On October 1, 2017, the NYUAD iGEM team invited high school students and teachers from Brighton College in Abu Dhabi, UAE, to experience an iGEM research environment. This one-day workshop provided the students with the opportunity to channel their interest in both biology and engineering. This is the first high school workshop that is tailored to exposing talented high school students to iGEM in the UAE.
The workshop was kicked off by a presentation on iGEM and emphasized how the students can get involved by potentially joining future NYUAD teams or by creating their own team. Through this presentation, the students also learned the important connection between biology and engineering in the context of iGEM and the field of synthetic biology. This presentation was followed by the first workshop of the day: GLO, Bacteria, GLO, which taught the students how to transform pGLO DNA into the E. coli cloning vector using the heat shock method. The NYUAD team walked them through basic laboratory techniques including, lab safety, basic pipetting techniques and bacterial transformation, which is integral to an iGEM team’s success. The students then experienced the engineering environment through the second workshop Arduino + LED, which taught the students how to integrate many elements to create a device that included interactive design, programming, and circuitry. The students learned the basics of programming and circuit design by creating their own simple circuit using LEDs and Arduino, an open source electronic platform. After completing the workshop, the students also received a copy of the NYUAD team’s magazine Synthetic Biology 101 as a source for further information about recent advances in synthetic biology.
The NYUAD team is proud to have pioneered the first iGEM-specific workshop for high school students in the UAE. The workshop achieved the original aim of propagating the impact of iGEM in the region and encouraging interest in scientific research among high school students. In the future, the NYUAD team envisions similar workshops that can reach a larger audience in the UAE.
For further details, please download our powerpoint slides and the protocols we used for both engineering and biology workshops.