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pH is strongly rising after taking the sample out of the incubator. This may be caused by the solved CO<sub>2</sub>, that lowers the pH in the incubator. After taking the sample out of the incubator, the CO<sub>2</sub> goes to the gas phase which causes a rising of the pH. Additionally, the bicarbonate buffer is destabilized as the addition of lactic acid moves the equilibrium of the buffer to CO<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O. That leads to a higher pH than before the incubation.
pH is strongly rising after taking the sample out of the incubator. This may be caused by the solved CO<sub>2</sub>, that lowers the pH in the incubator. After taking the sample out of the incubator, the CO<sub>2</sub> goes to the gas phase which causes a rising of the pH. Additionally, the bicarbonate buffer is destabilized as the addition of lactic acid moves the equilibrium of the buffer to CO<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O. That leads to a higher pH than before the incubation.

Latest revision as of 23:40, 31 October 2017

labor:cell_culture - iGEM 2017

Lab Notebook Modeling


Titration RPMI 1640 vs. lactic acid

Aim: setup of pH in the Medium for pCRE-tests

c(lactic acid, conc.) = 12.09 mol/l
c(lactic acid, 1:20) = 0.6 mol/l (diluted with RPMI 1640)


  1. add lactic acid (0.6 M) to medium (Table)
  2. measure pH with pH-Meter
  3. repeat each measurement 3 times
V(RPMI 1640) [µl]V(lactic acid, 0.6 M) [µl]c(lactic acid) [µmol/mL]s(c ) [µmol/ml]pH 1pH 2pH 3pHs(pH)

Resulting Titration curve for lactic acid in RPMI 1640:

Titration curve with pH vs. c(lactic acid)Titration curve with pH vs. V(lactic acid 0.6 M) per ml


Cell survival and GFP-stability at different pH-values

used cells: Jurkat with CMV_GFP
cell density: 1 mio cells/ml
incubation times: 3 h, 6 h, 12 h


  1. count cells
  2. centrifuge cells
  3. resuspend cell pellet in RPMI 1640 (target-concentration: 2 mio cells/ml)
  4. mix 1.5 ml RPMI 1640 + calculated volume of lactic acid (0.6 M) + 500 µl cell suspension on 12-well-plate (Table 1)
  5. incubate for defined time in the CO2-incubator
  6. centrifuge samples
  7. resuspend cell pellets in PBS FACS buffer (500 µl)
  8. FACS analysis
  9. used medium was stored at 4°C for pH-test next day
pHV(lactic acid, 0.6 M) [µl]RPMI 1640 [µl]


→ Jurkat cells can survive in medium with pH ≥ 6.0

cell survival

after 3hafter 6hafter 12h

GFP fluorescence

after 3hafter 6hafter 12h


pH-measurement of used medium (13.06.17)

set pH6 h12 h
pH = 5.04.674.78
pH =
pH =
pH = 6.56.956.76
untreated (pH = 7.25)7.737.47

Result: pH in incubation medium is rising over the time! Expected was a lowering, as the cells secrete lactic acid.


Investigation of the pH-changes

test of pH-change of RPMI 1640 at different conditions

tested conditions:

  • incubation in stock RPMI 1640 or RPMI 1640 with lactic acid (pH = 6.0)
  • medium with/without Jurkat cells (500k/ml)
  • incubation at 37°C in incubator with CO2 (5%) atmosphere or incubated with cap
  • incubation at atmospheric conditions
  • incubation time: 6 h
  1. make aliquots of RPMI 1640 (15 ml, pH = 6.0) and untreated RPMI 1640 (15 ml)
  2. aliquot 1: measure pH before incubation
  3. other aliquots: incubate at conditions described above


6 h, 37 °C, 5% CO2RPMI 1640 (pH = 6.0)stock RPMI 1640
pH before incubation5.877.45
pH after incubation6.467.68

6 h, 37 °C, 5% CO2, Jurkat cellsRPMI 1640 (pH = 6.0)stock RPMI 1640
pH before incubation5.877.45
pH after incubation6.487.70

6 h, 37 °C, with capRPMI 1640 (pH = 6.0)stock RPMI 1640
pH before incubation5.877.45
pH after incubation6.638.46

6 h, 25 °C, atmospheric conditionsRPMI 1640 (pH = 6.0)stock RPMI 1640
pH before incubation5.877.45
pH after incubation6.247.79


pH change vs. incubation time

  1. set pH to 6.3
  2. prepare 2 ml aliquots of RPMI 1640 in falcon tubes
  3. incubate in CO2 incubator for t (min) = 0, 10, 20, 30, 50
  4. measure pH directly after taking sample out of incubator
  5. measure pH one minute later
time /minpH directpH after 1 min

pH is strongly rising after taking the sample out of the incubator. This may be caused by the solved CO2, that lowers the pH in the incubator. After taking the sample out of the incubator, the CO2 goes to the gas phase which causes a rising of the pH. Additionally, the bicarbonate buffer is destabilized as the addition of lactic acid moves the equilibrium of the buffer to CO2 + H2O. That leads to a higher pH than before the incubation.


VEGF dilution

m0 = 10 µg start concentration: solid state target concentration: 1 µg/ml

  1. resuspend pellet in 100 µl ddH2O (stock solution, 100 µg/ml)
  2. dilute 1 µl of stock solution with 99 µl ddH2O (aliquots, 1 µg/ml)
  3. store aliquots at -20 °C


pCTLA4 vs. [VEGF]

Aim: determination of suitable [VEGF] and incubation time

tested cells: HEK with transient pCTLA4-GFP (pIG17_022 (330 bp); pIG17_023 (380 bp)),PEI transfected
[VEGF](ng/ml) = 0.0, 0.5, 5.0, 10.0
t (h) = 3, 8, 24
controls: CMV_GFP (pIG_009), untransfected cells


  1. cells were PEI transfected by cell culture on 05.07.17
  2. 24h after PEI transfection: replace old medium by RPMI 1640 (2 ml / well), add VEGF (1 µg/ml)
  3. after incubation time: analysis via fluorescence microscope and FACS



PEI transfection of plasmids pIG17_022/23/37/86

used cells: HEK cells

Plasmid numbercomponent
  1. Split the cells 1:5 into 10 cm plate (on 21.04.17)
  2. Thaw PEI reagent at RT
  3. Dilute plasmid in 1 ml serum free DMEM (2.5 µg from each plasmid)
  4. Add 15 µl PEI(1 µg/µl) to the mix while vortexing (PEI:DNA = 3:1)
  5. incubate 15 min at RT
  6. Add the mix to the culture
  7. incubate for 24 h


VEGF test

used cells: PEI transfected cells from 19.07.17 with pIG17_022/023/037/086

  1. add following VEGF concentrations to the cells: 0 ng/ml, 0.5 ng/ml, 5 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml, 50 ng/ml
  2. incubate for 24 h

fluorescence microscope:

constructbright fieldGFP
positive control
negative control


Interlab Study transformation

- heat shock transformation of DH5-α with plasmids from Kit plate 7

21Bpositive control
21Dnegative control
21FDevice 1
21HDevice 2
21JDevice 3
21LDevice 4
21NDevice 5
21PDevice 6

Interlab Study OD600 calibration measurements

- measure absorbance at 600 nm of H20 (100 µl) and LUDOX-S40 (100 µl) - each four replicates

10,043 0,035
20,049 0,036
30,047 0,035
40,052 0,035

Interlab Study fluorescein standard curve measurements

- centrifuge fluorescein
- dilute fluorescein in PBS to a final concentration of 50 µM
- add PBS (100 µl) into well A2-A12, B2-B12, C2-C12, D2-D12 of a 96-well-plate
- add fluorescein stock solution (200 µl, 50µM) into well A1, B1, C1, D1
- transfer 100 µl from well A1 into well A2, pipett up and down
- transfer 100 µl from well A2 into well A3, pipett up and down
- do the same till the end of the row
- transfer 100 µl from every last well into the liquid waste
- repeat these steps for rpw B, C and D
- measure the fluorescence intensity in the plate reader

uM Fluorescein50,002512,56,253,1251,56250,781250,3906250,19531250,097656250,0488281250
Replicate 1 41550 28587 15976 9537 5674 2712 1357 639 348 160 91 0
Replicate 2 42434 29060 17592 10169 5250 2705 1155 581 302 160 67 11
Replicate 3 42066 29363 17743 9882 5015 2671 1303 665 314 187 87 0
Replicate 4 40538 28766 17808 9934 5127 2818 1344 662 366 176 113 13


pick colonies from Interlab Study

- pick 2 colonies from each plate
- incubation overnight at 37°C


Interlab Study cell measurements

- measure OD600 of the overnight cultures
- dilute the bacteria in medium with Chloramphenicol to a final OD = 0.02
- incubation at 37°C and 220 rpm
- take 500 µl of the cultures after 0h, 2h, 4h and 6h and place samples on ice
- transfer four replicates of 100 µl of each sample into a well of a 96-well-plate
- measure OD600 and fluorescence intensity in the plate reader (settings: excitation: 485 nm; emission: 530/30)

Abs600 after 0h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 0,044 0,042 0,045 0,045 0,046 0,045 0,052 0,043 0,041
Colony 1, Replicate 2 0,046 0,047 0,045 0,045 0,047 0,048 0,046 0,064 0,041
Colony 1, Replicate 3 0,044 0,045 0,047 0,044 0,054 0,046 0,045 0,045 0,043
Colony 1, Replicate 4 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,058 0,045 0,046 0,044 0,046 0,046
Colony 2, Replicate 1 0,046 0,047 0,047 0,05 0,046 0,044 0,044 0,044 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 2 0,046 0,05 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,046 0,05 0,046 0,046
Colony 2, Replicate 3 0,049 0,049 0,046 0,045 0,053 0,046 0,047 0,047 0,044
Colony 2, Replicate 4 0,046 0,051 0,043 0,043 0,044 0,049 0,048 0,05 0,042

Fluorescence intensity after 0h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 30032 29468 47522 30425 37202 30859 38967 39848 40167
Colony 1, Replicate 2 38825 32134 33823 37326 38129 41631 37103 40926 383
Colony 1, Replicate 3 33426 38291 40791 38829 35103 35503 39082 38194 40506
Colony 1, Replicate 4 30451 31664 40586 40661 37774 40046 38716 42854 39830
Colony 2, Replicate 1 31429 32597 33648 34085 40700 31595 28914 36532 40434
Colony 2, Replicate 2 39464 32361 39432 40150 39543 41282 38247 33320 39231
Colony 2, Replicate 3 32329 31485 34366 36754 39980 41296 33348 33391 39612
Colony 2, Replicate 4 31225 36435 37063 38806 42787 40222 36968 36323 38492

Abs600 after 2h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 0,046 0,045 0,045 0,065 0,047 0,047 0,046 0,044 0,041
Colony 1, Replicate 2 0,047 0,047 0,046 0,048 0,048 0,046 0,047 0,046 0,043
Colony 1, Replicate 3 0,046 0,047 0,046 0,045 0,053 0,047 0,048 0,045 0,044
Colony 1, Replicate 4 0,047 0,047 0,055 0,058 0,047 0,046 0,045 0,046 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 1 0,078 0,048 0,048 0,049 0,048 0,047 0,046 0,047 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 2 0,048 0,055 0,048 0,049 0,047 0,046 0,049 0,049 0,041
Colony 2, Replicate 3 0,047 0,048 0,048 0,048 0,047 0,049 0,048 0,05 0,045
Colony 2, Replicate 4 0,046 0,049 0,047 0,046 0,045 0,048 0,048 0,049 0,047

Fluorescence intensity after 2h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 32478 41305 33618 42435 34249 34205 34202 34949 29069
Colony 1, Replicate 2 34345 42706 38570 43860 36547 44267 45267 47187 37138
Colony 1, Replicate 3 38418 39069 38866 44974 36631 43986 46760 39103 39152
Colony 1, Replicate 4 36379 42391 36129 45361 39003 44229 32123 33637 41422
Colony 2, Replicate 1 36339 36658 36464 35639 43270 42121 34385 44627 40854
Colony 2, Replicate 2 40618 43596 36428 44147 44768 43257 45151 46402 39718
Colony 2, Replicate 3 39505 36517 43094 44747 36790 40034 44931 40597 39712
Colony 2, Replicate 4 36751 41857 35023 41187 35201 43423 32927 35063 37786

Abs600 after 4h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 0,056 0,055 0,055 0,052 0,058 0,052 0,053 0,046 0,042
Colony 1, Replicate 2 0,054 0,056 0,054 0,052 0,055 0,054 0,055 0,048 0,041
Colony 1, Replicate 3 0,055 0,061 0,055 0,052 0,057 0,052 0,055 0,049 0,043
Colony 1, Replicate 4 0,055 0,056 0,05 0,053 0,053 0,052 0,05 0,049 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 1 0,053 0,059 0,057 0,061 0,053 0,059 0,053 0,059 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 2 0,054 0,056 0,058 0,062 0,053 0,059 0,055 0,059 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 3 0,054 0,056 0,058 0,063 0,057 0,059 0,055 0,06 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 4 0,054 0,056 0,056 0,058 0,049 0,058 0,056 0,061 0,042

Fluorescence intensity after 4h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 39398 41211 43472 34629 40024 37129 34265 40517 38102
Colony 1, Replicate 2 39957 41499 44252 43313 44778 36906 43865 42985 38644
Colony 1, Replicate 3 39198 41382 35548 45574 47239 39866 44132 44431 37943
Colony 1, Replicate 4 35352 41590 26466 44768 45637 44736 29248 37825 38618
Colony 2, Replicate 1 41468 42577 34717 39284 40334 42558 46026 41271 39053
Colony 2, Replicate 2 43892 40143 36619 42028 41878 43940 38303 47567 37978
Colony 2, Replicate 3 43598 43486 44578 44449 44828 44235 42442 37273 39116
Colony 2, Replicate 4 43048 43193 42421 38871 34908 41518 43876 44582 37838

Abs600 after 6h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 0,098 0,093 0,084 0,084 0,087 0,078 0,083 0,062 0,048
Colony 1, Replicate 2 0,09 0,094 0,082 0,076 0,089 0,083 0,091 0,064 0,041
Colony 1, Replicate 3 0,091 0,09 0,92 0,082 0,089 0,08 0,086 0,066 0,043
Colony 1, Replicate 4 0,086 0,084 0,09 0,079 0,086 0,078 0,084 0,063 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 1 0,081 0,093 0,094 0,076 0,075 0,097 0,087 0,097 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 2 0,079 0,092 0,091 0,099 0,073 0,095 0,085 0,107 0,043
Colony 2, Replicate 3 0,08 0,086 0,101 0,13 0,073 0,1 0,088 0,107 0,042
Colony 2, Replicate 4 0,078 0,092 0,089 0,108 0,073 0,093 0,09 0,105 0,042

Fluorescence intensity after 6h:

Neg. Control Pos. Control Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 LB + Chlor (blank)
Colony 1, Replicate 1 44819 43197 34990 39952 35312 44026 44108 34395 41891
Colony 1, Replicate 2 35745 41624 42712 36773 38191 39327 36222 38684 44486
Colony 1, Replicate 3 43503 43470 38934 39338 39338 47418 46563 41520 40216
Colony 1, Replicate 4 40336 39507 37827 41517 41517 46271 47662 42298 38353
Colony 2, Replicate 1 34982 34672 46394 18665 18665 36165 36374 40293 40211
Colony 2, Replicate 2 43791 37273 44467 41079 41079 41516 44327 38827 38014
Colony 2, Replicate 3 39248 40869 38169 48933 48933 44903 41210 38643 40437
Colony 2, Replicate 4 38078 38846 41889 49892 49892 42376 46132 38525 39913


pH change over time in incubator with RPMI1640 and acid

compositionstart pHincubation timetrend
2ml RPMI16407.1493 min
2ml RPMI16407.1667 min
2ml RPMI16407.15104 min
2ml RPMI1640 + 65µl lactic acid (0.6 M)6.295 min
2ml RPMI1649 + 65µl lactic acid (0.6 M)6.390 min
2ml RPMI1640 + 20µl HCl(1.2 M)6.6105 min
2ml RPMI1640 + 30µl HCl(1.2 M)6.6100 min
7.5 ml RPMI1640 + 250.000 HEK cells / ml7.324 h
7.5 ml RPMI1640 + 500.000 HEK cells / ml7.1726 h


Transformation of pWHE-644

- transformation in DH5-α


Miniprep of pWHE-644 in DH3-α

- miniprep with Zymo kit

Test digest of pWHE-644

1µl NcoI
2µl DNA
1.5µl FD-buffer 10x
10.5µl H20
Excepted bands could be observed.


Miniprep of CMV-VEGFR2 (pIG_138)

- 7x miniprep of CMV-VEGFR2

Test digest of CMV-VEGFR2 (pIG_138)

2µl DNA
1.5µl buffer
1µl BamHI
0.5µl H20
Only one of the expected bands could be oberserved.


Test digest of CMV-VEGFR2 (pIG_138)

2µl DNA
1.5µl FD-buffer
1µl SmaI
Only one of the expected bands could be oberserved.


pH test with Jurkat cells

- centrifuge Jurkatt cells, dilute in RPMI1640
- count cells
- incubation of Jurkat cells and lactic acid
- pH measurements after 0h, 30min, 1h and 1h30min
- 1) only RPMI1640 with cells, start pH at 7.2
- 2) RPMI1640 with cells and 100µl lactic acid, start pH at 6.8

after 0h:

cell concentration (cells/ml)pH of 1)pH of 2)

after 30min:

cell concentration (cells/ml)pH of 1)pH of 2)

after 1h:

cell concentration (cells/ml)pH of 1)pH of 2)

after 1h30min:

cell concentration (cells/ml)pH of 1)pH of 2)


Test digest of CMV-VEGFR2 (pIG_138)

2µl DNA
1.5µl FD-buffer
2µl BamHI
9,5µl H20

Ctla4 induction

- Jurkat cells transiently transfected with Ctla4-GFP-CMV-mCherry
- positive control: cotransfected with CMV-GFP and CMV mCherry
- add VEGF
- incubation for 24h at 37°C


PEI transfection of HEK cells

- CMV-GFP from iGEM
- CMV-GFP from tool box

Flow cytometry

- Jurkat with Ctla4-GFP-CMV-mCherry from 16.08.17

mCherryGFP (measured in green fluorescence channel)


BioRad electroporation

Cell lines: Jurkat
Plasmids: pIG_037, pIG_031, contransfection CMV-GFP

  1. Count the cells
  2. Transfer 1 mio. cells into falcons and centrifuge with 100g for 3 min
  3. Resuspend the cell pellet with 100 µl P3 Buffer
  4. Add 9 µg pIG17_009
  5. Transfer the mixture into cuvette
  6. BioRad setting: 250 V, 960 µF, 35 sec.
  7. Add 500 µl RPMI medium to the cells immediately after electroporation
  8. Plate the cells into 12-well plate with 2 ml Medium
  9. Over night culturing
  10. Wash the cuvettes for reusing

Calcium test

- incubation of cells at 37°C in FACS tubes for 5min - pre-FACS after 3min - add VEGF (30ng/ml, 70ng/ml) - FACS afer 7min: no signal


Biorad electroporation

Cell lines: Jurkat
Plasmids: pIG_034, cotransfection CMV-GFP and CMV-mCherry, negative control (no DNA)

  1. Count the cells
  2. Transfer 1 mio. cells into falcons and centrifuge with 100g for 3 min
  3. Resuspend the cell pellet with 100 µl P3 Buffer
  4. Add 6 µg pIG17_009
  5. Transfer the mixture into cuvette
  6. BioRad setting: 250 V, 960 µF, 35 sec.
  7. Add 500 µl RPMI medium to the cells immediately after electroporation
  8. Plate the cells into 12-well plate with 2 ml Medium
  9. Over night culturing
  10. Wash the cuvettes for reusing

pH tests with Jurkat

V(ges) [ml]V(RPMI1640) [ml]V(cells) [ml]c(cells) [cells/ml]

- incubation for 24h

Miniprep of pIG_034

- miniprep 8x


sequencing of pIG_138

- plasmid: CMV-VEGFR2 (pIG_138)
- DNA concentration: 80ng/ml
- Oligo: 2µl DNA, 18µl H2O
- V(ges): 20µl


Miniprep of pIG_017, pIG_031, pIG_034, pIG_037

- Zymo kit

up-concentration of pIG_017, pIG_031, pIG_034, pIG_037

- add isopropanol to plasmid suspension in H2O
- -20°C for 20min
- centrifugate for 30min at maximal speed and 4°C
- remove isopropanol
- wash with EtOH (70%)
- centrifugate for 30min att maximal speed and 4°C
- remove EtOH
- open eppis to dry overnight
- eluate with H2O
Up-conentration did not work, DNA concentration decreased.


Miniprep of pIG_017, pIG_037


PEI transfection of HEK cells

used cells: HEK cells

Plasmid numbercomponent
pIG17_008 + pIG17_009CMV-GFP + CMV-mCherry
pIG17_034 + β2-receptorpCRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry + β2-receptor
no DNAnegative control
  1. Split the cells 1:5 into 10 cm plate
  2. Thaw PEI reagent at RT
  3. Dilute plasmid in 1 ml serum free DMEM (2.5 µg from each plasmid)
  4. Add 15 µl PEI(1 µg/µl) to the mix while vortexing (PEI:DNA = 3:1)
  5. incubate 15 min at RT
  6. Add the mix to the culture
  7. incubate for 24 h

Gel extraction of M1-receptor without CFP

50 ng DNA
1 µl T4 Ligase
2 µl Buffer 10x
13 µl H2O


Colony PCR of M1

Buffer 10x2.5µl12.5 µl
dNTP 10 mM0.5 µl2.5 µl
Template1 µl
Primer0.5 µl2.5 µl
DreamTaq Thermo Fisher0.25 µl1.25 µl
H2O20 µl100 µl


pCRE induction

- treatment in 6-well-plate
- add Forskolin and β2-inductor to the cells

Cells transfected with pIG17_034 (pCRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry):

negative control--
old Forskolin10 µM (old)-
new Forskolin10 µM (new)-
new Forskolin100 µM new Forskolin
β2-inductor-10 µM
β2-inductor-100 µM

Cells transfected with pIG17_034 (pCRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry) and β2-receptor:

negative control--
β2-inductor-10 µM
β2-inductor-100 µM


PEI transfection of plasmids pIG17_022/23/37/86

used cells: HEK cells

Plasmid numbercomponent
  1. Split the cells 1:2 into 10 cm plate
  2. Thaw PEI reagent at RT
  3. Dilute plasmid in 1 ml serum free DMEM (2.5 µg from each plasmid)
  4. Add 15 µl PEI(1 µg/µl) to the mix while vortexing (PEI:DNA = 3:1)
  5. incubate 15 min at RT
  6. Add the mix to the culture
  7. incubate for 24 h

HRE induction

- add CoCl2 (end concentrations: 0 µM, 5 µM, 10 µM, 20 µM, 50 µM, 100 µM, 200 µM, 400 µM, 800 µM)
- fluoresence microscopy

Repetition of the Interlab Study

- transformation of DH5-α with plasmids from Kit 7 (21B, 21D, 21F, 21H, 21L, 21N, 21P)
- incubation at 37 °C

PEI transfection of HEK cells

Plasmid numbercomponent
pIG17_034 + L3 (Luciferase)pCRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry + L3
pIG17_034 + TDAG8pCRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry + TDAG8
pIG17_008 + pIG17_009CMV-GFP + CMV-mCherry


Pick colonies of Interlab Study

- 2 colonies per plate
- incubation at 37°C

pCRE induction in HEK cells

- plate out cells on 24-well-dish
- treatment with Forskolin

Plasmid numbercomponentForskolin treatment
pIG17_008 + pIG17_009CMV-GFP + CMV-mCherry-
pIG17_034 + TDAG8pCRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry + TDAG8+
no DNA--
no DNA-+

- after 10 hours: pH change to 6.5, 7.0, 7.5
- plate reader after 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h (Ex.: 488±20 nm; Emm.: 509±20 nm)
- FACS analysis after 24h


Plate Reader


PEI transfection of plasmid pIG17_031

used cells: HEK cells

Plasmid numbercomponent
pIG17_008 + pIG17_009CMV-GFP + CMV-mCherry
  1. Split the cells 1:2 into 10 cm plate (on 16.09.17)
  2. Thaw PEI reagent at RT
  3. Dilute plasmid in 1 ml serum free DMEM (2.5 µg from each plasmid)
  4. Add 15 µl PEI(1 µg/µl) to the mix while vortexing (PEI:DNA = 3:1)
  5. incubate 15 min at RT
  6. Add the mix to the culture
  7. incubate for 24 h


HRE induction

- induction cancelled because cells were contaminated with bacteria


overnights of overnights (HRE4x, CRE4x)


Midiprep of cultures from overnights

PEI transfection

used cells: HEK cells

Plasmid numbercomponent
+ TDAG8CRE(4x)-GFP-CMV-mCherry + TDAG8
pIG17_008 + pIF17_009CMV-GFP + CMV-mCherry
  1. Split the cells 1:2, transfer into 6-well-plate (on 16.09.17)
  2. Thaw PEI reagent at RT
  3. Dilute plasmid in 1 ml serum free DMEM (2.5 µg from each plasmid)
  4. Add 15 µl PEI(1 µg/µl) to the mix while vortexing (PEI:DNA = 3:1)
  5. incubate 15 min at RT
  6. Add the mix to the culture
  7. incubate for 24 h

Filtration of DMEM, addition of FBS

- filter DMEM sterile
- add 2 % FBS
- set up pH of aliquots with HCl (4 M)
- final pH values: 6.7, 7.1, 7.4


induction of CRE and HRE in HEK cells

- indution in 96-wel-plates - cells transiently transfected with CRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry, add acid
- cells transiently transfected with HRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry, add CoCl2
- plate reader: no measurable induction of GFP


FACS analysis of HEK cells

- FACS analysis after CRE induction and HRE induction



Repetition of the Interlab Study

- transformation of DH5-α with plasmids from Kit 6 (20B, 20D, 20F, 20H, 20L, 20N, 20P)
- incubation at 37 °C


calibration of plate reader

- used cells: knockdown-cells + untransfected cells, compositions 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 0:1
- 96-well-plates, black, clear bottom, 100 000 cells per well
- different media: RPMI164, DMEM, DMEM and PBS (500 000 cells per well)

induction of HRE(4x)

- used cells: HEK stably transfected with HRE(4x)-GFP-CMV-mCherry, untransfected as a negative control
- induction in 24-well-plate
- add CoCl2: 0 µM, 20 µM, 40 µM, 80 µM, 100 µM, 320 µM, 640 µM
- FACS analysis


pH measurements with HEK cells

- 6-well-plate, 900 000 cells per well (90% confluency)
- DMEM (5 ml per well), pH set to 6.8
- after 6 h: pH=7.2

induction of HRE

- used cells: Jurkat and HEK, stably transfected with HRE(4x)-GFP-CMV-mCherry
- induction with CoCl2: 0 µM, 50 µM, 100 µM, 150 µM, 200 µM, 250 µM, 300 µM, 350 µM

pH measurements with HEK cells

- 6-well-plate, 900 000 cells per well
- DMEM (5 ml per well), pH set to 6.73


indcution of CRE(4x) in HEK cells

- HEK stably transfected with CRE-GFP-CMV-mCherry, induction with acid (pH 6.7, 7.4, 8.1)
- FACS measurement failed

FACS analysis of CoCl2 treated HEK cells


  • resuspended HEK cells containing stable CREx4 were diluted at different ratios with wildtype HEK cells were incubated at different pH values (6.5, 7.1, 7.7) and measured on a plate reader.
  • normalization via OD600


Repetition of the Interlab Study

- transformation of positive control, negative control, Device 1-6


pick colonies of the Interlab Study


calibration plate reader

-calibration of plate reader for CFP with dilutions of knockdown Jurkat and HEK cells (CMV_CFP)
-black 96 well plate with clear bottom
-cells/well: 50k, 100k
-wavelengths: Ex.: 433±20 nm; Emm.: 475±9 nm


cell measurements of the Interlab Study

- OD600 and fluorescence intensity of each device after 0h, 2h, 4h and 6h
- again random fluorescence values

PEI transfection of CMV-VEGFR2, SV40-TDAG8

  1. Split the cells 1:2 into 10 cm plate
  2. Thaw PEI reagent at RT
  3. Dilute plasmid in 1 ml serum free DMEM (2.5 µg from each plasmid)
  4. Add 15 µl PEI(1 µg/µl) to the mix while vortexing (PEI:DNA = 3:1)
  5. incubate 15 min at RT
  6. Add the mix to the culture
  7. incubate for 24 h


input tests in HEK and Jurkat cells

used medium: PBS (10% FCS, 0.5% glucose, 1% HEPES)

fluorescence measurement after 0h, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 9h, 16, 24h

in order to determine the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) stable cell lines were substracted by wildtype cells with same treatment.

CRE(4x)-CFP-CMV-mCherry (stable), SV40-TDAG8 (transient):


pHForskolin + IBMX (100 µM each)transient SV40_TDAG8 (HEK only)
6.5 → 7.7--
6.5 → 7.7+-
6.5 → 7.7-+
6.5 → 7.7++



Ctla4(4x)-CFP-CMV-mCherry (stable), CMV-VEGFR-2 (transient):


VEGF (ng/ml)Ionomycin (µmol/l)transient CMV-VEGFR-2 (HEK only)
0 +
0 -
25 +
25 -
50 +
50 -
100 +
100 -



HRE(4x)-CFP-CMV-mCherry (stable):


CoCl2 (µmol/ml)


high mCherry
low mCherry


HRE, Ctla4 and HRE induction

- medium change for Ctla4 and HRE cells: PBS (10% FCS, 0.5% glucose, HEPES)
- medium change for CRE: PBS (10% FCS, 0.5% glucose, HEPES) pH = 7.7
- fluorescence measurement after 0h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 30h