figure 6 the mass spectrum of BPA
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figure 7 the mass spectrum of BPA after degradation
figure 8 the mass spectrum of NP
figure 9 the mass spectrum of NP after degradation
PART II  Detection
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(1) Cloning of ER-alpha and monobody
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<h1 style="color:#DF6A6A">Results
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We cloned the sequence of ER-alpha and Monobody into the vector, and then we transformed the plasmid into BL-21 competent cells, respectively.(Figure 10 and 11)  
After transformation, we extracted both plasmids from the cells and the vector was validated by gel electrophoresis.  
 <td style="background-color: #f6f6e3"><center><h1>Overview</h1></center><br>
<font size=5>
1. Constructed and confirmed all of our composite parts.<br><br>
2. Proved our recombinant HRP can degrade BPA and NP by the result of mass spectrum.<br><br>
3. Used IR spectrum to prove the function of our detection method and we took the microscope images on the gold surface to prove the ability to estimate the concentration of EDCs in the water.<br><br>
4. Found the limitation of our detection method is 5 µM (about 1ppm) of EDCs.<br><br>
5. Showed comparison of our detection method and traditional ways:<br><br>
<img width="85%"  src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/91/265.png">
Figure 10. E.coli with gene of monobody 
Figure 11. E.coli with gene of ER-alpha
A successful cloning was verified from the results of a PCR performed with specifically designed primers according to the theoretically expected length of ER-alpha (2199bp) and Monobody (797bp).(Figure 12)
PART I Degradation
Figure 12  1 : RFP ( mRFP F-primer and mRFP R-primer ); 2 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP2 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 3 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 1 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ) ; 4 : IPTG (promoter) + ER with red spot  (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 5 : IPTG (promoter) + ER2  (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 6 : IPTG (promoter) + ER1  (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 7 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody with red spot (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ); 8 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 2 (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ) ; 9 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 1 (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ); 10 : RFP ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 11 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 12 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 13 : IPTG (promoter) + ER with red spot  ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 14 : IPTG (promoter) + ER2  ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 15 : IPTG (promoter) + ER1  ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 16 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody with red spot ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 17 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 18 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer )
(2) Function of ice nucleation protein (INP)
Cloning of Horseradish Peroxidase
We compared the difference between E.coli expressed RFP and RFP-INP(figure 13). After the lysis of culture expressing RFP-INP, most of RFP was on the fragments of the membrane. Due to the larger structure of plasma membrane, it is easily spin down. If RFP-INP is on the E.coli plasma membrane when we centrifuged the cell lysate, RFP-INP is spun down with the plasma membrane, and we see a red pellet.
On contract, after cell lysis of RFP expression E.coli, most of RFP suspended in the solution. Since the centrifugation force, we set in this experiment is not enough to spin down particles as small as RFP. We see RFP suspended in the supernatant even after centrifugation.
This experiment showed that INP can bring RFP to the membrane of E.coli, and this result proved the function of INP.
Figure 13. 1 : Fragments of E.coli with gene of RFP-INP ; 2:  Fragments of E.coli with gene of RFP
To make sure the plasmid is cloned into <I>E. coli</I> BL-21 strain, we extracted the plasmid from transformed <I>E. coli</I>.(Figure 1) We validated the gene by PCR with specific primers and then we examined the result with Agarose gel electrophoresis. A successful cloning was verified from the results of a PCR performed with designed specific primers according to the theoretically expected length of horseradish peroxidase(927bp)(Figure 2).
(3) Characterization of detection system
To prove that our detection system can distinguish the sample has EDCs or not, we used IR spectrum to measure specific bonds on E.coli and verify the detection function.(Table 1)
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/bb/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--hrp_ecoli.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Table 1. The IR signals for E.coli
Figure 1.
In the beginning, we try to use live cells for the  detection system. However, we found that all the samples have the information of E.coli. Showing that there is no difference between the sample with 5mM EDCs and the sample with no EDCs. (Figure 14)
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/70/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--hrp_pcr3.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 14 The IR spectrum of samples in different conditions (live E.coli)
Figure 2. Primers for VR backbone:1,3,5 ;primers for HRP:2,4,6
<h2>Expression and purification of apo-HRP and refolded-HRP</h2>
To decrease the activity of E.coli, we tried to freeze E.coli in -80℃ for 24 hours and use it after thawing on ice immediately. We found that there is a significant difference between the sample with 5mM EDCs and EDCs-free and the intensity of IR signals also decrease due to the reduction of mobility of E.coli.(Figure 15) This result can prove that our detection system can detect EDCs in the water.
Figure 15. The IR spectrum of samples in different conditions (freezed E.coli)
To obtain functional horseradish peroxidase we need to purify the protein from <I>E. coli</I>, but this kind of protein does not have any function and it is called apoprotein. After the first time purification, we refolded the protein to construct the correct structure and then we activated the apo-HRP with hemin to produce the functional HRP. We examined the existence of this protein by SDS-PAGE after purification. (Figure 3)
(4) Proof of concept : quantifying the amount of EDCs in the water
To prove our detection system can measure the concentration of EDCs, we use crystal violet to stain E.coli on the surface of gold and then observe the density of stained E.coli under microscope. Due to the surface tension force of water, there are lots of E.coli remained around the drop edge of sample, and we only observed the area in the middle of the sample to reduce the error. (Figure 16)
<img width="65%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/3a/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--hrp_page.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 16 Tthe sample under 50X microscope
Figure 3. SDS-PAGE for purification of HRP
We observed the density of E.coli when the samples contained different concentration of BPA and NP from 5mM to 5nM (Figure 17 and 18). This result indicates that when the concentration of EDCs decreases, the density of E.coli will decrease as well.
<h2>Functional test of Horseradish Peroxidase</h2>
Figure 17 The samples with different concentration of BPA under 500X microscope
Figure 18 The samples with different concentration of NP under 500X microscope
For the practical propose, we added trehalose (0.1M) to prevent ER-alpha from denaturing and increase the time of conservation. We also observed the density of E.coli with samples containing the different concentration of BPA and NP from 5mM to 5nM.(Figure 19 and 20) From the result of observation, we can find the similar tendency as the sample without trehalose.
We use the mass spectrum to prove HRP can degrade BPA and NP by the signals of the large molecular weight of by-products.(Figure 4-7) We found that there are lots of additional peaks show up after degraded by HRP, and this result can prove our HRP can degrade BPA and NP.
Figure 19 The samples with different concentration of BPA in 0.1M trehalose under 500X microscope
Figure 20  the samples with different concentration of NP in 0.1M trehalose under 500X microscope
<img width="40%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fb/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--ms_bpa.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
To clarify the relationship between the concentration of EDCs and the density of E.coli, we use image J to count the amount of E.coli on the surface. (Figure 21-24) From the results of imageJ, we can get the similar tendency as the result from the pictures of the microscope. However, the density of E.coli decreases in the presence of 0.1 M trehalose, and this result suggested that although trehalose can improve the time to store lyophilized E.coli, it can decrease the precision of our detection system.
Figure 4. the mass spectrum of BPA
Figure 21 Samples of BPA
<img width="40%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/2f/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--ms_bpa_hrp.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 22 Samples of NP
Figure 5. the mass spectrum of BPA after degradation
Figure 23 Samples of BPA in 0.1M trehalose
<img width="40%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/28/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--ms_np.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 24 Samples of NP in 0.1M trehalose
Figure 6. the mass spectrum of NP
(5) The limitation of our detection system
<img width="40%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b3/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--ms_np_hrp.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
To further understand the limitation of the concentration that our system can achieve, we observed the density of E.coli in four different conditions of background. We find that when there are no EDCs in the sample, the density of E.coli is close to the concentration of EDCs below 5µM. Showing that our detection system can’t measure the concentration of EDCs less than 5µM.(Figure 25 and Table 2)
Figure 7. the mass spectrum of NP after degradation
Figure 25 The background of 4 different conditions
Table 2. The amounts of E.coli in the 4 different backgrounds
PART II  Detection
Cloning of ER-alpha and monobody
We cloned the sequence of ER-alpha and Monobody into the vector, and then we transformed the plasmid into BL-21 competent cells, respectively.(Figure 8 and 9)
After transformation, we extracted both plasmids from the cells and the vector was validated by gel electrophoresis.
<img width="27%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/ce/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--mono_ecoli.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 8. <I>E. coli</I> with gene of monobody
<img width="27%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/98/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--er_ecoli.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 9. <I>E. coli</I> with gene of ER-alpha
A successful cloning was verified from the results of a PCR performed with specifically designed primers according to the theoretically expected length of ER-alpha_INP fusion gene (2199bp) and Monobody (797bp).(Figure 10)
<img width="50%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/28/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--PCR2.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 10.  1 : RFP ( mRFP F-primer and mRFP R-primer ); 2 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP2 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 3 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 1 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ) ; 4 : IPTG (promoter) + ER with red spot  (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 5 : IPTG (promoter) + ER2  (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 6 : IPTG (promoter) + ER1  (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 7 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody with red spot (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ); 8 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 2 (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ) ; 9 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 1 (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ); 10 : RFP ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 11 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 12 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 13 : IPTG (promoter) + ER with red spot  ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 14 : IPTG (promoter) + ER2  ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 15 : IPTG (promoter) + ER1  ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 16 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody with red spot ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 17 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 18 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer )
<h2>Function of ice nucleation protein (INP)</h2>
We compared the difference between <I>E. coli</I> expressed RFP and RFP-INP(Figure 11). After the lysis of culture expressing RFP-INP, most of RFP was on the fragments of the membrane. Due to the larger structure of plasma membrane, it is easily spin down. If RFP-INP is on the <I>E. coli</I> plasma membrane when we centrifuged the cell lysate, RFP-INP is spun down with the plasma membrane, and we see a red pellet.
On contract, after cell lysis of RFP expression <I>E. coli</I>, most of RFP suspended in the solution. Since the centrifugation force, we set in this experiment is not enough to spin down particles as small as RFP. We see RFP suspended in the supernatant even after centrifugation.
This experiment showed that INP can bring RFP to the membrane of <I>E. coli</I>, and this result proved the function of INP.
<img width="30%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d7/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--inp.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 11. 1 : Fragments of <I>E. coli</I> with gene of RFP-INP ; 2:  Fragments of <I>E. coli</I> with gene of RFP
Characterization of biosensing chip
To prove that our biosensing chip can distinguish the sample has EDCs or not, we used IR spectrum to measure specific bonds on <I>E. coli</I> and verify the detection function.(Table 1)
<img width="50%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/71/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--table_1.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Table 1. The IR signals for <I>E. coli</I>
In the beginning, we try to use live cells for the biosensing chip. However, we found that all the samples have the information of <I>E. coli</I>. Showing that there is no difference between the sample with 5mM EDCs and the sample with no EDCs. (Figure 12)
<img width="75%"src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/1f/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--ir.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 12. The IR spectrum of samples in different conditions (live <I>E. coli</I>)
To decrease the activity of <I>E. coli</I>, we tried to freeze <I>E. coli</I> in -80℃ for 24 hours and use it after thawing on ice immediately. We found that there is a significant difference between the sample with 5mM EDCs and EDCs-free and the intensity of IR signals also decrease due to the reduction of mobility of <I>E. coli</I>.(Figure 13) This result can prove that our biosensing chip can detect EDCs in the water.
<img width="75%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/6c/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--ir2.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 13. The IR spectrum of samples in different conditions (freezed <I>E. coli</I>)
<h2>Proof of concept: quantifying a number of EDCs in the water</h2>
To prove our biosensing chip can measure the concentration of EDCs, we use crystal violet to stain <I>E. coli</I> on the surface of gold and then observe the density of stained <I>E. coli</I> under microscope. Due to the surface tension force of water, there are lots of <I>E. coli</I> remained around the drop edge of sample, and we only observed the area in the middle of the sample to reduce the error. (Figure 14)
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/29/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--demon.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 14. The sample under 50X microscope
        We observed the density of E. coli when the samples contained a different concentration of BPA and NP from 5mM to 5nM (Figure 15 and 16). This result indicates that when the concentration of EDCs decreases, the density of E. coli will decrease as well.
<img width="75%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/32/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--bpa_500.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 15. The samples with different concentration of BPA under 500X microscope
<img width="75%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/81/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--np_500.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 16. The samples with different concentration of NP under 500X microscope
For the practical propose, we added trehalose (0.1M) to prevent ER-alpha from denaturing and increase the time of conservation. We also observed the density of <I>E. coli</I> with samples containing the different concentration of BPA and NP from 5mM to 5nM.(Figure 17 and 18) From the result of observation, we can find the similar tendency as the sample without trehalose.
<img width="75%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/70/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--tbpa_500.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 17. The samples with different concentration of BPA in 0.1M trehalose under 500X microscope
<img width="75%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c9/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--tnp_500.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 18.  the samples with different concentration of NP in 0.1M trehalose under 500X microscope
To clarify the relationship between the concentration of EDCs and the density of <I>E. coli</I>, we use image J to count the amount of <I>E. coli</I> on the surface. (Figure 19-22) From the results of imageJ, we can get the similar tendency as the result from the pictures of the microscope. However, the density of <I>E. coli</I> decreases in the presence of 0.1 M trehalose, and this result suggested that although trehalose can improve the time to store lyophilized <I>E. coli</I>, it can decrease the precision of our biosensing chip.
<img width="55%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/71/21.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 19. Samples of BPA
<img width="55%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/2f/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--np-22.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 20. Samples of NP
<img width="55%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5e/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--tbpa-23.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 21. Samples of BPA in 0.1M trehalose
<img width="55%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/55/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--tnp-24.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 22. Samples of NP in 0.1M trehalose
<h2>Functional test of ER-alpha</h2>
To ensure the function of ER-alpha on the surface of <I>E. coli</I>, we compared the difference between the BL-21 <I>E. coli</I> and ER-alpha expressed <I>E. coli</I> in the different concentration of BPA and NP. (Figure 23 and 24)From the results, we found that BL-21 can’t affect the outcomes of the biosensing chip beyond 5µM of EDCs.
<img width="55%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f8/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Result--BPA.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 23. Samples of BPA
<img width="55%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c8/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Result--NP.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 24. Sample of NP
<h2>The limitation of our biosensing chip</h2>
To further understand the limitation of the concentration that our biosensing chip can achieve, we observed the density of <I>E. coli</I> in four different conditions of background. We find that when there are no EDCs in the sample, the density of <I>E. coli</I> is close to the concentration of EDCs below 5µM. Showing that our biosensing chip can’t measure the concentration of EDCs less than 5µM.(Figure 25 and Table 2)
<img width="35%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/be/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--4%2A25.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 25. The background of 4 different conditions
<img width="80%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/6f/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results---t-26.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Table 2. The amounts of <I>E. coli</I> in the 4 different backgrounds
Part III  Future Work
1. Since we failed to express GFP and ER-alpha at the same time, we will try to construct the gene containing GFP and ER-alpha and express them together for the purpose of detection. (Figure 26)
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/be/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--f-1.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 26. Expression of GFP in the <I>E. coli</I> for detection.
2. Since we don’t have time to construct the biosensing chip to measure the change of fluorescence, we will construct the biosensing chip to estimate the concentration of EDCs in the water precisely. (Figure 27)
<img width="65%" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f7/T--NTHU_Taiwan--Results--f-2.png">
<p><center><font size=2>
Figure 27. Using the change of fluorescence to estimate the precise concentration of EDCs in the water
Part III  Future Work
1. Dong, S., Mao, L., Luo, S., Zhou, L., Feng, Y., & Gao, S. (2014). Comparison of lignin
peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase for catalyzing the removal of nonylphenol from the water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(3), 2358-2366.
1. Since we failed to express GFP and ER-alpha at the same time, we will try to construct the gene containing GFP and ER-alpha and express them together for the purpose of detection. (Figure 26)
2. Tamerler, C., Oren, E. E., Duman, M., Venkatasubramanian, E., & Sarikaya, M. (2006).
Adsorption kinetics of an engineered gold binding peptide by surface plasmon resonance
spectroscopy and a quartz crystal microbalance. Langmuir, 22(18), 7712-7718.
Figure 26. Expression of GFP in the E.coli for detection.
3. Vineh, M. B., Saboury, A. A., Poostchi, A. A., Rashidi, A. M., & Parivar, K. (2017). Stability
and activity improvement of horseradish peroxidase by covalent immobilization on
functionalized reduced graphene oxide and biodegradation of high phenol
concentration. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
2. Since we don’t have time to construct the detection system to measure the change of fluorescence or surface plasmon resonance, we will construct the detection system to estimate the concentration of EDCs in the water precisely. (Figure 27)
4. Gundinger, T., & Spadiut, O. (2017). A comparative approach to recombinantly produce the
plant enzyme horseradish peroxidase in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biotechnology, 248,
Figure 27. Using the change of fluorescence or surface plasmon resonance to estimate the precise concentration of EDCs in the water
5. Filip, Z. D. E. N. E. K., Hermann, S., & Demnerova, K. A. T. E. Ř. I. N. A. (2008). FT-IR
spectroscopic characteristics of differently cultivated Escherichia coli. Czech Journal of Food
Sciences-UZPI (Czech Republic).
Line 260: Line 593:

Latest revision as of 01:27, 2 November 2017




1. Constructed and confirmed all of our composite parts.

2. Proved our recombinant HRP can degrade BPA and NP by the result of mass spectrum.

3. Used IR spectrum to prove the function of our detection method and we took the microscope images on the gold surface to prove the ability to estimate the concentration of EDCs in the water.

4. Found the limitation of our detection method is 5 µM (about 1ppm) of EDCs.

5. Showed comparison of our detection method and traditional ways:

PART I Degradation

Cloning of Horseradish Peroxidase

To make sure the plasmid is cloned into E. coli BL-21 strain, we extracted the plasmid from transformed E. coli.(Figure 1) We validated the gene by PCR with specific primers and then we examined the result with Agarose gel electrophoresis. A successful cloning was verified from the results of a PCR performed with designed specific primers according to the theoretically expected length of horseradish peroxidase(927bp)(Figure 2).

Figure 1.

Figure 2. Primers for VR backbone:1,3,5 ;primers for HRP:2,4,6

Expression and purification of apo-HRP and refolded-HRP

To obtain functional horseradish peroxidase we need to purify the protein from E. coli, but this kind of protein does not have any function and it is called apoprotein. After the first time purification, we refolded the protein to construct the correct structure and then we activated the apo-HRP with hemin to produce the functional HRP. We examined the existence of this protein by SDS-PAGE after purification. (Figure 3)

Figure 3. SDS-PAGE for purification of HRP

Functional test of Horseradish Peroxidase

We use the mass spectrum to prove HRP can degrade BPA and NP by the signals of the large molecular weight of by-products.(Figure 4-7) We found that there are lots of additional peaks show up after degraded by HRP, and this result can prove our HRP can degrade BPA and NP.

Figure 4. the mass spectrum of BPA

Figure 5. the mass spectrum of BPA after degradation

Figure 6. the mass spectrum of NP

Figure 7. the mass spectrum of NP after degradation

PART II Detection

Cloning of ER-alpha and monobody

We cloned the sequence of ER-alpha and Monobody into the vector, and then we transformed the plasmid into BL-21 competent cells, respectively.(Figure 8 and 9) After transformation, we extracted both plasmids from the cells and the vector was validated by gel electrophoresis.

Figure 8. E. coli with gene of monobody

Figure 9. E. coli with gene of ER-alpha

A successful cloning was verified from the results of a PCR performed with specifically designed primers according to the theoretically expected length of ER-alpha_INP fusion gene (2199bp) and Monobody (797bp).(Figure 10)

Figure 10. 1 : RFP ( mRFP F-primer and mRFP R-primer ); 2 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP2 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 3 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 1 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ) ; 4 : IPTG (promoter) + ER with red spot (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 5 : IPTG (promoter) + ER2 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 6 : IPTG (promoter) + ER1 (ER F-primer and ER R-primer ); 7 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody with red spot (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ); 8 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 2 (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ) ; 9 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 1 (Monobody F-primer and Monobody R-primer ); 10 : RFP ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 11 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 12 : IPTG (promoter) + INP + RFP 1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 13 : IPTG (promoter) + ER with red spot ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 14 : IPTG (promoter) + ER2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 15 : IPTG (promoter) + ER1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 16 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody with red spot ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 17 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 2 ( VR primer and VF2 primer ); 18 : IPTG (promoter) + Monobody 1 ( VR primer and VF2 primer )

Function of ice nucleation protein (INP)

We compared the difference between E. coli expressed RFP and RFP-INP(Figure 11). After the lysis of culture expressing RFP-INP, most of RFP was on the fragments of the membrane. Due to the larger structure of plasma membrane, it is easily spin down. If RFP-INP is on the E. coli plasma membrane when we centrifuged the cell lysate, RFP-INP is spun down with the plasma membrane, and we see a red pellet.

On contract, after cell lysis of RFP expression E. coli, most of RFP suspended in the solution. Since the centrifugation force, we set in this experiment is not enough to spin down particles as small as RFP. We see RFP suspended in the supernatant even after centrifugation.

This experiment showed that INP can bring RFP to the membrane of E. coli, and this result proved the function of INP.

Figure 11. 1 : Fragments of E. coli with gene of RFP-INP ; 2: Fragments of E. coli with gene of RFP

Characterization of biosensing chip

To prove that our biosensing chip can distinguish the sample has EDCs or not, we used IR spectrum to measure specific bonds on E. coli and verify the detection function.(Table 1)

Table 1. The IR signals for E. coli

In the beginning, we try to use live cells for the biosensing chip. However, we found that all the samples have the information of E. coli. Showing that there is no difference between the sample with 5mM EDCs and the sample with no EDCs. (Figure 12)

Figure 12. The IR spectrum of samples in different conditions (live E. coli)

To decrease the activity of E. coli, we tried to freeze E. coli in -80℃ for 24 hours and use it after thawing on ice immediately. We found that there is a significant difference between the sample with 5mM EDCs and EDCs-free and the intensity of IR signals also decrease due to the reduction of mobility of E. coli.(Figure 13) This result can prove that our biosensing chip can detect EDCs in the water.

Figure 13. The IR spectrum of samples in different conditions (freezed E. coli)

Proof of concept: quantifying a number of EDCs in the water

To prove our biosensing chip can measure the concentration of EDCs, we use crystal violet to stain E. coli on the surface of gold and then observe the density of stained E. coli under microscope. Due to the surface tension force of water, there are lots of E. coli remained around the drop edge of sample, and we only observed the area in the middle of the sample to reduce the error. (Figure 14)

Figure 14. The sample under 50X microscope

We observed the density of E. coli when the samples contained a different concentration of BPA and NP from 5mM to 5nM (Figure 15 and 16). This result indicates that when the concentration of EDCs decreases, the density of E. coli will decrease as well.

Figure 15. The samples with different concentration of BPA under 500X microscope

Figure 16. The samples with different concentration of NP under 500X microscope

For the practical propose, we added trehalose (0.1M) to prevent ER-alpha from denaturing and increase the time of conservation. We also observed the density of E. coli with samples containing the different concentration of BPA and NP from 5mM to 5nM.(Figure 17 and 18) From the result of observation, we can find the similar tendency as the sample without trehalose.

Figure 17. The samples with different concentration of BPA in 0.1M trehalose under 500X microscope

Figure 18. the samples with different concentration of NP in 0.1M trehalose under 500X microscope

To clarify the relationship between the concentration of EDCs and the density of E. coli, we use image J to count the amount of E. coli on the surface. (Figure 19-22) From the results of imageJ, we can get the similar tendency as the result from the pictures of the microscope. However, the density of E. coli decreases in the presence of 0.1 M trehalose, and this result suggested that although trehalose can improve the time to store lyophilized E. coli, it can decrease the precision of our biosensing chip.

Figure 19. Samples of BPA

Figure 20. Samples of NP

Figure 21. Samples of BPA in 0.1M trehalose

Figure 22. Samples of NP in 0.1M trehalose

Functional test of ER-alpha

To ensure the function of ER-alpha on the surface of E. coli, we compared the difference between the BL-21 E. coli and ER-alpha expressed E. coli in the different concentration of BPA and NP. (Figure 23 and 24)From the results, we found that BL-21 can’t affect the outcomes of the biosensing chip beyond 5µM of EDCs.

Figure 23. Samples of BPA

Figure 24. Sample of NP

The limitation of our biosensing chip

To further understand the limitation of the concentration that our biosensing chip can achieve, we observed the density of E. coli in four different conditions of background. We find that when there are no EDCs in the sample, the density of E. coli is close to the concentration of EDCs below 5µM. Showing that our biosensing chip can’t measure the concentration of EDCs less than 5µM.(Figure 25 and Table 2)

Figure 25. The background of 4 different conditions

Table 2. The amounts of E. coli in the 4 different backgrounds

Part III Future Work

1. Since we failed to express GFP and ER-alpha at the same time, we will try to construct the gene containing GFP and ER-alpha and express them together for the purpose of detection. (Figure 26)

Figure 26. Expression of GFP in the E. coli for detection.

2. Since we don’t have time to construct the biosensing chip to measure the change of fluorescence, we will construct the biosensing chip to estimate the concentration of EDCs in the water precisely. (Figure 27)

Figure 27. Using the change of fluorescence to estimate the precise concentration of EDCs in the water


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3. Vineh, M. B., Saboury, A. A., Poostchi, A. A., Rashidi, A. M., & Parivar, K. (2017). Stability and activity improvement of horseradish peroxidase by covalent immobilization on functionalized reduced graphene oxide and biodegradation of high phenol concentration. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.

4. Gundinger, T., & Spadiut, O. (2017). A comparative approach to recombinantly produce the plant enzyme horseradish peroxidase in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biotechnology, 248, 15-24.

5. Filip, Z. D. E. N. E. K., Hermann, S., & Demnerova, K. A. T. E. Ř. I. N. A. (2008). FT-IR spectroscopic characteristics of differently cultivated Escherichia coli. Czech Journal of Food Sciences-UZPI (Czech Republic).