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Revision as of 18:49, 31 October 2017




We build an ecosystem level model, in order to see how the Reebot diffuse, sense and capture the lanthanide ions, and be recycle on Si-board. Then we can determine how should we release Reebot, how to recycle the Reebot and how much Reebot do we need for the best result. The ecosystem could derive the best strategy to make full use of Reebot.


The variability of temperature has no effect on our Reebot or it could be ignored.

Liquid in the container is stationary.

There is nothing else in the container which can influence Reebot.

Constant & Parameter

The description of constant, their values and the references involved in this model are listed in this table.

Constant Description
f1 concentration of Initially Bacteria
f2 concentration of Lanthanide ion
f3 concentration of Sensed Bacteria
f4 concentration of Recycled Bacteria
f5 concentration of recycled sensed bacteria
f6 concentration of captured recycled bacteria

The description of parameter, their values and the references involved in this model are listed in the second table.

Parameter Description
dif the diffuse ability of bacteria
difl the diffuse ability of lanthanide ion
deadp dead/birth per minute of bacteria
vlcx velocity of movement on x label
vlcy velocity of movement on z label
vlcz concentration of captured recycle bacteria
krec speed of bacteria recycled on Si-board
kabcs speed of bacteria recycled on Si-board
rmax the amount of bacteria recyclyed on each area of Si-board
csen the lowest concentration lanthanide ion that can be sensed
ksen speed of bacteria sensing the lanthanide ion
kcap speed of sensed bacteria capturing the lanthanide ion
ccap the lowest concentration lanthanide ion that can be captured
LBlever The amount of lanthanide ion captured by one bacteria

Basical Diffusion

Rome was not built in a day. At the beginning, we built a basical diffusion model, just setting the diffusion function in our model.

The function is:

We release some Reebot to the top of our hypothetical container as initial value of f1, and use ‘ode’ tool in MATLAB to run this function. Here is the result:


Then we let our model become more complex and more powerful. We decided using Si-board to recycle the Reebot, since Reebot have Sitag, a protein tag that can combine with Si, once it was sensed. We insert recycle function in our model.

Firstly, we should change the diffusion function:

(In the end of all function, the ∂f/∂t will be delta.)

And we set the area of Si-board, if it is in Si-board area:

Bacteria that combined with Si-board maybe abscess. So taking the abscission into consideration, we should add this function:


Set a 5×5 Si-board on the top and then run the model, the result is:

Sense and Capture

This is the biggest part of our model. We should take lanthanide ion, sensing and capture into consideration. So, our data doesn’t just contain concentration of bacteria anymore. It now contains four: concentration of initially bacteria (haven’t sensed the lanthanide ion) as f1, concentration of lanthanide ion as f2, concentration of sensed bacteria(sensed the lanthanide ion but haven’t recycled)as f3 and concentration of recycled bacteria (have captured enough lanthanide ion) as f4.

And the sensed bacteria will capture the lanthanide ion around it, to simplify the function, we just consider it at two status: no captured and full captured. The function is:

We should also modify the capture function. It will only use to sensed bacteria and captured bacteria.

Finally, the model is over. Running the model, the result is:

For more intuitive, we draw a figure :

Click on the picture and you can see a clearer picture.Then click on the return key of the browser and you can return.


Put these curve into one figure:

Click on the picture and you can see a clearer picture.Then click on the return key of the browser and you can return.


It’s clearly that there are three stages during the whole simulation. The first stage is sensing, second stage is capturing and third is recycle.


a. High Concentration Simulation

Firstly, we run a model which is: there are enough concentration of lanthanide ion in the consider, and we put some Reebot on the top.And we will set the Si-board later. Here is the video:

From the video, we can see that once we put Reebot into the container, the Reebot quickly diffuse. At the same time, Reebot sense the lanthanide ion around them, and express more LBT (lanthanide binding tag), sitag on their surface. Then, the LBT start to capture the lanthanide ion in the environment. As time goes by, Reebot have captured more and more lanthanide. At the beginning, the concentration of lanthanide ion is approximately 0.03 unit,and now, it is about 0.003.

When t = 50, we set a 6*8 Si-board on the top. The sensed bacteria and captured bacteria are recycle to the Si-board. You can see it clearly that the edge of Si-board captured more Reebot. In the end, many bacteria are recycled to the Si-board, but there are still many Reebot in the environment. The reason is concentration gradient caused by Si-board isn’t large enough so that the diffusion isn’t effective. But keeping the Si-board here doesn’t cost much, so we can stand it.

In order to show you more details, we sum each areas’ concentration and put them into on figure:

Click on the picture and you can see a clearer picture.Then click on the return key of the browser and you can return.


From the figure, we can see lot of things. In the first 50 units of time, most Reebot quickly captured enough lanthanide ions, the concentration of initial bacteria and sensed bacteria are very low. Then, the Si-board set, Reebot begin to recycle. At first, in the figure, Reebot capture at about a same speed. Then capture speed is slower and slower.

This model simulate the ordinary use of Reebot. the result can show us the detail of process, we can determine how much Reebot to release and recycle for how long upon that.

b. Low Concentration Simulation

According to the paper, the concentration of lanthanide ion is much lower than expected. So in this simulation, we set concentration of lanthanide ion as 0.001 unit. Other parameters are same as before. Here is the result:



In this situation, Reebot captured most of lanthanide ion. But actually, some Reebot are wasted. these Reebot sensed lanthanide ion and expressed LBT and Sitag on their surface. But sensed bacteria is so much that only part of them can capture enough lanthanide ion. Others only captured a little and be recycled to Si-board.

c. Intelligent Simulation

Then, we run an other simulation to show the intelligence of Reebot. In this simulation, there was no lanthanide ion at the beginning, we put lanthanide ion at some certain time.

The video and figure is here.


At the beginning, we release Reebot on the top. While there is no lanthanide ion in environment, so Reebot keep the initial status, and diffuse in the container. When passing through 20 units of time, there are some lanthanide ion release at the bottom of container. From the video, Reebot take a quick reaction, capturing the lanthanide ion and recycle. When it passes 100 units of time, other lanthanide ion release at another position in bottom. Reebot successfully capture them too. Unfortunately, Reebot also meet waste problem in this situation. We may do some experiment alter to confirm this problem and alter the copy number or path way to solve it.

It’s also our project’s future plan. Once we achieve it, we can release Reebot in factory’s pool. If there is no lanthanide ion, Reebot just live as a normal escherichia coli. And once lanthanide ion emerge, Reebot can sense and capture it, then Reebot combine with Si-board.
