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Library and Selection
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<h2> Short Summary </h2>
<h2> Translational System </h2>
<h4> Transational Mechanism</h4>
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The incorporation of a non-canonical amino acid (ncAA) into the nascent polypeptide chain requires a <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Results/translational_system/library_and_selection">tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase&nbsp;(tRNA/aaRS)</a> pair which is highly specific for each amino acid. Mechanistically the aaRS has to recognize, accept, and bind the amino acid and transfer it in the second step onto the tRNA.
For our ncAA we want to develop a tRNA/aaRS pair which is specific for the ncAA as well as orthogonal to the canonical amino acid tRNA/aaRS pairs.Therefore a library of mutated<a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-CeBiTec/Project/translational_system/translation_mechanism">orthogonal tRNA/aaRS</a> pairs is generated, based on the commonly used tyrosyl- and pyrrolysyl- tRNA/synthetases. For the adaption of the codon recognition and amino acid binding, the candidate aaRS undergoes numerous rounds of positive and negative selection. The selection results in a synthetase which can be expressed efficiently in <i>Escherichia coli</i> and is able to reliable incorporate specifically our ncAA.
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<h2> Amber-codon</h2>
The genetic code, consisting of the four bases adenine, guanine, thymidine, and cytosine, provides the framework for the building of peptides and proteins, and thus builds the foundation for all living organisms. Three bases each code for an amino acid, and multiple amino acids in turn form a polypeptide. The genetic code itself is fixed, meaning that every possible base triplet codes for an amino acids or a translation stop, such that there are no “unused” combinations of three bases. In order for a non-canonical amino acid to be incorporated into a polypeptide, it is necessary that a certain base triplet codes for this amino acid specifically. As there are no unused triplets available, an existing codon needs to be repurposed. The amber codon (UAG/TAG) has been a prominent candidate, as it is one of the three codons signaling translation stop and occurs relatively rarely (roughly 8% of all stop codons in E. coli K-12 genome [1]). An amber suppressor system, consisting of a mutated tRNA and its corresponding tRNA-synthetase, is then used to replace the stop-function of the codon with the incorporation of the novel amino acid. More specifically, the tRNA has been evolved to suppress the stop-function. This is most commonly achieved by exchanging a base at the anticodon part, such that the amber-codon is read as a codon for an amino acid.  Such systems are common in research ([3], [4], [5]). Especially the studies by Liu & Schultz (2010) [3] serve as a guideline for our own ncAA incorporation, as they provide us with comprehensive information on the suppressor system.
<br> <h3> Sources </h3>
<br> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/U00096
<br> http://www.spektrum.de/lexikon/biologie/amber-suppressor/2650
<br> Liu, Chang C., and Peter G. Schultz. "Adding new chemistries to the genetic code." Annual review of biochemistry 79 (2010): 413-444.
<br> Dumas, Anaëlle, et al. "Designing logical codon reassignment–expanding the chemistry in biology." Chemical Science 6.1 (2015): 50-69.
<br> Santoro, Stephen W., et al. "An efficient system for the evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase specificity." Nature biotechnology 20.10 (2002.
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<h2> tRNA/aminoacyl-synthetase  </h2>
<h2> Tyrosyl- and Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetases </h2>
<h4> Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase </h4>
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Synthetases form a family of enzymes which attach amino acids to the tRNA in a two-step reaction. Therefore, each tRNA synthetase (aaRS) aminoacylates all the tRNAs in an isoaccepting group, representing a particular amino acid. ‘Isoaccepting’ implies that each amino acid can be transported to the ribosome by more than one tRNA.
There are several non-canonical amino acids which have been incorporated into peptides and proteins in <i> E. coli </i>. Among others, it was possible to incorporate ncAA with heavy atoms, keto and alkaline side chains and photo crosslinking capability(Zhang<i>  et al.,</i>2005).
The tRNA recognition is based on particular nucleotides, labelled as identity set. This identity set is often concentrated in the acceptor stem and anticodon loop region of the tRNA. However, the anticodon sequence of the tRNA is not necessary for a specific tRNA synthetase recognition due identity determinants which vary in their importance. <br>
For the binding of the ncAA, an adaption of the synthetase is necessary. This is done by introducing mutations in several regions of the associated  synthetase, leading to a conformational change of the binding pocket and thus in the binding of a new amino acid.  
The tyrosine synthetase is the first orthogonal <i> E. coli </i> tRNA/aaRS pair generated from archaea and the best known so far for the incorporation of ncAAs  (Wang<i>  et al,.</i>2001). This tyrosine synthetase (TyrRS) has a small anticodon loop binding domain (Steer<i>  et al,.</i>1999). Therefore, the change of the recognition in order to change the anticodon loop of its cognate tRNA to CUA is not as difficult as with a larger anticodon loop binding domain (Steer<i>  et al.,</i>1999). The binding site is located deep inside a small pocket of TyrRS (Tian<i>  et al.,</i>2004). Due to this it is assumed that already very small conformational changes result in a larger or smaller binding pocket with an altered binding interaction with the ligand. Therefore, in this protein, only few changes in the coding sequence should be necessary to incorporated ncAA. (Zhang<i>  et al.,</i>2005).
In detail, the TyrRS binding pocket is highly hydrophilic, preventing the binding of phenylalanine, whose structure is similar to the one of tyrosine (Goldgur<i>  et al.,</i>1997). Changing the characteristic of the binding pocket to become more hydrophobic, could favor the binding of phenylalanine derivates (Goldgur<i>  et al.,</i>1997). In the middle of the negative charged binding pocket (Zhang<i>  et al.,</i>2005), there is an aspartic acid on position 158. The entrance of the binding pocket is positioned between two glutamic acids at positions 36 and 172. Upon tRNA binding, the aspartic amino acid Asp158 forms two hydrogen bonds with the glycine at position 34 (Zhang<i>  et al.,</i>2005).
The first step of the two-step reaction is the formation of an aminoacylated intermediate by the reaction of the amino acid and ATP. This is possible through the Rossmann fold. This domain describes a six-stranded parallel β-sheet with connecting helices. The Rossmann fold acts homologous to the active site domains of hydrogenases and is responsible for binding ATP, the amino acid and the 3’-terminus of the tRNA.
The second step is the nucleophilic attack of the carbonyl group of the anhydride from either the 2’-OH or the 3’-OH group on the 3’-terminus of the tRNA. This leads to the delivery of the amino acid to the tRNA.
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<p class="figure subtitle"><b>Figure 1: Tyrosine-binding site in apo <i> M. jannaschii TyrRS</i> </b><br> The electrostatic distribution around the tyrosine-binding site is shown. Positive potential is blue (10 mV), neutral potential (0&nbsp;mV) is white, and negative potential (−10&nbsp;mV) is red (Zhang<i>&nbsp;et al.,</i>2005).</p>
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When the ligand tyrosine is bound, hydrogen bonds to Tyr32, Asp158, Glu36, Gln173, Tyr151 and Gln155 are formed, resulting in slight movements of the side chains within the tyrosine-binding pocket (Zhang<i>  et al.</i>2005). Beside the binding pocket, other domains are also affected by the binding of tyrosine. For example, the loop&nbsp;73-83, positioned at the entrance of the binding pocket, provides a hydrophobic lid over the binding pocket in reaction to the conformational changes. This is supposed to have the effect of separating the activated tyrosine from water during the catalytic reaction (Zhang<i>  et al.,</i>2005).
<h4> Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase </h4>
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In nature, one orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair incorporates the 22<sup>nd</sup> proteinogenic amino acid pyrrolysine (Pyl). Interestingly, Pyl is assigned to the amber stop codon (UAG). Thus, it is incorporated naturally through an endogenous nonsense codon suppression system(Burke <i>et al.</i>, 1998; Paul <i>et al.</i>, 2000). It was discovered in the archaeal order of <i>Methanosarcinales</i> (Srinivasan <i>et al.</i>, 2002). Due to this specific property, the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA<sup>Pyl</sup> pair can be used to expand the genetic code. The pyrrolysyl synthetase (PylRS) is a class II synthetase with a highly conserved class II catalytic core at the C-terminus of around 270 amino acids with a Rossmann fold for ATP-binding. PylRS forms an obligate dimer with an active site in each subunit (Kavran <i>et al.,</i>, 2007; Nozawa <i>et al.</i>, 2009). Interestingly, the N-terminus of the synthetase shows no significant similarity to any known protein domains and its length is variable. The N-terminus leads to aggregation of full-length PylRS due to its high insoluble properties (Yanagisawa <i>et al.</i>, 2006; Jiang and Krzycki, 2012). Therefore a truncated version containing the catalytic core of the synthetase is used (residues 185-454) (Kavran <i>et al.</i>, 2007; Yanagisawa <i>et al.</i>, 2008). In <i>Methanosarcina mazei</i> the catalytic core of PylRS has a deep hydrophobic pocket where A302, L305, Y306, L309, N346, C348 and W417 form a large cavity for the binding of the Pyl side chain ((4R,5R)-4-methyl-pyrroline-5-carboxylate) (Kavran <i>et al.</i>, 2007; Yanagisawa <i>et al.</i>, 2008a). These hydrophobic interactions are relatively non-specific. Given that PylRS does not have an editing domain for hydrolysation of misacylated tRNAs, this synthetase shows high substrate side chain promiscuity (Wan <i>et al.</i>, 2014). On top of that, Pyl is quite large in comparison to the other endogenous canonical amino acids, thus there was no selection pressure for PylRS to stringently recognize Pyl(Wan <i>et al.</i>, 2014). Therefore structurally similar and dissimilar non-canonical amino acids were shown to be incorporated using PylRS (Mukai <i>et al.</i>, 2008; Polycarpo <i>et al.</i>, 2006; Yanagisawa <i>et al.</i>, 2008b). The residues Y384 and N346 in the active site of PylRS form hydrogen bond interactions with the α-amine of Pyl (Yanagisawa <i>et al.</i>, 2008a; Kavran <i>et al.</i>, 2007). But PylRS also has a high tolerance for α-hydroxy acids (Kobayashi <i>et al.</i>, 2009; Li <i>et al.</i>, 2012).  
The synthetase can either recognize directly a base specific functional group or the enzyme directly binds nonspecific portions of the tRNA. Both readouts function within the context of mutual induced fit, so conformational changes in both tRNA and synthetase occur while forming a catalytic complex.
The recognition requires determinants in the tRNA which are often located in the acceptor stem and the anticodon loop, but the identity signal can be in the tertiary core region as well (Krebs<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2014).
aaRS can be categorized into two classes, based on mutually exclusive sets of sequence motifs and properties of structural domains. The synthetases of these two classes are functionally different. While the class I synthetases aminoacylate tRNAs at the 2’-OH position of A76, the class II synthetases aminoacylate tRNAs at the 3’-OH position. Nevertheless, the position of the initial aminoacylation is related to the binding orientation of the tRNA to the enzyme.
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The class I synthetases are monomeric synthetases and feature all structurally similar active site Rossmann fold domains in the region of the N-terminal. Beside this region, there are no significant structural or sequence similarities among the class I enzymes.
There is an acceptor binding site inserted into the Rossmann-fold domain at a common location which binds the single stranded terminal end of the tRNA, while its C-terminal domain binds in the minor groove of the L-shaped tRNA and the anticodon arm. That is the point for the discrimination among the different tRNAs. The binding requires the formation of a hairpin structure of the single stranded 3’-terminus with the amino acid and the ATP in the active site (Chang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2010, Krebs<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2014).
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<img class="figure large" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/5/59/T--Bielefeld-CeBiTec--classI_synthetases_Buch_Krebs_2014_2017_08_26.png/800px-T--Bielefeld-CeBiTec--classI_synthetases_Buch_Krebs_2014_2017_08_26.png">
<p class="figure subtitle"><b>Figure 1: Crystal structure of a class I tRNA/aminoacyl synthetase. </b><br> The tRNA is shown in red and the protein i n blue (Krebs<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2014).</p>
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The class II synthetases build a quaternary structure, which in general consists of dimers. They own a structurally conserved active side domain, located towards the C-terminal end of the synthetase. This domain is mixed out of antiparallel β-sheed folds, flanked by α-helices, dissimilar to the Rossmann-fold (see class I synthetase) (Wang<i>   et al.</i></i>, 2000). In this domain, there are three conserved short sequences. One of these sequences is important for the multimerization and the other two are essential for the enzymatic activity. The class II synthetases bind to the major groove side of the tRNA acceptor stem, whereby unlike the class I synthetases no hairpin structure of the single stranded 3’-terminus into the active site is required (Chang<i>   et al.</i></i>, 2010, Krebs<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2014).
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<p class="figure subtitle"><b>Figure 2: Pyrrolisine-binding site of wild type <i>Methanosarcina mazei</i> PylRS. </b> Structural composition of the active site of PylRS with activated Pyl (Pyl-AMP) as a substrate (Guo <i>et al.</i>, 2014). </p>
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Most interestingly, PylRS does not show a direct synthetase-anticodon interaction as other synthetases do. Even a mutation at the anticodon of tRNA<sup>Pyl</sup> does not influence aminoacylation activity of  PylRS (Ambrogelly <i>et al.</i>, 2007; Yanagisawa <i>et al.</i>, 2008a). This characteristic can be used to incorporate non-canonical amino acids using unnatural base pairs. The only drawback using PylRS is its low translational efficiency and catalytic activity compared to other synthetases (Guo <i>et al.</i>, 2014). Because in nature PylRS is rarely and selectively expressed, a high catalytic and translational efficiency is not needed (Srinivasan <i>et al.</i>, 2002). Every change in the native PylRS does lower the catalytic and translational activity (Guo <i>et al.</i>, 2014).
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<h2> An orthogonal tRNA/aminoacyl-synthetase pair </h2>
<h2> Generating the Library </h2>
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The incorporation of a non-canonical amino acid (ncAA) requires a tRNA/synthetase (tRNA/aaRS) pair which can accept and bind the ncAA. The tRNA/aaRS pair should be very specific in the incorporation of the ncAA and most importantly does not cross-react with endogenous amino acids (Ryu<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2006).
As shown, it is possible to tune tRNA synthetases into incorporating ncAA. We want to achieve this adaptation process by creating a library of tRNA synthetases and obtain the tRNA synthetase accepting our ncAA by a selection mechanism.
This is achieved by the use of an orthogonal tRNA/aaRS pair, which does not cross-react with the endogenous components of the translational system. The cognate tRNA is not recognized by the endogenous synthetase and the cognate synthetase does not incorporate the endogenous amino acids due to differences in tRNA identity elements, especially in the acceptor stem (Kwok<i>  et al.</i></i>, 1980). At the same time, the orthogonal tRNA/synthetase pair has a good translational function (Wang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2001, Chang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2010).
Since the tRNA recognition by the aaRS can be domain or species specific (Kwok<i>  et al.</i></i>, 1980)  a heterologous aaRS/tRNA pair from a different organism is used. A possible source for an orthogonal tRNA/synthetase pair to be applied in bacterial cells can be eukaryotic. However, the adaption of these tRNA/aaRS pair which aminoacylates in <i>Escherichia coli</i> is very difficult (Liu<i>  et al.</i></i>, 1999). In contrast, evolved synthetases from archaea can be expressed efficiently in <i>E. coli</i> (Wang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2001, Wang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2000) and at the same time are more similar to eukaryotic organisms than to the prokaryotic (Kwok<i>  et al.</i></i>, 1980, Zhang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2005). The reason are significant differences in the acceptor stem and anticodon binding recognition domain between prokaryotic and archaea tRNA/aaRS (Wang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2000).
One possible orthogonal tRNA/aaRS pair is the tyrosine tRNA/aaRS pair of <i>Methanococcus jannaschii</i>, where the first base pair of the acceptor stem CG as a tRNA<sup>Tyr</sup>identity element differs from those of <i>E. coli</i> tRNA<sup>Tyr</sup> containing a GC (Wang<i>  et al.</i></i>, 2001).
The orthogonal tRNA/aaRS pair is incorporated as a response of the amber stop-codon, which does not incorporate any of the 20 canonical amino acids. We use the amber stop-codon (UAG), because this codon is rare in <i>E.coli</i> and incorporation of random amino acids has been shown before.
To pass as many mutated synthetases as possible through the cycle of the two selections for the adaption of the specific ncAA, a large library of different synthetase versions has to be created. The large library of random variants of sequences can be generated by side specific mutagenesis using randomized primers with the NNK scheme to avoid the incorporation of all stop codons, but one (Sieber <i> et al.,</i>2015). N codes for the bases A,C,G,T and K codes for the bases G and T. This leads to the use of 32 codons, canonical amino acid as well as one stop is encoded through the NNK scheme (Yuval<i>  et al.</i>,2011). By comparison to other randomization, the NNK scheme has a relatively low ratio between the most common and rarest coded amino acid (3/32 vs. 1/32) (Yuval<i>  et al.,</i>2011).
By the randomization of more than one position, numerous more sequence variants are possible. If one position is randomized, 130 variants of the sequences are needed to attain a 0.99&nbsp;probability of discovering the best variant (Yuval<i>  et al.,</i>2011). At the same time, for the randomization of three positions, there are statistically 102,478 variants needed to discover the best variant. In this context, the probability of full codon coverage changes from 0.82 % for one randomizes position to 3.25 • 10<sup>-36</sup> % for three randomized position (Yuval<i>  et al.,</i>2011). Regarding the fact that not the full coverage is essential, but rather the discovery of the best variant, the NNK scheme is a solid method for the generation of a synthetase library for the selection of the best ncAA binding site.
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<h2> Selection </h2>
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For the translational incorporation of ncAAs, a corresponding tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (tRNA/aaRS) pair is essential. The tRNA/aaRS pair must recognize and deliver the novel amino acid in response to a unique codon that does not encode any of the 20 canonical amino acids. Therefore, a modification of the tRNA for the recognition of the amber-codon and a modification of the synthetase for the specific binding of a new amino acid is necessary.
To ensure specificity and orthogonality, a tRNA/aaRS pair from a distinct microbial organism is used to generate tRNA and aaRS libraries which are used to evolve a suitable tRNA/aaRS pair in iterative negative and positive selection steps (Wang<i>  et al.,</i>2006). Therefore the tRNA and the aaRS each have to be separately mutated and selected.
<h4> Modification of the aaRS </h4>
In the negative selection step, the synthetase (aaRS) library is tested for orthogonality of the exogenous tRNAs towards the endogenous translation system. The expression of a    <a href="http://parts.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Part:BBa_K2201406">  barnase    </a> gene is prevented by an amber stop codon in its coding region. If the exogenous synthetase binds an canonical amino acid, the amber stop codon preventing the expression of barnase is suppressed, which leads to cells death. Therefore, only cells with orthogonal or non-functional synthetases survive (Wang<i>  et al.</i>2006, Liu<i>  et al.,</i>2010).
The orthogonal aaRS are then subjected to positive selection, in which the tRNA/aaRS pairs are tested for their functionality. The expression of an antibiotic resistance gene is prevented by an amber stop codon. Only if the exogenous aaRS incorporates any amino acid, the amber stop codon is suppressed and the cell attains antibiotic resistance. Only cells which own a functional aaRS survive. (Wang<i>  et al.</i>2006, Liu<i>  et al.,</i>2010). By adding a ncAA to the medium, aaRS that specifically use this ncAA to charge their tRNA can be selected.
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<p class="figure subtitle"><b>Figure 3: Adaption of an orthogonal aminoacyl-synthetase through positive and negative selection cycles.</b><br> The positive-selection plasmid (<a href="http://parts.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Part:BBa_K2201900">BBa_K2201900</a> in pSB3T5)contains a kanamycin resistance with amber stop codons. After cotransformation with the library plasmid only cells which contain a synthetase which incorporates any amino acid in response to the amber codon survive. All surviving clones contain an aaRS that incorporates the target ncAA or any endogenous amino acid. The negative selection plasmid (<a href="http://parts.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Part:BBa_K2201901">BBa_K2201901</a> in pSB3T5) is used for the selection for the specificity of the clones. The target ncAA is not supplemented in the media. When incorporating endogeneous amino acids, the barnase is expressed through an amber codon and the cell dies. </p>
<h4> Modification of the tRNA </h4>
The selection of a proper variant of the tRNA follows a similar scheme like the adaption by selection of the aaRS. Regarding the unnatural base pairs (UBP), the recognition of the unnatural bases through the tRNA for the incorporation of the non-canonical amino acids requires significant modifications of the tRNA. The recognition of the amber stop codon has already been achieved in other laboratories (Wang<i>  et al.,</i>2006, Liu<i>  et al.,</i>2010). Therefore, a selection cycle of negative and positive selections like to the one of the aaRS, mentioned above, was performed. The main difference is the exchange of the tRNA by the aaRS on the plasmids used for the selection (Wang<i>  et al.,</i>2006, Liu<i>  et al.,</i>2010). The outcome is a tRNA, only able to recognize the amber codon and at the same time recognizes its orthogonal synthetase.
The combination of the tRNA and aaRS modification results in an orthogonal tRNA/aaRS pair capable of specifically incorporating a certain ncAA if the amber codon is present.
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<h2> References </h2>
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<b>Nozawa, K., O’Donoghue, P., Gundllapalli, S., Araiso, Y., Ishitani, R., Umehara, T., Söll, D., and Nureki, O. </b> (2009). Pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase-tRNA(Pyl) structure reveals the molecular basis of orthogonality. Nature 457: 1163–1167. <br>
<b>Paul, L., Ferguson, D.J., and Krzycki, J.A. </b> (2000). The Trimethylamine Methyltransferase Gene and Multiple Dimethylamine Methyltransferase Genes of Methanosarcina barkeri Contain In-Frame and Read-Through Amber Codons. J. Bacteriol. 182: 2520–2529. <br>
<b>Polycarpo, C.R., Herring, S., Bérubé, A., Wood, J.L., Söll, D., and Ambrogelly, A. </b> (2006). Pyrrolysine analogues as substrates for pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase. FEBS Lett. 580: 6695–6700. <br>
<b>Srinivasan, G., James, C.M., and Krzycki, J.A. </b> (2002). Pyrrolysine Encoded by UAG in Archaea: Charging of a UAG-Decoding Specialized tRNA. Science 296: 1459–1462. <br>
<b>Wan, W., Tharp, J.M., and Liu, W.R. </b> (2014). Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase: an ordinary enzyme but an outstanding genetic code expansion tool. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1844: 1059–1070. <br>
<b>Yanagisawa, T., Ishii, R., Fukunaga, R., Kobayashi, T., Sakamoto, K., and Yokoyama, S. </b> (2008a). Crystallographic studies on multiple conformational states of active-site loops in pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase. J. Mol. Biol. 378: 634–652. <br>
<b>Yanagisawa, T., Ishii, R., Fukunaga, R., Kobayashi, T., Sakamoto, K., and Yokoyama, S. </b> (2008b). Multistep engineering of pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase to genetically encode N(epsilon)-(o-azidobenzyloxycarbonyl) lysine for site-specific protein modification. Chem. Biol. 15: 1187–1197. <br>
<b>Yanagisawa, T., Ishii, R., Fukunaga, R., Nureki, O., and Yokoyama, S. </b> (2006). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase from the methanogenic archaeon Methanosarcina mazei. Acta Crystallograph. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 62: 1031–1033. <br>
<b>Sieber, Hare, Hofmann, Trepel </b>, (2015), Biomathematical Description of Synthetic Peptide Libraries, <b> PLoS One. 2015; 10(6): e0129200. </b>
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Latest revision as of 03:26, 2 November 2017

Library and Selection

Short Summary

The incorporation of a non-canonical amino acid (ncAA) into the nascent polypeptide chain requires a tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (tRNA/aaRS) pair which is highly specific for each amino acid. Mechanistically the aaRS has to recognize, accept, and bind the amino acid and transfer it in the second step onto the tRNA. For our ncAA we want to develop a tRNA/aaRS pair which is specific for the ncAA as well as orthogonal to the canonical amino acid tRNA/aaRS pairs.Therefore a library of mutatedorthogonal tRNA/aaRS pairs is generated, based on the commonly used tyrosyl- and pyrrolysyl- tRNA/synthetases. For the adaption of the codon recognition and amino acid binding, the candidate aaRS undergoes numerous rounds of positive and negative selection. The selection results in a synthetase which can be expressed efficiently in Escherichia coli and is able to reliable incorporate specifically our ncAA.

Tyrosyl- and Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetases

Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase

There are several non-canonical amino acids which have been incorporated into peptides and proteins in E. coli . Among others, it was possible to incorporate ncAA with heavy atoms, keto and alkaline side chains and photo crosslinking capability(Zhang et al.,2005). For the binding of the ncAA, an adaption of the synthetase is necessary. This is done by introducing mutations in several regions of the associated synthetase, leading to a conformational change of the binding pocket and thus in the binding of a new amino acid. The tyrosine synthetase is the first orthogonal E. coli tRNA/aaRS pair generated from archaea and the best known so far for the incorporation of ncAAs (Wang et al,.2001). This tyrosine synthetase (TyrRS) has a small anticodon loop binding domain (Steer et al,.1999). Therefore, the change of the recognition in order to change the anticodon loop of its cognate tRNA to CUA is not as difficult as with a larger anticodon loop binding domain (Steer et al.,1999). The binding site is located deep inside a small pocket of TyrRS (Tian et al.,2004). Due to this it is assumed that already very small conformational changes result in a larger or smaller binding pocket with an altered binding interaction with the ligand. Therefore, in this protein, only few changes in the coding sequence should be necessary to incorporated ncAA. (Zhang et al.,2005). In detail, the TyrRS binding pocket is highly hydrophilic, preventing the binding of phenylalanine, whose structure is similar to the one of tyrosine (Goldgur et al.,1997). Changing the characteristic of the binding pocket to become more hydrophobic, could favor the binding of phenylalanine derivates (Goldgur et al.,1997). In the middle of the negative charged binding pocket (Zhang et al.,2005), there is an aspartic acid on position 158. The entrance of the binding pocket is positioned between two glutamic acids at positions 36 and 172. Upon tRNA binding, the aspartic amino acid Asp158 forms two hydrogen bonds with the glycine at position 34 (Zhang et al.,2005).

Figure 1: Tyrosine-binding site in apo M. jannaschii TyrRS
The electrostatic distribution around the tyrosine-binding site is shown. Positive potential is blue (10 mV), neutral potential (0 mV) is white, and negative potential (−10 mV) is red (Zhang et al.,2005).

When the ligand tyrosine is bound, hydrogen bonds to Tyr32, Asp158, Glu36, Gln173, Tyr151 and Gln155 are formed, resulting in slight movements of the side chains within the tyrosine-binding pocket (Zhang et al.2005). Beside the binding pocket, other domains are also affected by the binding of tyrosine. For example, the loop 73-83, positioned at the entrance of the binding pocket, provides a hydrophobic lid over the binding pocket in reaction to the conformational changes. This is supposed to have the effect of separating the activated tyrosine from water during the catalytic reaction (Zhang et al.,2005).

Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase

In nature, one orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair incorporates the 22nd proteinogenic amino acid pyrrolysine (Pyl). Interestingly, Pyl is assigned to the amber stop codon (UAG). Thus, it is incorporated naturally through an endogenous nonsense codon suppression system(Burke et al., 1998; Paul et al., 2000). It was discovered in the archaeal order of Methanosarcinales (Srinivasan et al., 2002). Due to this specific property, the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNAPyl pair can be used to expand the genetic code. The pyrrolysyl synthetase (PylRS) is a class II synthetase with a highly conserved class II catalytic core at the C-terminus of around 270 amino acids with a Rossmann fold for ATP-binding. PylRS forms an obligate dimer with an active site in each subunit (Kavran et al.,, 2007; Nozawa et al., 2009). Interestingly, the N-terminus of the synthetase shows no significant similarity to any known protein domains and its length is variable. The N-terminus leads to aggregation of full-length PylRS due to its high insoluble properties (Yanagisawa et al., 2006; Jiang and Krzycki, 2012). Therefore a truncated version containing the catalytic core of the synthetase is used (residues 185-454) (Kavran et al., 2007; Yanagisawa et al., 2008). In Methanosarcina mazei the catalytic core of PylRS has a deep hydrophobic pocket where A302, L305, Y306, L309, N346, C348 and W417 form a large cavity for the binding of the Pyl side chain ((4R,5R)-4-methyl-pyrroline-5-carboxylate) (Kavran et al., 2007; Yanagisawa et al., 2008a). These hydrophobic interactions are relatively non-specific. Given that PylRS does not have an editing domain for hydrolysation of misacylated tRNAs, this synthetase shows high substrate side chain promiscuity (Wan et al., 2014). On top of that, Pyl is quite large in comparison to the other endogenous canonical amino acids, thus there was no selection pressure for PylRS to stringently recognize Pyl(Wan et al., 2014). Therefore structurally similar and dissimilar non-canonical amino acids were shown to be incorporated using PylRS (Mukai et al., 2008; Polycarpo et al., 2006; Yanagisawa et al., 2008b). The residues Y384 and N346 in the active site of PylRS form hydrogen bond interactions with the α-amine of Pyl (Yanagisawa et al., 2008a; Kavran et al., 2007). But PylRS also has a high tolerance for α-hydroxy acids (Kobayashi et al., 2009; Li et al., 2012).

Figure 2: Pyrrolisine-binding site of wild type Methanosarcina mazei PylRS. Structural composition of the active site of PylRS with activated Pyl (Pyl-AMP) as a substrate (Guo et al., 2014).

Most interestingly, PylRS does not show a direct synthetase-anticodon interaction as other synthetases do. Even a mutation at the anticodon of tRNAPyl does not influence aminoacylation activity of PylRS (Ambrogelly et al., 2007; Yanagisawa et al., 2008a). This characteristic can be used to incorporate non-canonical amino acids using unnatural base pairs. The only drawback using PylRS is its low translational efficiency and catalytic activity compared to other synthetases (Guo et al., 2014). Because in nature PylRS is rarely and selectively expressed, a high catalytic and translational efficiency is not needed (Srinivasan et al., 2002). Every change in the native PylRS does lower the catalytic and translational activity (Guo et al., 2014).

Generating the Library

As shown, it is possible to tune tRNA synthetases into incorporating ncAA. We want to achieve this adaptation process by creating a library of tRNA synthetases and obtain the tRNA synthetase accepting our ncAA by a selection mechanism. To pass as many mutated synthetases as possible through the cycle of the two selections for the adaption of the specific ncAA, a large library of different synthetase versions has to be created. The large library of random variants of sequences can be generated by side specific mutagenesis using randomized primers with the NNK scheme to avoid the incorporation of all stop codons, but one (Sieber et al.,2015). N codes for the bases A,C,G,T and K codes for the bases G and T. This leads to the use of 32 codons, canonical amino acid as well as one stop is encoded through the NNK scheme (Yuval et al.,2011). By comparison to other randomization, the NNK scheme has a relatively low ratio between the most common and rarest coded amino acid (3/32 vs. 1/32) (Yuval et al.,2011). By the randomization of more than one position, numerous more sequence variants are possible. If one position is randomized, 130 variants of the sequences are needed to attain a 0.99 probability of discovering the best variant (Yuval et al.,2011). At the same time, for the randomization of three positions, there are statistically 102,478 variants needed to discover the best variant. In this context, the probability of full codon coverage changes from 0.82 % for one randomizes position to 3.25 • 10-36 % for three randomized position (Yuval et al.,2011). Regarding the fact that not the full coverage is essential, but rather the discovery of the best variant, the NNK scheme is a solid method for the generation of a synthetase library for the selection of the best ncAA binding site.


For the translational incorporation of ncAAs, a corresponding tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (tRNA/aaRS) pair is essential. The tRNA/aaRS pair must recognize and deliver the novel amino acid in response to a unique codon that does not encode any of the 20 canonical amino acids. Therefore, a modification of the tRNA for the recognition of the amber-codon and a modification of the synthetase for the specific binding of a new amino acid is necessary. To ensure specificity and orthogonality, a tRNA/aaRS pair from a distinct microbial organism is used to generate tRNA and aaRS libraries which are used to evolve a suitable tRNA/aaRS pair in iterative negative and positive selection steps (Wang et al.,2006). Therefore the tRNA and the aaRS each have to be separately mutated and selected.

Modification of the aaRS

In the negative selection step, the synthetase (aaRS) library is tested for orthogonality of the exogenous tRNAs towards the endogenous translation system. The expression of a barnase gene is prevented by an amber stop codon in its coding region. If the exogenous synthetase binds an canonical amino acid, the amber stop codon preventing the expression of barnase is suppressed, which leads to cells death. Therefore, only cells with orthogonal or non-functional synthetases survive (Wang et al.2006, Liu et al.,2010). The orthogonal aaRS are then subjected to positive selection, in which the tRNA/aaRS pairs are tested for their functionality. The expression of an antibiotic resistance gene is prevented by an amber stop codon. Only if the exogenous aaRS incorporates any amino acid, the amber stop codon is suppressed and the cell attains antibiotic resistance. Only cells which own a functional aaRS survive. (Wang et al.2006, Liu et al.,2010). By adding a ncAA to the medium, aaRS that specifically use this ncAA to charge their tRNA can be selected.

Figure 3: Adaption of an orthogonal aminoacyl-synthetase through positive and negative selection cycles.
The positive-selection plasmid (BBa_K2201900 in pSB3T5)contains a kanamycin resistance with amber stop codons. After cotransformation with the library plasmid only cells which contain a synthetase which incorporates any amino acid in response to the amber codon survive. All surviving clones contain an aaRS that incorporates the target ncAA or any endogenous amino acid. The negative selection plasmid (BBa_K2201901 in pSB3T5) is used for the selection for the specificity of the clones. The target ncAA is not supplemented in the media. When incorporating endogeneous amino acids, the barnase is expressed through an amber codon and the cell dies.

Modification of the tRNA

The selection of a proper variant of the tRNA follows a similar scheme like the adaption by selection of the aaRS. Regarding the unnatural base pairs (UBP), the recognition of the unnatural bases through the tRNA for the incorporation of the non-canonical amino acids requires significant modifications of the tRNA. The recognition of the amber stop codon has already been achieved in other laboratories (Wang et al.,2006, Liu et al.,2010). Therefore, a selection cycle of negative and positive selections like to the one of the aaRS, mentioned above, was performed. The main difference is the exchange of the tRNA by the aaRS on the plasmids used for the selection (Wang et al.,2006, Liu et al.,2010). The outcome is a tRNA, only able to recognize the amber codon and at the same time recognizes its orthogonal synthetase. The combination of the tRNA and aaRS modification results in an orthogonal tRNA/aaRS pair capable of specifically incorporating a certain ncAA if the amber codon is present.


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Nozawa, K., O’Donoghue, P., Gundllapalli, S., Araiso, Y., Ishitani, R., Umehara, T., Söll, D., and Nureki, O. (2009). Pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase-tRNA(Pyl) structure reveals the molecular basis of orthogonality. Nature 457: 1163–1167.
Paul, L., Ferguson, D.J., and Krzycki, J.A. (2000). The Trimethylamine Methyltransferase Gene and Multiple Dimethylamine Methyltransferase Genes of Methanosarcina barkeri Contain In-Frame and Read-Through Amber Codons. J. Bacteriol. 182: 2520–2529.
Polycarpo, C.R., Herring, S., Bérubé, A., Wood, J.L., Söll, D., and Ambrogelly, A. (2006). Pyrrolysine analogues as substrates for pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase. FEBS Lett. 580: 6695–6700.
Srinivasan, G., James, C.M., and Krzycki, J.A. (2002). Pyrrolysine Encoded by UAG in Archaea: Charging of a UAG-Decoding Specialized tRNA. Science 296: 1459–1462.
Wan, W., Tharp, J.M., and Liu, W.R. (2014). Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase: an ordinary enzyme but an outstanding genetic code expansion tool. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1844: 1059–1070.
Yanagisawa, T., Ishii, R., Fukunaga, R., Kobayashi, T., Sakamoto, K., and Yokoyama, S. (2008a). Crystallographic studies on multiple conformational states of active-site loops in pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase. J. Mol. Biol. 378: 634–652.
Yanagisawa, T., Ishii, R., Fukunaga, R., Kobayashi, T., Sakamoto, K., and Yokoyama, S. (2008b). Multistep engineering of pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase to genetically encode N(epsilon)-(o-azidobenzyloxycarbonyl) lysine for site-specific protein modification. Chem. Biol. 15: 1187–1197.
Yanagisawa, T., Ishii, R., Fukunaga, R., Nureki, O., and Yokoyama, S. (2006). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase from the methanogenic archaeon Methanosarcina mazei. Acta Crystallograph. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 62: 1031–1033.
Sieber, Hare, Hofmann, Trepel , (2015), Biomathematical Description of Synthetic Peptide Libraries, PLoS One. 2015; 10(6): e0129200.