Dr. Martin Smith is a computational biologist and head of genomic technologies at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia. His research revolves around biological mechanisms that control how genes are activated and repressed. Dr. Martin Smith is also an expert in Oxford Nanopore Sequencing and gave us very helpful information for sequencing of very low amounts of DNA and single cell sequencing using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell is a German chemist and head of the research group Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. His research focusses on the use of modern synthetic organic chemistry to synthesize naturally occurring modified DNA and RNA bases and to study how chemistry on DNA and RNA bases influences life. Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell is one of the leading experts on DNA and RNA chemistry in Germany.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lütkemeyer is the General Manager of BIBITEC GmbH. He gave us helpful advice concerning the construction and further development of the purification column eluX.
Dr. Benjamin Müller is the CEO of Biofidus AG, a bioanalytical company located in Bielefeld, Germany. During our meeting we discussed the pros and cons of the light-induced elution method. Furthermore, Dr. Benjamin Müller helped us with several questions about analytics of biomolecules.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Noll is cofounder of Xell AG and professor for cell culture technology at Bielefeld University. Together with Ole Weigelt, he advised us on the possible commercialization of our light-induced elution method and provided some insight into which companies might be interested in such a technology.
Ole Weigelt is tax consultant and lawyer at Weigelt Miersbach Uhlemeyer joint venture partner. Together with Prof. Thomas Noll, he advised us on the possible commercialization of our light-induced elution method and provided some insight into which companies might be interested in such a technology.
Raul Machado is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, Portugal, where he focusses on genetically engineered protein-based materials. He gave us advice on finding a method to build silk elastin like proteins by recursive directional ligation (pre RDL).
Dr. Nediljko Budisa is a Professor at the TU Berlin, Germany, at the institute for chemistry. He provided us with valuable information on the aaRS evolution process and gave us access to his lab for one week to work on our project.
Dr. Florian Richter is currently working at Bayer in Cologne, Germany, and greatly helped us getting started with the ROSETTA software for our modeling project.
Iker Valle Aramburu is a predoctoral fellow at the EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. He gave us valuable initial information on labeling non-canonical amino acids.
Dr. Sandip Jadhav is currently working at the department of organic chemistry III at Bielefeld University. As part of a team he provided us with necessary resources to synthesize our own non-canonical amino acid.
Dr. Marcel Frese is currently working at the department of organic chemistry III at Bielefeld University. As part of a team he provided us with necessary resources to synthetize our own non-canonical amino acid.
Dr. Norbert Sewald is Professor at the faculty of chemistry and head of the department of organic chemistry III at Bielefeld University. He and his team provided us with necessary resources to synthetize our own non-canonical amino acid.
Dr. Thorsten Seidel is head of the research group Dynamic Cell Imaging at the faculty of biology at Bielefeld University. He provided us with information on the fluorescence microscope and expertise in bio imaging and the FRET system.
Prof. R. Alta Charo is a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin Law School, USA. She gave us valuabel opinions on chances and implications of an expanded genetic code from an ethical and philosophical perspective.
Thomas Greiber is working at the Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Federal Office of Nature Protection) in Bonn, Germany. He gave a talk on the Nagoya Protocol, which was relevant for our work.
During the Labvolution Exhibition in Hannover, Germany, we were able to get in contact with many experts in the field and gather first information relevant for our topic.
Dr. Vitor Pinheiro is a lecturer in synthetic biology and at the ISMB in London, UK, and leader of the Pinheiro Lab. With his expertise, he gave us initial advice regarding our project as a whole.
Dr. Piet Herdewijn is a professor at the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences at the KU Leuven, Belgium. With his expertise, he gave us initial advice regarding our project as a whole.
Dr. Mario F. Feldman is an associate professor of molecular microbiology at the Washington University in St. Louis, USA While deciding on a project topic, he helped us with research with regards to the glycosylation in E. coli.
Dr. Floyd E. Romesberg is professor of chemistry and head of the RomesbergLab at the Scripps Research Institute in California, USA. During the beginning of our project, he gave us motivating advice on our project in general.
Dr. Melanie Schwarz is an account manager at Biolegio. She helped us with regards to oligonucleotides containing unnatural bases and gave us information on annealing and quality control of our work.
Dr.-Ing. Risto Kõiva is the administrative head of the Bielefeld Excellence Cluster "Cognitive Interaction Technology" (CITEC) workshops. He answered our questions with regards to the hardware design and provided resources for building our hardware.