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Sharing and collaboration are core values of iGEM. We encourage you to reach out and work with other teams on difficult problems that you can more easily solve together.
<h3>Silver Medal Criterion #2</h3>
Complete this page if you intend to compete for the silver medal criterion #2 on collaboration. Please see the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Judging/Medals">2017 Medals Page</a> for more information.  
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<span>We are students of HAFS who make gluten digestable.</span>
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<h3>1. Survey interactions with many teams.</h3>
<p> We contacted with many other teams through our own survey. First was with IGEM Greece and their project is pANDORRA – Engineering and delivering modular RNAi-based logic circuits to treat colorectal cancer. In order to design a multi-pronged treatment approach for colorectal neoplasia, this team is engineering a novel anti-cancer E.coli agent, facilitating selective adhesion and cell density-dependent invasion into cancer cells, as the delivery module for our classifier circuit. In the future, they envision their system to be employed in a variety of pathological conditions generating reporter signals or protein outputs of therapeutic potential. In response to their survey, we provided our survey to them, which is about the increasing demand of gluten-free food and general introduction of our project, Insertion of Dipeptidyl peptidase-4(DPP- 4) to Intestinal Gut Microflora: Free from“Gluten-free”. Not only from Greece, igemusp(Brazil) team, British_Columbia IGEM team, UiOslo_Norway team, and Bordeaux also participated our survey for information about the trend of increasing gluten-intolerance.</p>
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<h3>2. Mentoring from KUAS_Korea </h3>
<p> We were mentored by another College IGEM team, KUAS_Korea. KUAS_Korea is the team from Korea University in South Korea. They looked through our overall project and we learned basic method of PCR, gene cloning, etc. We basically first meet through face to face to generally inform our project, what we are mainly using as our own specific method and what we are suffering through the experiment. They introduced the new solution of our deficiency by showing some parts of their project to us and what they learn as members of synthetic biology association in their school. They also advised us about wiki management, experiment ethics, medal criteria, etc. We also talked about each other’s possible application of our project for general people and improved our parts based on discussion. By mentored from college team, we could get a lot of useful advices not only for our experiment but also for our overall progress for IGEM. We also learned that sharing different genuine thoughts and applying different ideas from many people is the crucial way to improve our project.</p>
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<h3>3. YouTube Collaboration</h3>
<p>We contacted with East Chapel Hill High school team in North Carolina through our facebook page and made YouTube collaboration. We first contacted through our facebook page and decided to make tutorials of lab techniques and lab safety with many other teams which is called Tasty-Style Lab Technique Videos. We could choose any of our lab techniques from our experiment and create a short 1-2 minutes video. So our team created a ‘Ligation prep’ video for about 2 minutes and made collaboration with Peshawar 2017, UNBC 2017 and East Chapel Hill 2017. We first discussed what technique to choose and when we made the lab meeting, we made this video. Not only our team but also each of team created a great lab video. For Peshawar 2017, they made a transformation procedure video, serial dilution method for East Chapel Hill 2017 and Agarose gel method for UNBC 2017. By doing this collaboration, we could not only look through other teams method for their experiment but also how different methods could be use in different application of synthetic biology.</p>
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<h3>4. Wiki Revisions</h3>
<p> To potentially improve our team’s wiki, our team basically checked many other teams wikis and vice versa. After the process of contacting with many teams, we finally get to contact with igemusp(Brazil) team, British_Columbia IGEM team, UiOslo_Norway team, and Bordeaux team. They sent us some comments after reviewing our wiki and our team reflected the comments and made revisions. During revisions, we pointed out improvements of each other’s’ organization of the wiki such as defining terms before the result section to trivial mistakes like grammar errors. Our team was surprised by imaginative ideas and visually conspicuous graphic and was able to receive innovative ways to portray our project on wiki better. We were also able to get inspirations from these teams’ projects by going through their wikis. Especially, in team Britain Columbia, we were really surprised by using  CRISPR/Cas9 to combat virulent bacteria although they were lack of collaboration and exposure of validation of modeling.  </br>
Teams that made the wiki revisions with us had various subjects for their projects. Team UiOslo Norway team’s project is to create the functional biolaser by using a fluorescent protein solution, while team Usp-Brazil focused on the Paratransgenesis is the genetic modification of the microbiota of an insect/vector aiming at blocking the cycle of vector-borne pathogens. Team British Columbia made solution of creating aGROW, which is capable of removing harmful gene in plants such as agrobacterium. Also, Team Bordeaux aims to study the alternative splicing of the unc-60 gene in C. elegans. They focus on gene expression in muscular cell in order to control cell differentiation. All the works from these teams were greatly mind-striking, helping us to reflect on our own work.</p>
<h4> Which other teams can we work with? </h4>
You can work with any other team in the competition, including software, hardware, high school and other tracks. You can also work with non-iGEM research groups, but they do not count towards the iGEM team collaboration silver medal criterion.
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In order to meet the silver medal criteria on helping another team, you must complete this page and detail the nature of your collaboration with another iGEM team.
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Here are some suggestions for projects you could work on with other teams:
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<li> Improve the function of another team's BioBrick Part or Device</li>
<li> Characterize another team's part </li>
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<li> Debug a construct </li>
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<li> Model or simulating another team's system </li>
<li> Test another team's software</li>
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<li> Help build and test another team's hardware project</li>
<script src="https://2017.igem.org/Template:TNCR_Korea_bootstrap_min/Javascript?
<li> Mentor a high-school team</li>
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Latest revision as of 03:20, 2 November 2017

TNCR_KOREA — Digestable Gluten


We are students of HAFS who make gluten digestable.


1. Survey interactions with many teams.

We contacted with many other teams through our own survey. First was with IGEM Greece and their project is pANDORRA – Engineering and delivering modular RNAi-based logic circuits to treat colorectal cancer. In order to design a multi-pronged treatment approach for colorectal neoplasia, this team is engineering a novel anti-cancer E.coli agent, facilitating selective adhesion and cell density-dependent invasion into cancer cells, as the delivery module for our classifier circuit. In the future, they envision their system to be employed in a variety of pathological conditions generating reporter signals or protein outputs of therapeutic potential. In response to their survey, we provided our survey to them, which is about the increasing demand of gluten-free food and general introduction of our project, Insertion of Dipeptidyl peptidase-4(DPP- 4) to Intestinal Gut Microflora: Free from“Gluten-free”. Not only from Greece, igemusp(Brazil) team, British_Columbia IGEM team, UiOslo_Norway team, and Bordeaux also participated our survey for information about the trend of increasing gluten-intolerance.

2. Mentoring from KUAS_Korea

We were mentored by another College IGEM team, KUAS_Korea. KUAS_Korea is the team from Korea University in South Korea. They looked through our overall project and we learned basic method of PCR, gene cloning, etc. We basically first meet through face to face to generally inform our project, what we are mainly using as our own specific method and what we are suffering through the experiment. They introduced the new solution of our deficiency by showing some parts of their project to us and what they learn as members of synthetic biology association in their school. They also advised us about wiki management, experiment ethics, medal criteria, etc. We also talked about each other’s possible application of our project for general people and improved our parts based on discussion. By mentored from college team, we could get a lot of useful advices not only for our experiment but also for our overall progress for IGEM. We also learned that sharing different genuine thoughts and applying different ideas from many people is the crucial way to improve our project.

3. YouTube Collaboration

We contacted with East Chapel Hill High school team in North Carolina through our facebook page and made YouTube collaboration. We first contacted through our facebook page and decided to make tutorials of lab techniques and lab safety with many other teams which is called Tasty-Style Lab Technique Videos. We could choose any of our lab techniques from our experiment and create a short 1-2 minutes video. So our team created a ‘Ligation prep’ video for about 2 minutes and made collaboration with Peshawar 2017, UNBC 2017 and East Chapel Hill 2017. We first discussed what technique to choose and when we made the lab meeting, we made this video. Not only our team but also each of team created a great lab video. For Peshawar 2017, they made a transformation procedure video, serial dilution method for East Chapel Hill 2017 and Agarose gel method for UNBC 2017. By doing this collaboration, we could not only look through other teams method for their experiment but also how different methods could be use in different application of synthetic biology.

4. Wiki Revisions

To potentially improve our team’s wiki, our team basically checked many other teams wikis and vice versa. After the process of contacting with many teams, we finally get to contact with igemusp(Brazil) team, British_Columbia IGEM team, UiOslo_Norway team, and Bordeaux team. They sent us some comments after reviewing our wiki and our team reflected the comments and made revisions. During revisions, we pointed out improvements of each other’s’ organization of the wiki such as defining terms before the result section to trivial mistakes like grammar errors. Our team was surprised by imaginative ideas and visually conspicuous graphic and was able to receive innovative ways to portray our project on wiki better. We were also able to get inspirations from these teams’ projects by going through their wikis. Especially, in team Britain Columbia, we were really surprised by using CRISPR/Cas9 to combat virulent bacteria although they were lack of collaboration and exposure of validation of modeling.
Teams that made the wiki revisions with us had various subjects for their projects. Team UiOslo Norway team’s project is to create the functional biolaser by using a fluorescent protein solution, while team Usp-Brazil focused on the Paratransgenesis is the genetic modification of the microbiota of an insect/vector aiming at blocking the cycle of vector-borne pathogens. Team British Columbia made solution of creating aGROW, which is capable of removing harmful gene in plants such as agrobacterium. Also, Team Bordeaux aims to study the alternative splicing of the unc-60 gene in C. elegans. They focus on gene expression in muscular cell in order to control cell differentiation. All the works from these teams were greatly mind-striking, helping us to reflect on our own work.