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<p><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c5/T--Shanghaitech--collaboration-Library-1.jpg' alt='img' /></p>
<p><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c5/T--Shanghaitech--collaboration-Library-1.jpg' alt='img' /></p>
<p>For more details, refer to our <a href='https://2017.igem.org/Team:Shanghaitech/Collaborations'>collaboration pages</a></p>
<p>For more details, refer to our <a href='https://2017.igem.org/Team:Shanghaitech/Collaborations'>collaboration pages</a></p>

Revision as of 14:08, 1 November 2017


Biosafety education video in Chinese

Biosafety is one of the most important issues everyone should be aware of before starting any biology related experiments. However, the biosafety education in China is far behind the fast development of modern biological research. In some places, students are not trained properly because of the outdated education material or the language barrier that prevent them from reading biosafety guidelines written in English.

We’ve participated in an intercollegiate collaborating project to produce a series of biosafety education movies, all in Chinese. This video collection has been uploaded online and is freely available at our homepage on YouTube and Bilibili, a popular Chinese video-sharing website.

Teams participated the production:

The link below is the title we made for the promotion video of Biosafety collaboratively made by the 11 universities in China.

The following link is the promotion video we made for the education of Biosafety about the disposal of pollutants in biological laboratories.

Reagent share to USTC

iGEM team USTC is working on the CdS based bio-film. They want to know whether CdS nanoparticles can increase the cathode-current as expected. A key component for one of their experiments requires CdS quantum dots, which they cannot generate by themselves.

We provided them the CdS quantum dots sample. They added our sample into the culture to assist bio-film formation onto the surface of a graphite electrode. Theoretically, CdS quantum dots would be attached to the surface of the bacteria as the bio-film was formed.

Measurement for UCAS


Collaboration with USTC-China

iGEM team USTC-China is working on the CdS based bio-film. They want to know whether CdS nanoparticle scan increase the cathode-current as expected. A key component for one of their experiments requires CdS quantum dots, which they cannot make(or obtain?or generate?)by themselves.

We kindly provided them the CdS quantum dots sample. They added our sample into the culture to assist bio-film formation onto the surface of a graphite electrode.Theoretically, CdS quantum dots would be attached to the surface of the bacteria as the bio-film was formed.


Figure 6. Preparation for the bio-film. (need more figure legends here if you want to show this pic. It’s not clear what are in the picture for people who do not work on bio-film)


Figure 7. The hardware that controls the exposing light during bio-film formation.

Then, we put the cathode running and monitored the current. As you can see in figure 8, the strain pMC, which were co-expressing Mtr CAB and Ccm A-H, had a stronger cathode current than the WT strain before the light was given, which perfectly repeated the result we have done in the conduction system section. After the current was stable, we began to give light to the system. The light’s wavelength is 455 nm and the source is a LED light bought from an online shop. The strain pMC with CdS quantum dots on it responded to the light stimulate. It had a stronger current than it was before the light was given. However, those strains without CdS quantum dots on it did NOT respond to light stimulate. Especially, for the pMC group without CdS quantum dots on it, it did NOT have any current change after we give light to the system, which excludes the possibility that the current change was resulted from the Mtr CAB proteins or the Ccm A-H protein. Moreover, after we stopped the light, the current got back to the level it was before we gave the light.


Figure 8. CdS canincrease cathode current.

CdS quantum dots can speed up the electrons transfer process, pumping more electrons from the electrode to the bacteria in the same time utilizing light energy. This may results from the CdS quantum dots’ property as a semiconductor.

In summary, CdS quantum dots we provided can increase the cathode current with its semiconductor property in team XX’s experiments. Thus, this collaboration is fruitful with a new photosynthesis system developed, where they can further increase the speed of the electron transfer process that leads to the improvement of bio-film synthesis.


[1] Chu, L., Ebersole, J. L., Kurzban, G. P., & Holt, S.C. (1997). Cystalysin, a 46-kilodalton cysteine desulfhydrase from Treponemadenticola, with hemolytic and hemoxidative activities. Infection and immunity,65(8), 3231-3238.

[2] Wang, C., Lum, A., Ozuna, S., Clark, D., & Keasling,J. (2001). Aerobic sulfide production and cadmium precipitation by Escherichiacoli expressing the Treponema denticola cysteine desulfhydrase gene. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 56(3-4), 425-430. [3] Sakimoto, K. K., Wong, A.B., & Yang, P. (2016). Self-photosensitization of nonphoto syntheticbacteria for solar-to-chemical production. Science, 351(6268), 74-77.

Collaboration with UCAS

UCAS provides three promoter parts which they constructed this year for Our, helping to build up their parts library of input and output biobricks. We have connected our signal generator and their nitrogen so that we could detect nitrogen using these parts and pass signal downstream. On the other hand, We also helped them with the measurement of their parts about nitrogen sensor

Collaboration with Fudan-China

We have met up with Fudan_China and discussed the problem with the approximate process in their integrase model, which cause difficulty in their infinitesimal method. We helped them figure out an available algorithm in August, and we discuss the probability of divide their circuit into small individual part to execute specific problem, decrease the load in each cell.

Library construction

We collect part from other team to help with our project,constructing our library

This year, we have constructed several sensors and reporters as our inputs and executors to provide users more options when using the MagicBlock system. These blocks include lacI-lasI, which generates signals upon induction; pcons+GFP, which constitutively generates signals; lasR-GFP and lasR-mRFP, which present different fluorescence and lasR-amilCP, which gives bacteria resistance to chloramphenicol. Meanwhile, we also collected parts that can be reformed for our MagicBlock from other teams. For example, we have collected promoters that can sense nitrogen from UCAS, an auto-inducer quorum-sensing generator from SiCAU-China, a toolbox of recombinase from Fudan-China, cellulase and pectinase from LanZhou iGEM team, and Bt toxin protein from FAFU-China. In addition to part collection, we also reconstructed some MagicBlocks from characterized previous parts so that they can be integrated into our project. Thus our library was and will be continuously improved by users to increase the versatility.


For more details, refer to our collaboration pages


This year, we have attended many conferences and meet with many iGEM Teams.We have participated in CCiC in FAFU, and one of our team member, Mingzhe Chen, has be invited to give a short introduction about quorum sensing system.