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             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Introduction </h2>
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Introduction </h2>
             <p>We believe SMORE should be accessible to every researcher who needs it and everyone who likes to learn about it. An accessibility regardless of academic background is important to innovation through interdisciplinary research, a notion we explored in the Interdisciplinarity page. </p>
             <p>We believe SMORE should be accessible to every researcher who needs it and everyone who likes to learn about
             <p>Nonetheless, an exchange of skillset and knowledge can be difficult. Technical language forms communication barriers. A steep learning curve hinders the gain of new skills. How can we make SMORE an accessible platform that promotes interdisciplinarity? </p>
                it. An accessibility regardless of academic background is important to innovation through interdisciplinary
             <p>We improved the accessibility of SMORE in 4 aspects: readability, hardware, user experience and data. These help our project to become easier to understand to use, as a step to diversify the field of synthetic biology. </p>
                research, a notion we explored in the Interdisciplinarity page. </p>
             <p>Nonetheless, an exchange of skillset and knowledge can be difficult. Technical language forms communication barriers.
                A steep learning curve hinders the gain of new skills. How can we make SMORE an accessible platform that
                promotes interdisciplinarity? </p>
             <p>We improved the accessibility of SMORE in 4 aspects: readability, hardware, user experience and data. These help
                our project to become easier to understand to use, as a step to diversify the field of synthetic biology.
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Readability </h2>
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Readability </h2>
             <p>To provide everyone with the opportunity to understand SMORE, our first step was to increase the readability of our wiki.
             <p>To provide everyone with the opportunity to understand SMORE, our first step was to increase the readability
                of our wiki.
             <p>Introduction is where most readers start from. And technical details in later paragraphs are often reserved for the experienced and the interested. Therefore, we write introductory paragraphs on main pages in a highly readable language, as they are targeted to a wide audience. </p>
             <p>The readability of the introductions was carefully set to a 12th Grade student level. This is because the iGEM community includes high-school students. And thus, synthetic biology topics should be available and understood by a high-school level audience. </p>
             <p>Introduction is where most readers start from. And technical details in later paragraphs are often reserved for
             <p>To obtain an estimate on readability, we chose the Dale-Chall formula over other readability indices [1]. Unlike other indices, result of the Dale-Chall formula does not depend on the number of syllables. Many scientific terms with a high syllable count has no short and accurate substitutes. For example, “significance” has many syllables, but it is irreplaceable in scientific statistics. Moreover, our skill exchange survey showed that technical language, when used moderately and precisely, also helps understanding. Dale-Chall formula does not weigh heavily on syllables, and directly measures the difficulty of words. This encourages us to explain the difficult words, rather than to use inaccurate substitutes. </p>
                the experienced and the interested. Therefore, we write introductory paragraphs on main pages in a highly
                readable language, as they are targeted to a wide audience. </p>
             <p>The readability of the introductions was carefully set to a 12th Grade student level. This is because the iGEM
                community includes high-school students. And thus, synthetic biology topics should be available and understood
                by a high-school level audience. </p>
             <p>To obtain an estimate on readability, we chose the Dale-Chall formula over other readability indices [1]. Unlike
                other indices, result of the Dale-Chall formula does not depend on the number of syllables. Many scientific
                terms with a high syllable count has no short and accurate substitutes. For example, “significance” has many
                syllables, but it is irreplaceable in scientific statistics. Moreover, our skill exchange survey showed that
                technical language, when used moderately and precisely, also helps understanding. Dale-Chall formula does
                not weigh heavily on syllables, and directly measures the difficulty of words. This encourages us to explain
                the difficult words, rather than to use inaccurate substitutes. </p>
             <p style="text-align: center;"> <strong> Dale-Chall formula: </strong> $0.1579*(\frac{difficult\;words}{words})*100+0.0496*(\frac{words}{sentences})$</p>
             <p style="text-align: center;"> <strong> Dale-Chall formula: </strong> $0.1579*(\frac{difficult\;words}{words})*100+0.0496*(\frac{words}{sentences})$</p>
             <p>The Dale-Chall formula includes a collection of non-difficult words. We used the updated word collection to calculate the readability, using an online calculator [2-3]. The score of the index can be converted to grade level (Table 1). Familiar jargons, i.e. SMORE, iGEM, DNA and other repeating names, are excluded, given they have been thoroughly introduced. A simple word in the collection is used to replace them in calculation. </p>
             <p>The Dale-Chall formula includes a collection of non-difficult words. We used the updated word collection to calculate
             <p>Below is an example of readability change in our project description. We have referred to simple guides on writing readable sentences [4-5], but we also developed some tricks through the process. The change was subtle and perhaps hardly noticeable. But it greatly benefits the reader in a long passage, as proven by our own reading experience. </p>
                the readability, using an online calculator [2-3]. The score of the index can be converted to grade level
                (Table 1). Familiar jargons, i.e. SMORE, iGEM, DNA and other repeating names, are excluded, given they have
                been thoroughly introduced. A simple word in the collection is used to replace them in calculation. </p>
             <p>Below is an example of readability change in our project description. We have referred to simple guides on writing
                readable sentences [4-5], but we also developed some tricks through the process. The change was subtle and
                perhaps hardly noticeable. But it greatly benefits the reader in a long passage, as proven by our own reading
                experience. </p>
             <p><strong><i>Original text (readability = college graduate): </i></strong> </p>
             <p><strong><i>Original text (readability = college graduate): </i></strong> </p>
             <p>“Although <span style="text-decoration: underline"> recombinases </span> <sup> 1 </sup> have been widely <span style="text-decoration: underline"> adopted in developmental biology to study vital genes </span><sup> 2,3 </sup>, their potentials in genetic engineering to <span style="text-decoration: underline"> produce dynamic constructs </span><sup> 2 </sup> has yet to be fully exploited.”</p>
             <p>“Although <span style="text-decoration: underline"> recombinases </span> <sup> 1 </sup> have been widely
                <span style="text-decoration: underline"> adopted in developmental biology to study vital genes </span><sup> 2,3 </sup>,
                their potentials in genetic engineering to <span style="text-decoration: underline"> produce dynamic constructs </span><sup> 2 </sup>               has yet to be fully exploited.”</p>
             <p>1: “Recombinase” is a jargon in biology. Most readers are unlikely to understand. </p>
             <p>1: “Recombinase” is a jargon in biology. Most readers are unlikely to understand. </p>
             <p>2: This detail is irrelevant for non-biologist readers. </p>
             <p>2: This detail is irrelevant for non-biologist readers. </p>
             <p>3: Unnecessary use of a complex sentence further decreases readability. </p>
             <p>3: Unnecessary use of a complex sentence further decreases readability. </p>
            <p><strong><i>High readability text (readability = 11th or 12th grade): </i></strong> </p>
            <p>“For years, researchers have used <span style="text-decoration: underline"> recombinase proteins </span> <sup> 1 </sup>                to <span style="text-decoration: underline"> genetically modify organisms </span><sup> 2 </sup>. <span style="text-decoration: underline"> However </span><sup> 3 </sup>
                <span style="text-decoration: underline">we noticed </span><sup> 4 </sup> the potential of these proteins
                in genetic engineering is not fully exploited.”</p>
            <p>1: “Recombinase proteins” uses the least amount the word to explain that “recombinase” is a protein, a substance
                relatable to most readers. </p>
            <p>2: Details at a right level to inform the readers about the context, i.e. scientists use them to change organisms.
            <p>3: Breaking the long sentence apart. </p>
            <p>4: The use of “we” makes the sentence more engaging. Active voice makes the sentence easy to read. Also, the
                use of short words increases readability. This is especially important in scientific writing, where long
                words are common.</p>
             <p> Table 1: Conversion table from Dale-Chall score to reading skill level.</p>
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Introduction </h2>
             <table style="max-width: 900px; margin: 0 auto;">
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> Introduction </h2>
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Introduction </h2>
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> Introduction </h2>
            <p> </p>
            <p> </p>
            <p> </p>
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            <p> </p>
            <p> </p>
                     <th> Symbol </th>
                     <th> Score </th>
                     <th> Description </th>
                     <th> Reading skill needed for easy first-time understanding </th>
                    <td>4.9 or lower </td>
                    <td>4th grade student or lower </td>
                    <td>5.0 – 5.9 </td>
                    <td>5th or 6th grade student </td>
                    <td>6.0 – 6.9 </td>
                    <td>7th or 8th grade student </td>
                    <td>7.0 – 7.9 </td>
                    <td>9th or 10th grade student </td>
                    <td>8.0 – 8.9 </td>
                    <td>11th or 12th grade student </td>
                    <td>9.0 – 9.9 </td>
                    <td>College student </td>
                    <td>10 or above </td>
                    <td>College graduate </td>
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> Overview </h2>
            <p> <strong> Material needed </strong></p>
            <ol type="1" style="list-style-image: none; font-size: 17px;">
                <li>We cloned Dre, VCre, SCre, and Vika generators into Biobrick format, removing all illegal sites when necessary.</li>
                <li>We assembled T7-LacO-Cre generator and cloned it into Biobrick format.</li>
                <li>We successfully assembled 12 out of 15 of measurement constructs to allow users to quantify recombinase activity
                    in vivo.</li>
                <li>We assembled 10 target sites for Cre and proved their functionality in vitro. We also assembled the target
                    sites for Dre, VCre, SCre, and Vika – Rox, VLox, SLox, and Vox respectively. Their functionality is proved
                    in the measurement constructs.</li>
                <li>We have extensively quantified the recombination efficiency of the five recombinases in E. coli.
                <li>We have built software and used it to design assembly methods for six logic gates using tyrosine recombinase.</li>
                <li>We have built deterministic and stochastic modeling to simulate the behavior of site-specific recombinase.
                    We also devised an algorithm to detect potential recombination sites in a genome.</li>
                <li>We have conducted an investigation into interdisciplinarity. This includes a survey to identify challenges
                    in interdisciplinary work, and a systematic analysis of past iGEM teams, to test correlation between
                    interdisciplinarity and iGEM achievement.</li>
                <li>We have integrated the result from the interdisciplinarity study to improve accessibility of SMORE in four
                    aspects: readability, hardware, user experience and data.</li>
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> Cloning Dre, VCre, SCre, Vika </h2>
             <p> Using PCR mutagenesis, we have successfully removed the illegal XbaI site from all four recombinases. </p>
             <p> Reference: </p>
             <p> We then cloned the T7-LacO-regulated recombinases into biobrick format. For SCre, there are two illegal PstI
             <p> 1. Dale, E. and Chall, J.S. 1948. A Formula for Predicting Readability: Instructions. Source: Educational Research
                 sites within the coding sequence (CDS), and for VCre, there is one illegal PstI site within the CDS. We have
                 Bulletin 27(2):37–54.</p>
                 successfully removed all the illegal sites.
            <p> 2. Chall, J.S. and Dale, E. 1995. Readability revisited: the new Dale-Chall readability formula. U.S.: Brookline
             <p> 3. Readability Formula. Free Dale-Chall Readability Formula with Word List - Original and Revised versions. [Accessed
                 We submitted all four recombinases as T7-LacO-regulated generator, in pSB1C3 and contain no illegal sites (BBa_K2406081,
                 26 October 2017]. Available from: http://www.readabilityformulas.com/free-dale-chall-test.php.</p>
                 BBa_K2406082, BBa_K2406083, BBa_K2406084).
            <p> 4. Aldrige, M.D. 2004. Writing and Designing Readable Patient Education Materials. Nephrology Nursing Journal
            <p> 5. Manning, D. 1981. Writing readable health messages. Public Health Reports 96(5):464–465.</p>
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> T7-LacO-regulated Cre generator </h2>
            <p> We have successfully cloned T7-LacO out of pET28b, and used the cloned fragment to perform a five-part MoClo
                assembly. The assembled T7-LacO-regulated Cre generator was then cloned into biobrick format (BBa_K2406080).
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Standardized measurement constructs </h2>
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Hardware</h2>
             <p>We have created standardized measurement constructs to quantify recombinase activity in vivo. They are essentially
             <p>SMORE should be accessible to every researcher who likes to use it. One of the barrier is the use of cell sorters.
                 transcriptional terminator flanked by two recombination target sites, inserted between a constitutive promoter
                 Cell sorters are integral to our randomiser strategy. However, they are expensive and might be a deterrent
                 and a RFP gene. Of fifteen possible combinations for five recombinases (Cre, Dre, VCre, SCre, Vika), we have
                 to some researchers. For example, second-hand flow cytometers cost approximately 2,000 – 3,000 USD. </p>
                 successfully generated, sequenced, and submitted twelve of them:
            <p>We hope to produce an affordable and accessible cell sorter. Our ideal cell sorter possesses two qualities: 1)
                can be manufactured by small scale laboratories without extensive machinery; 2) can be produced at a low
                cost. </p>
            <p> This is a challenging goal, as we need to account for both precision and the cost of the cell sorter. Here is
                our story of an endeavour:</p>
            <p>To achieve quality 1, we sought for two technologies: 3D printing and microfluidics. 3D printing is a popular
                technology. Objects of any shape can be “printed” by 3D printing. Using 3D printing increases accessibility,
                because the parts do not have to be produced through manufacturers, which may not serve single users. Instead
                the users can produce the parts. On the other hand, we also looked to microfluidics. Microfluidic technology
                can be viewed as the use of small amounts of liquid to control precise movements [1]. The production of microfluidic
                device (fabrication) is increasingly commonplace. For example, fabrication using a desktop cutter has been
                reported as early as 2009 [2]. This is an indication that microfluidics may become increasingly accessible
                in the near future. The use of 3D printing and microfluidic device also addresses quality 2. As these technologies
                become more commonplace, we expect them to be less expensive. </p>
            <p>Our cell sorter is composed of two components: the syringe pump and the microfluidic chip. The syringe pumps
                control the liquid pressure in the microfluidic chip, where the movement of cells are controlled. </p>
            <p>We have successfully assembled our syringe pumps using 3D printed parts and simple electronic components, with
                 a reference to the pneumatic control syringe pump on the open-source repository Metafluidics [3].</p>
            <p>With the help from the Scottish Microelectronics Centre, we have successfully decided on the design of a microfluidic
                cell sorter, verified by experts. We based our device on the designs in pre-existing studies on droplet-based
                microfluidic cell sorters and referred to their calculations [1, 4-5]. The cell sorter is coupled to a droplet
                former, which forms aqueous droplets that host individual cells. The cell-containing droplets are then sorted
                based on fluorescent or colorimetric signals, that are coupled to the metabolic pathway. </p>
            <p>Despite the verified design, the fabrication process was error prone and too demanding in skill. Regrettably,
                the channels of the device were too shallow for our final test with living bacterial cells. However, the
                process was thought provoking and further persuaded us a democratisation of microfluidic technology will
                benefit the synthetic biology community. </p>
            <p> Reference: </p>
            <p> 1. Ferry, M.S., Razinkov, I.A. and Hasty, J. 2010. Microfluidics for synthetic biology: from design to execution.</p>
            <p> 2. Yuen, P.K. and Goral, V.N. 2010. Low-cost rapid prototyping of flexible microfluidic devices using a desktop
                digital craft cutter. Lab on a Chip 10(3):384–387.</p>
            <p> 3. 3D Printed Syringe Pump for Pneumatic Control. Metafluidics. [Accessed on 17th October, 2017] Available from
                https://metafluidics.org/devices/3d-printed-syringe-pump-for-pneumatic-control/ </p>
            <p> 4. Mazutis, L., Gilbert, J., Ung, W.L., Weitz, D.A., Griffiths, A. and Heyman, J.A. 2014. Single-cell analysis
                and sorting using droplet-based microfluidics. Nat Protoc. 8(5):870–891.</p>
            <p> 5. Sia, S.K. and Whitesides, G.M. 2003. Microfluidic devices fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane) for biological
                studies. Electrophoresis 24(21):3563–3576.</p>
             <figure style="text-align: center">
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> User Experience</h2>
                <img class="same-width" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/62/T--Edinburgh_UG--results_page_table.jpg">
            <p>Using SMORE involves the synthesis of target sites, which is an arduous task even for the experienced. </p>
            <p>This is because the small length and repetitive sequences make direct chemical synthesis of target sites unfeasible.
                 <figcaption style="padding-top: 20px; font-size: 20px;"> Caption</figcaption>
                 An alternative is the assembly of target sites from oligonucleotides (oligos). However, the design of oligos
                presents several challenges: </p>
            <ul style="list-style-image: none;">
                <li>The oligos cannot be palindromic. </li>
                <li>The oligos must bind to each other in a specific order. </li>
                <li>The oligos must be within a reasonable length for synthesis. </li>
            <p>The learning curve of oligo design is steep. SMORE needs an easy way to design oligos, to become accessible and
                attractive to more people. </p>
            <p>This is why we have devised an automatic oligo designer program. This program requires basic computer skills
                for installation and use, but it allows researcher with no experience to design oligos. This program is unique
                to other primer designers, as it is optimized for recombinase target site assembly. </p>
            <p>From our Interdisciplinary study, we understood the importance of a well-defined protocol. This is why we have
                provided a step-by-step user manual, with an additional glossary. The glossary is not intended to teach the
                user from scratch. Instead, it is designed to provide a common terminology that readers can communicate with.
                It is also a useful reminder for those unfamiliar with molecular biology. The font was also set to Times
                News Roman, following the tradition of most scientific literature, and allowing a high readability in both
                print and webpage [1]. </p>
            <p>Sounds interesting? <a href=""> Click here to see our program. </a> </p>
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> Assembling and testing the 14 recombination sites </h2>
            <p> We have successfully cloned the Rox (BBa_K2406000), Vox (BBa_K2406001), VLox (BBa_K2406002), and SLox (BBa_K2406003) in to pSB1C3 biobrick for use. Their functionality is demonstrated in the measurement constructs, described above.
                We have also cloned ten additional target sites that can be recognized by the Cre recombinase. They are called Lox511 (BBa_K2406008), Lox2272 (BBa_K2406009), Lox5161 (BBa_K2406010), LoxN (BBa_K2406011), M2 (BBa_K2406012), M3 (BBa_K2406013), M7 (BBa_K2406014), M11 (BBa_K2406015), Nuoya (BBa_K2406016), and Zsoka (BBa_K2406017). They are all proved to be functional by in vitro assay using cell lysate containing Cre recombinase.
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Quantitative measurement of recombinase activity </h2>
            <p> Reference: </p>
            <p>1. Mohamad Ali, A.Z., Wahid, R., Samsudin, K. and Zaffwan Idris, M. 2013. Reading on the computer screen: Does
                font type has effects on Web text readability? International Education Studies 6(3):26–35. </p>
                We have co-transformed both of our T7-LacO-recombinase generator and our measurement construct into E. coli BL21 (DE3). These strains are then incubated with or without IPTG, on either LB plate over 48 hours, or in LB media in plate reader. We have thoroughly characterized the recombination efficiency of the five recombinases, and determined what combinations are the most orthogonal pairs for future applications.
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Data </h2>
                We have determined that [probably] Dre/Rox recombinase is the most efficient SSR in E. coli, and that it is orthogonal to the rest of the recombinases. However, [describe what pairs are not orthogonal]. Therefore, we recommend using __ and __ for parallel reactions in E. coli.
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Logic gates and software </h2>
             <p>To establish recombination strategies as a robust and reliable technology, characterisation and definitive information
             <p>We have designed two-input OR, NOR, AND, NAND, XOR, and XNOR gates using the excision property of two orthogonal tyrosine recombinases: </p>
                of the enzymes are important. In particular, experimental verification of orthogonality between recombinases
             <p>As they contain a high degree of repetitiveness, we had difficulty ordering them as single DNA. Therefore, we designed software to ______</p>
                is crucial when using multiple recombinases in parallel. However, sequence and experimental data were scattered
                between online sources, hindering research effort. SMORE compiles and share the information of recombinases
            <h2 class="header-subsection"> Modeling the behavior of site-specific recombinase </h2>
                to promote the use of recombinases.</p>
             <p>We have built deterministic and stochastic models to simulate the behavior of our E. coli strain used for measurement (BL21 (DE3) E. coli carrying T7-LacO-recombinase generator and measurement constructs). The model is able to predict that the leaky expression of recombinase can induce a significant degree of terminator excision, leading to a moderate background expression of RFP. </p>
             <p>We have encountered the following issues when researching the four recombinases: Dre, Scre, Vcre and Vika (Table
             <p>Furthermore, we have developed an algorithm and used it to scan through the genome of E. coli BL21 (DE3) strain, and identified five genomic regions that may potentially be a functional target site for Cre recombinase. </p>
                2). For Dre and Vika, sequence discrepancies exist between sources and experimental verification was limited.
                For Scre and Vcre, we realized they were not commercially available and the information was buried in supplementary
                material that has limited access. Moreover, the online sources were different from our sequences. </p>
             <p>The study of orthogonality of recombinases by Weinberg et al. was a pleasant surprise. However, the study was
                limited in mammalian cells. Orthogonality varies between chassis and a comprehensive study is yet to be seen
                in E. coli. </p>
             <p>By providing our definitive sequences in Biobricks supported by experimental data, SMORE improves the accessibility
                of a recombinase strategy. </p>
             <p>Please proceed to our Parts page for more information. </p>
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Human practice: Interdisciplinarity in Synthetic Biology </h2>
             <p> Table 2: information and availability of four recombinases: Dre, Scre, Vcre and Vika.</p>
            <p>Due to the interdisciplinary nature of SMORE, we investigated interdisciplinarity in biology to understand how people would use it. </p>
            <table style="max-width: 900px; margin: 0 auto;">
            <p>We conducted a skill exchange survey with Team Bulgaria and Israel. The survey identified the use of technical language as pivotal in mutual understanding in interdisciplinary collaboration.  </p>
            <p>We also measured the diversity in discipline of past iGEM teams and analyzed it with iGEM achievements. We found no significant correlation between diversity and achievements. We proposed hypotheses to explain the result. </p>
                    <th> </th>
                    <th> Original Discovery </th>
                    <th> Sequence sources [chassis]</th>
                    <th> Availability </th>
                    <th> Problem </th>
                    <td>Dre </td>
                    <td>Anastassiadis et al. (2009)</td>
                    <td>Original paper [E. coli / mammalian] <br> Addgene Plasmid #51275
                    <td>Addgene </td>
                    <td>Sequence discrepancy; <br>Addgene plasmid has only been used in mammalian cells, without extensive characterisation
                    <td>Suzuki and Nakayama (2011)</td>
                    <td>Original paper[E. coli] <br> NCBI [E. coli]</td>
                    <td>No direct availability</td>
                        Suzuki and Nakayama (2011)
                    <td> Original paper[E. coli]<br> NCBI [E. coli]
                    <td>No direct availability</td>
                    <td>Karimova et al. (2013)
                    <td>Original paper [E. coli / mammalian]<br> iGEM BBa_K1641011 [unknown]
                        <br> Addgene Plasmid #79969
                    <td>iGEM, <br> Addgene
                    <td>Sequence discrepancy between sources; <br> Biobrick has no experimental verification
             <h2 class="header-subsection"> Human practice: Accessibility Improvement of SMORE </h2>
             <p>From the aforementioned study, we identified challenges in interdisciplinary work and decided an improvement of accessibility is needed to promote interdisciplinary use of SMORE. We improved accessibility in four aspects: </p>
             <p> Reference: </p>
             <p>Readability: we wrote highly readable introductory paragraphs for a wide audience. We also provided highly readable protocols for the software and the cell sorter. </p>
             <p>Anastassiadis, K., Fu, J., Patsch, C., Hu, S., Weidlich, S., Duerschke, K., Buchholz, F., Edenhofer, F. and Steward, A.F. 2009. Dre recombinase, like Cre, is a highly efficient site-specific recombinase in E. coli, mammalian cells and mice. Disease Models and Mechanisms 2:508–515.</p>
             <p>Hardware: we devised a microfluidic device with a 3D syringe pump – an alternative to the expensive cell sorter in the market – to use with SMORE’s randomizer strategy. </p>
             <p>Karimova, M., Abi-Ghanem, J., Berger, N., Surendranath, V., Pisabarro, M.T. and Buchholz, F. 2013. Vika/vox, a novel efficient and specific Cre/loxP-like site-specific recombination system. Nucleic Acid Research 41(2):e37. </p>
             <p>Software: we wrote an oligonucleotide designer programme to help the inexperienced to design oligos to use with SMORE. </p>
             <p>Suzuki, E. and Nakayama, M. 2011. VCre/VloxP and SCre/SloxP: new site-specific recombination systems for genome engineering. Nucleic Acid Research 39(8):e49. </p>
             <p>Data: we compiled and experimentally verified recombinase-related sequence data to establish recombination as a convenient and reliable technology. </p>
             <p>Weinberg, B.H., Pham, N.T.H., Caraballo, L.D., Lozanoski, T., Engel, A., Bhatia, S. and Wong, W.W. 2017. Large-scale design of robust genetic circuits with multiple inputs and outputs for mammalian cells. Nature Biotechnology 35(5):435–462. </p>

Revision as of 19:45, 31 October 2017



We believe SMORE should be accessible to every researcher who needs it and everyone who likes to learn about it. An accessibility regardless of academic background is important to innovation through interdisciplinary research, a notion we explored in the Interdisciplinarity page.

Nonetheless, an exchange of skillset and knowledge can be difficult. Technical language forms communication barriers. A steep learning curve hinders the gain of new skills. How can we make SMORE an accessible platform that promotes interdisciplinarity?

We improved the accessibility of SMORE in 4 aspects: readability, hardware, user experience and data. These help our project to become easier to understand to use, as a step to diversify the field of synthetic biology.


To provide everyone with the opportunity to understand SMORE, our first step was to increase the readability of our wiki.

Introduction is where most readers start from. And technical details in later paragraphs are often reserved for the experienced and the interested. Therefore, we write introductory paragraphs on main pages in a highly readable language, as they are targeted to a wide audience.

The readability of the introductions was carefully set to a 12th Grade student level. This is because the iGEM community includes high-school students. And thus, synthetic biology topics should be available and understood by a high-school level audience.

To obtain an estimate on readability, we chose the Dale-Chall formula over other readability indices [1]. Unlike other indices, result of the Dale-Chall formula does not depend on the number of syllables. Many scientific terms with a high syllable count has no short and accurate substitutes. For example, “significance” has many syllables, but it is irreplaceable in scientific statistics. Moreover, our skill exchange survey showed that technical language, when used moderately and precisely, also helps understanding. Dale-Chall formula does not weigh heavily on syllables, and directly measures the difficulty of words. This encourages us to explain the difficult words, rather than to use inaccurate substitutes.

Dale-Chall formula: $0.1579*(\frac{difficult\;words}{words})*100+0.0496*(\frac{words}{sentences})$

The Dale-Chall formula includes a collection of non-difficult words. We used the updated word collection to calculate the readability, using an online calculator [2-3]. The score of the index can be converted to grade level (Table 1). Familiar jargons, i.e. SMORE, iGEM, DNA and other repeating names, are excluded, given they have been thoroughly introduced. A simple word in the collection is used to replace them in calculation.

Below is an example of readability change in our project description. We have referred to simple guides on writing readable sentences [4-5], but we also developed some tricks through the process. The change was subtle and perhaps hardly noticeable. But it greatly benefits the reader in a long passage, as proven by our own reading experience.

Original text (readability = college graduate):

“Although recombinases 1 have been widely adopted in developmental biology to study vital genes 2,3 , their potentials in genetic engineering to produce dynamic constructs 2 has yet to be fully exploited.”

1: “Recombinase” is a jargon in biology. Most readers are unlikely to understand.

2: This detail is irrelevant for non-biologist readers.

3: Unnecessary use of a complex sentence further decreases readability.

High readability text (readability = 11th or 12th grade):

“For years, researchers have used recombinase proteins 1 to genetically modify organisms 2 . However 3 we noticed 4 the potential of these proteins in genetic engineering is not fully exploited.”

1: “Recombinase proteins” uses the least amount the word to explain that “recombinase” is a protein, a substance relatable to most readers.

2: Details at a right level to inform the readers about the context, i.e. scientists use them to change organisms.

3: Breaking the long sentence apart.

4: The use of “we” makes the sentence more engaging. Active voice makes the sentence easy to read. Also, the use of short words increases readability. This is especially important in scientific writing, where long words are common.

Table 1: Conversion table from Dale-Chall score to reading skill level.

Score Reading skill needed for easy first-time understanding
4.9 or lower 4th grade student or lower
5.0 – 5.9 5th or 6th grade student
6.0 – 6.9 7th or 8th grade student
7.0 – 7.9 9th or 10th grade student
8.0 – 8.9 11th or 12th grade student
9.0 – 9.9 College student
10 or above College graduate


1. Dale, E. and Chall, J.S. 1948. A Formula for Predicting Readability: Instructions. Source: Educational Research Bulletin 27(2):37–54.

2. Chall, J.S. and Dale, E. 1995. Readability revisited: the new Dale-Chall readability formula. U.S.: Brookline Books.

3. Readability Formula. Free Dale-Chall Readability Formula with Word List - Original and Revised versions. [Accessed 26 October 2017]. Available from: http://www.readabilityformulas.com/free-dale-chall-test.php.

4. Aldrige, M.D. 2004. Writing and Designing Readable Patient Education Materials. Nephrology Nursing Journal 31(4):373–377.

5. Manning, D. 1981. Writing readable health messages. Public Health Reports 96(5):464–465.


SMORE should be accessible to every researcher who likes to use it. One of the barrier is the use of cell sorters. Cell sorters are integral to our randomiser strategy. However, they are expensive and might be a deterrent to some researchers. For example, second-hand flow cytometers cost approximately 2,000 – 3,000 USD.

We hope to produce an affordable and accessible cell sorter. Our ideal cell sorter possesses two qualities: 1) can be manufactured by small scale laboratories without extensive machinery; 2) can be produced at a low cost.

This is a challenging goal, as we need to account for both precision and the cost of the cell sorter. Here is our story of an endeavour:

To achieve quality 1, we sought for two technologies: 3D printing and microfluidics. 3D printing is a popular technology. Objects of any shape can be “printed” by 3D printing. Using 3D printing increases accessibility, because the parts do not have to be produced through manufacturers, which may not serve single users. Instead the users can produce the parts. On the other hand, we also looked to microfluidics. Microfluidic technology can be viewed as the use of small amounts of liquid to control precise movements [1]. The production of microfluidic device (fabrication) is increasingly commonplace. For example, fabrication using a desktop cutter has been reported as early as 2009 [2]. This is an indication that microfluidics may become increasingly accessible in the near future. The use of 3D printing and microfluidic device also addresses quality 2. As these technologies become more commonplace, we expect them to be less expensive.

Our cell sorter is composed of two components: the syringe pump and the microfluidic chip. The syringe pumps control the liquid pressure in the microfluidic chip, where the movement of cells are controlled.

We have successfully assembled our syringe pumps using 3D printed parts and simple electronic components, with a reference to the pneumatic control syringe pump on the open-source repository Metafluidics [3].

With the help from the Scottish Microelectronics Centre, we have successfully decided on the design of a microfluidic cell sorter, verified by experts. We based our device on the designs in pre-existing studies on droplet-based microfluidic cell sorters and referred to their calculations [1, 4-5]. The cell sorter is coupled to a droplet former, which forms aqueous droplets that host individual cells. The cell-containing droplets are then sorted based on fluorescent or colorimetric signals, that are coupled to the metabolic pathway.

Despite the verified design, the fabrication process was error prone and too demanding in skill. Regrettably, the channels of the device were too shallow for our final test with living bacterial cells. However, the process was thought provoking and further persuaded us a democratisation of microfluidic technology will benefit the synthetic biology community.


1. Ferry, M.S., Razinkov, I.A. and Hasty, J. 2010. Microfluidics for synthetic biology: from design to execution.

2. Yuen, P.K. and Goral, V.N. 2010. Low-cost rapid prototyping of flexible microfluidic devices using a desktop digital craft cutter. Lab on a Chip 10(3):384–387.

3. 3D Printed Syringe Pump for Pneumatic Control. Metafluidics. [Accessed on 17th October, 2017] Available from https://metafluidics.org/devices/3d-printed-syringe-pump-for-pneumatic-control/

4. Mazutis, L., Gilbert, J., Ung, W.L., Weitz, D.A., Griffiths, A. and Heyman, J.A. 2014. Single-cell analysis and sorting using droplet-based microfluidics. Nat Protoc. 8(5):870–891.

5. Sia, S.K. and Whitesides, G.M. 2003. Microfluidic devices fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane) for biological studies. Electrophoresis 24(21):3563–3576.

User Experience

Using SMORE involves the synthesis of target sites, which is an arduous task even for the experienced.

This is because the small length and repetitive sequences make direct chemical synthesis of target sites unfeasible. An alternative is the assembly of target sites from oligonucleotides (oligos). However, the design of oligos presents several challenges:

  • The oligos cannot be palindromic.
  • The oligos must bind to each other in a specific order.
  • The oligos must be within a reasonable length for synthesis.

The learning curve of oligo design is steep. SMORE needs an easy way to design oligos, to become accessible and attractive to more people.

This is why we have devised an automatic oligo designer program. This program requires basic computer skills for installation and use, but it allows researcher with no experience to design oligos. This program is unique to other primer designers, as it is optimized for recombinase target site assembly.

From our Interdisciplinary study, we understood the importance of a well-defined protocol. This is why we have provided a step-by-step user manual, with an additional glossary. The glossary is not intended to teach the user from scratch. Instead, it is designed to provide a common terminology that readers can communicate with. It is also a useful reminder for those unfamiliar with molecular biology. The font was also set to Times News Roman, following the tradition of most scientific literature, and allowing a high readability in both print and webpage [1].

Sounds interesting? Click here to see our program.


1. Mohamad Ali, A.Z., Wahid, R., Samsudin, K. and Zaffwan Idris, M. 2013. Reading on the computer screen: Does font type has effects on Web text readability? International Education Studies 6(3):26–35.


To establish recombination strategies as a robust and reliable technology, characterisation and definitive information of the enzymes are important. In particular, experimental verification of orthogonality between recombinases is crucial when using multiple recombinases in parallel. However, sequence and experimental data were scattered between online sources, hindering research effort. SMORE compiles and share the information of recombinases to promote the use of recombinases.

We have encountered the following issues when researching the four recombinases: Dre, Scre, Vcre and Vika (Table 2). For Dre and Vika, sequence discrepancies exist between sources and experimental verification was limited. For Scre and Vcre, we realized they were not commercially available and the information was buried in supplementary material that has limited access. Moreover, the online sources were different from our sequences.

The study of orthogonality of recombinases by Weinberg et al. was a pleasant surprise. However, the study was limited in mammalian cells. Orthogonality varies between chassis and a comprehensive study is yet to be seen in E. coli.

By providing our definitive sequences in Biobricks supported by experimental data, SMORE improves the accessibility of a recombinase strategy.

Please proceed to our Parts page for more information.

Table 2: information and availability of four recombinases: Dre, Scre, Vcre and Vika.

Original Discovery Sequence sources [chassis] Availability Problem
Dre Anastassiadis et al. (2009) Original paper [E. coli / mammalian]
Addgene Plasmid #51275
Addgene Sequence discrepancy;
Addgene plasmid has only been used in mammalian cells, without extensive characterisation
Scre Suzuki and Nakayama (2011) Original paper[E. coli]
NCBI [E. coli]
None No direct availability
Vcre Suzuki and Nakayama (2011) Original paper[E. coli]
NCBI [E. coli]
None No direct availability
Vika Karimova et al. (2013) Original paper [E. coli / mammalian]
iGEM BBa_K1641011 [unknown]
Addgene Plasmid #79969
Sequence discrepancy between sources;
Biobrick has no experimental verification


Anastassiadis, K., Fu, J., Patsch, C., Hu, S., Weidlich, S., Duerschke, K., Buchholz, F., Edenhofer, F. and Steward, A.F. 2009. Dre recombinase, like Cre, is a highly efficient site-specific recombinase in E. coli, mammalian cells and mice. Disease Models and Mechanisms 2:508–515.

Karimova, M., Abi-Ghanem, J., Berger, N., Surendranath, V., Pisabarro, M.T. and Buchholz, F. 2013. Vika/vox, a novel efficient and specific Cre/loxP-like site-specific recombination system. Nucleic Acid Research 41(2):e37.

Suzuki, E. and Nakayama, M. 2011. VCre/VloxP and SCre/SloxP: new site-specific recombination systems for genome engineering. Nucleic Acid Research 39(8):e49.

Weinberg, B.H., Pham, N.T.H., Caraballo, L.D., Lozanoski, T., Engel, A., Bhatia, S. and Wong, W.W. 2017. Large-scale design of robust genetic circuits with multiple inputs and outputs for mammalian cells. Nature Biotechnology 35(5):435–462.