The ligand docking algorithm basically consists of the following steps:
1) starting position is chosen randomly or defined an .xml file
2) placement of the ligand is modified by a random translation of a distance of 0.1 A in each direction and 0.05° around each axis
3) rigid body orientation and side-chain angles of the ligand are optimized using the gradient based Davidson–Fletcher–Powell algorithm. Afterwards, the corresponding energy function is calculate daccording to the Monte-Carlo method.
P= min (1, exp(-(Estart-Efinal)/kT). This move is accepted if the energy function decreases.
To find the optimal binding position, steps two and three have to be repeated 50 times.
This protocol has to be repeated N times.
N is depending on the size of the ligand, its flexibility (and therefore the size of the conformational ligand ensemble), and the binding site between 1000 and 5000.
The process is summarized in Fig.
Within the scope of the evaluation project, 3D structures of the mutated tyrosyl aaRS of Methanococus jannischii are required. Unfortunately, there are no x-ray structure data available in the literature. Only sequences of seven aaRS`s which have been evolved on nitrophenylalanines were previously described [Peters et al.]. In order to predict the corresponding homology structures, we use the software “Modeller”.
TODO-- noch nicht ganz fertig daher kein text
Peters, Francis B., et al. "Photocleavage of the polypeptide backbone by 2-nitrophenylalanine." Chemistry & biology 16.2 (2009): 148-152.
Rosetta EnzymeDesign
For our project, we have to create a new aaRS for the non-canonical amino acid CBT. As this amino acid is synthesized for the first time, there is currently no suitable tRNA synthetase available to charge the tRNAs. Therefore, we applied the Enzyme Design Protocol in order to design the binding site of the synthetase in a way that allows it to form an effective and specific enzyme.
The ligand needs to be specified in the MOL, MOL2- or SDF-file format. Such a description can be obtained automatically by converting the relevant information from a PDB file if available. This conversion process usually also involves augmenting the data with hydrogen atoms that are typically missing from the PDB file. Alternatively, the ligand can be designed using SMILES or manually using tools such as Avogadro. In the next step, the SDF or MOL(2) file is used to create a conformer ensemble that is used to create a Rosetta parameter file. In addition to the specific names of all atoms present in the ligand, this parameter file also stores all bonds between the individual atoms, including the binding angles and binding distances.
- cst-file TODO noch in der Schwebe daher kein Text
The enzyme design algorithm
The enzyme design algorithm basically is summarized in Fig.