When developing Key.Coli, we found it was important to mathematically model possible situations so we could investigate the effects of different situations we might encounter throughout different stages of development as well as during implementation. Software was developed to compare the fluorescence levels with the mother colony to check if there was a high enough degree of similarity.
This information was used by the wet lab to assist them by informing them in what to expect. This was done through the use of programming to create visual graphs, simulations as well as development of tools to allow for comparing between fluorescence levels to be done without needing to create anymore synthetic organisms as well as being far quicker.
The models weren't perfect at first: refinement from lab results helped to optimize and correct the models
To assist the processes within the Wet Lab by informing them and allowing for simulations. This would be especially useful when predicting the required fluorescence
Test our biological systems with conditions that might not be possible to replicate in a lab environment. This allows us to future proof our methods as well as identify any vulnerabilities
In order to achieve these aims, it was decided to create a simulation for measuring fluorescence intensity when given parameters such as protein concentrations and wavelengths of lasers added.